2. Matou Family

After waving Gaia goodbye, a bright light engulfed his very being. Regaining back his senses, he looked towards his surrounding to know his situation. The place where he was summoned was underground, A barren desolate environment where no light ever hopes to go through. He then heard a noise that demanded his attention. There he saw his master for the first time. Broken, his form wilting with every step. Ainz felt as if his master was not long for the world but Ainz could respect the fact his master would not falter even at his end. His determination was the one that enabled his summon.

"Servant Caster. I am Ainz Ooal Gown. Sorcerer King from the Sorcerer Kingdom."

He elaborated on the information given to him by the grail. As if a broken record a burst of laughter began to flow in the air. Then finally he noticed the other individual in the room. He was an old man but he was anything but normal. Slithering in his form he reminded him for nothing but hate, despair, and loneliness. Ainz pondered if he was heteromorphic after all individuals like him might put a wrench towards his plans. He ignored the old man to acknowledge his master. Before could speak, the old man suddenly moved. But instead of going towards him, he went towards his master.

"Kariya. You surpassed all my expectations who knew you found a working relic to revive a divine spirit."

The old man moved towards his master slowly "But as you have summoned such a being I have no need for you to act as a master. For you have accomplished your goal as such you are of no use to me than a broken toy."

With every step, a dark aura seemed to seep out of the individual.

"In the past the only reason I never moved for the grail as I did not have a strong enough of a servant. After all, what is the point of immortality if your dead.."

Suddenly his master fell to the ground and wailed in agony. All his suffering and pain would in the result end at nothing. A promise which forever remains forgotten.

"Kariya. As you have already assured my victory in the grail I have no use for you and besides, you could not even sustain a normal servant how will you control a divine one"

Kariya began to move away from zouken. But the pain was making him unable to do anything.

Kariya thought with a somber expression "Is this really it? Is this how I die? Sakura..."

Even in his death he could not help but wonder what will happen to his niece.

But before he could do anything in his final gambit for his life, he heard a muted scream striking his very soul. When Kariya opened his eyes he saw a spectacle beyond his imagination.

"You know old man even though I respect the elderly you really are pushing it"

Zouken looked surprised at Caster's behavior. After all when he saw Caster's sheet which stated he was evil. By no way, he should sympathize with the defect. Zouken regained his bearing and said to Caster "Well why don't you wait a while I will be with you shortly." Zouken said in such a tone that made Ainz think twice about him. But knowing that his master would not survive if he left he, therefore, came to a conclusion which was to remove the blight once and for all.

With that determination time finally stopped. Ainz for the love of his life could not get why people would look down on others even though the other party could be superior to them.

After knowing the gift from Gaia True Doppelganger he just wanted to turn in his human form and soak a bit in onsen not handle a creepy old man and his charades.

Ainz was angry that the old man was simply wasting his time and mood. Just being around the old man worsened Ainz's day.


Ainz then cast instant death combo so that zouken would die but for surety, he activated his flames of hell and directed upon the old man.

"In the name of Ainz Oowl Gown I give to my enemies a silent death but creatures like you do not deserve such mercy."

And so the world regaled in its normality as time began to move once more.

Before kariya's eyes zouken was a monster. A monster he could never hope to kill but seeing zouken fall in the ground before he left him scarred. As waiting for such a moment , flames suddenly erupted from all over his body.

Kariya was flabbergasted. One moment zouken was about to kill him but in the next, he remained still burning to death. Kariya could not help but notice an ironic justice. The one who consumed others though his worms were consumed by the flames. He could not help but giggle like a mad man.

"Master. Are you all right?"

Kariya looked to see Ainz standing a few ways from him.

Seeing a member of his family dead should sadden him. But he would shy from such emotion as if buried by the pain of betrayal. Kariya once had a dream. But he knew..he knew what his dreams would mean for his family. After all, he was a magus.

A boy once with emotion to take on the world but now reduced to a husk of his former self. Even though he simply asked what could've changed if he had taken the mantle of his family instead of fleeing from responsibilities. Kariya broke from the trance of his failures after all what good would such memories would bring if not despair. He then thought about his family and strive to make everything right.

For the first time, Kariya smiled. He smiled on many occasions but such smiles were always a plaster to conceal his feeling his sorrows his despair but now he smiled not for himself not for a family not for his future but for sakura. For she was finally free. Kariya faced Caster and then went on his knees

"Thank you....thank.you..I do not know how to express my feelings...In life, I saw not but despair, pain, and regret losing all for the sake of happiness but you..you gave me hope.thank..you for killing him"

Ainz saw Kariya on the ground. The scene struck Ainz gravely. He too ran from everything worked hard for no purpose but to simply please others. A life without hope dreams or aspirations. Sadness erupted from seeing a reflection of himself. He knew not of this time he knew not of its people but even the accursed undead as he was could not suppress his feeling. Seeing his happiness reminded him which he had long since forgotten. His roots, sadness, and sorrows it resonated with him. Ainz knew what he had to accomplish and without saying anything in comfort he simply went towards Kariya and hugged him.

"You have suffered enough."

Kariya could not hold it anymore the release from the past the despair at losing sakura and dread of failing the ritual and everything struck him at once and then he cried. Even though Ainz's robe soaked his tears he would not let go.

Life had shown Ainz many of its wonders. He had taken countless lives in his feast for conquest. Killing everything to forget his connection towards his humanity. As such emotions never took precedence in his life. Striving for goals after goals walking in a straight path with no hope or future instead of in fear of being toppled by a storm which would certainly cripple his conquest.

He lost shalltear once, he himself after all was the one responsible. he was the one who should not have failed his children but still, he failed and paid the price of losing his daughter. So he discarded his emotions. Countless beings died but when he had to end shalltear's existence he felt true despair and such he confronted her to right his wrongs. For millennia the man who dropped his emotion never looked back. Phantom pain coursing through him seeing himself in Kariya's place and shalltear in the one Kariya sought to protect. Ainz vowed he would save the individual no matter the cost. If not he would be betraying the memory of nazarick he would defile shalltear.

Kariya had not much time left. Without zouken inhibiting the worms inside Kariya he would be devoured. But even then he sported a smile.

"Caster. I have not left much in regards to time as such in the place of mine protect sakura....she is the only family I have left in this world."

Kariya could not say more as he was mostly consumed but even then he remained strong. Ainz asked Kariya "Master even though you are leaving know such that I have the means to resurrect you"

Kariya was touched. He knew resurrection was the magic of gods and bound to be expensive for caster. He appreciated his good gesture but declined.

"If you have the means....use it for sakura even if in the future she refuses so...good..bye.ca..s.terr..."

Kariya finally closed his eyes free from his shackles of pain and torment. Ainz could not help but lament in Kariya's fate. Could god be so cruel to not grant even a sliver of happiness to the worthy? With such feeling, he vowed again to show sakura happiness and to make her feel loved. If God was against her happiness then would fight against him. The entire Ainz Oowl Gown would protect her as to show respect to a nameless hero in place of god.

Putting down his body respectfully Ainz made his way towards sakura. Sakura seeing ainz coming out of the basement alone inquired of his uncle.

"Excuse me! Do you know when uncle Kariya will come? He promised me that we will be together."

Ainz was in his mask but thought to change in a more normal form as not scare a little child. He held sakura in his arms and said of Kariya's departure.

Sakura could do nothing but show her sadness. Ainz produced some candy from his inventory after all such delicacies were an everyday item in nazarick. Sakura took a bite of it and smiled Ainz could not help mimic her expression.

"Sakura. The matou family is of no more. They are now but a forgotten history in time do you wish to take its name?"

Sakura thought for a brief moment but the name resonated only the feelings of despair towards she looked at Ainz and asked for his opinion he simply mentioned his uncle and explained not all members are monsters in this family.

Matou Mansion Night (4 pm):

Sakura could not sleep. Hearing his uncle's departure hurt her hard. None has been more of a family than his beloved uncle even more than her real father and mother and so she unconsciously started crying.

Ainz feeling such negative emotions from outside entered her room and held her in his arm. She wept and wept while muttering "why me? why does everyone leave me??" Ainz held her close until she calmed down. Finally, she asked if ainz would leave her as well.

Ainz resolved himself and said looking at her in the eye as long as she does not tire from his presence he will stay with her as her Servant, as her friend as her family. Sakura could not help but start crying once again. After all, she now will never be alone and even at her sleep, she smiled. Ainz could not help chuckle at her antics while thinking about what he would do to anyone who would corrupt her. That day Ainz made a bond. A bond for lifetime crossing the very aspects of time. He was human once again...

That day Suzuki Satoru and Ainz became one. Striving for a better future breaking out of its shell...