13.Discussion on the future

Now that the base of the story is done the entire creative rights of the routes belong to me.


After much brainstorming i created the routes which this story might follow:(totally random i swear;)

1. Sakura Ending: Good or Bad (Mystery) (Shiro kills Ainz:)

2. Artoria Pendragon :True Empress Ending

3. Fate/Stay night ending (the good ending with harem and loads of death)

4. Ainz Oowl Gown ending (killing alaya and becoming the new god)

and if stick with it for that long:

5. Surprise surprise best girl prisma illya ending (Ainz's bleeding heart can't leave a loli behind;)

6. Sasuga Ainz-sama route (Ainz kills everyone just because:)

Feedback may determine sequence or it may truly be random....heh.