Ainz felt a certain flux of energy close to the dojo exit and decided to focus on such for being paranoid of what he did not seem to know. But truly his worries were unneeded, for the person herself meant no harm to either him or child sakura herself.
Deciding to make herself known the women finally spoke with tenderness in her voice which made ainz consider for how long had she watched them in their spar,
"Despite being a caster class you sure have your way with a blade. Were you too a knight in serving around your time."
The melancholy in her eyes was apparent to Ainz. He too had spent such times reminiscing about his friends in the past. For such Ainz changed his demeanor. From a king speaking to a king to a kindred spirit who failed to protect what he cherished the most.
"Yes, Artoria. I too was once a knight serving my nation for what I believed was right. But alas in the end it mattered not. For wishes would indeed, in the end, remain wishes and those who stood above shall fall for such is the hardships of one's own kingship."
Ainz remembered his battle with the last emperor of the Re-Estize Kingdom. Their sentiments lied the same, for truly in terms of desire they were of equal. For the happiness of their people, both nations waged wars against the other, until one finally perished. Zanac might have been the one and only at the end that understood Ainz the most. For they were kings who stood as a beacon of hope towards their people.A light in the everlasting darkness covering what others would likely not know.
Alas, he too met his end through the betrayal of his own people.
But still, he smiled. Even though his kingdom would fall, every life would extinguish for reasons so selfish but till the very end he never once thought to scorn Ainz. For him caster's desire was pure, a selfless act toward one's own people. For how can a man hate someone for something seemingly out of his control.
Fate had in no meaning dealt with all equally and as such the noble king departed towards the afterlife where he too was once more reunited with his family and his people all the more.
Tragedies as such were common in his time. Which sometimes made him wonder what could have happened if ainz never existed. If Suzuki Satoru was not obsessed with the game and led a happy life in his timeline.
In the end, they simply remained thoughts that will forever be unfulfilled.
Artoria continued " What you are speaking is indeed true. For a king can not stand equally with others for their sentiments will never be known to them. As such a king is forever destined to remain alone. Hated, scorned but even then works toward a goal where their people will live in prosperity and happiness."
Ainz smiled. The thoughts and conflicts in her mind reached him for he knew more than others of the pain and sorrow of losing their closest ones and protecting the weak under them. But Ainz disagreed on one notion, for a king is destined to be alone but it should not mean that there would be none who understands them but even so without understanding her life it remains difficult for ainz to call her out and so he said,
"Yes, you are right or maybe not. For who can say as each king had hardships of their own. Similarities between ones time are hard to come by."
Artoria nodded in acceptance. As she too wanted to know more about caster. Her legend was too widely known and spread even in the current timeline but caster was an enigma for no book talks of his exploit or his battles and sorrows.
A hero unknown to all other timelines
As such, she felt the desire to know more of such a hero, a king who to have walked a similar path. For the longest time she thought of them as the same but that was wrong. Where she had failed,Ainz had followed through.
An ideal timeline...
A wish in the stars...
She mused in her own childish thoughts.
Even though ainz had said to her own benefit for standing till the end but she was conflicted. For this time had no pleasure to provide her. Even though she liked irisveil and her desire of wanting to aid her. She clearly was now too impatient.
Watching the duel between child sakura and ainz reminded of her own training with sir ector and kay in her childhood. The wish to do everything once again truly overwhelmed her when even in the greatest of odds sakura had not given up but had waged on to fight once more.
The happiness, passion, and joy released from her pricked artoria to no ends for she reminded her on what she had lost on her own journey. As such she was captivated. There remained no elegance on sakura's form or strikes, she was but an amateur at best but even still she came out victorious.
Such events were such which compelled artoria to do something which even went against her form of chivalry...
"I have come to a decision caster."
Ainz knowing well why she came all the way here and what she might be asking decided to let her continue,
"The proposition which you have given to allow me to redo my past,I accept."
"But surely won't you see through the upcoming battles for they might provide you the answers you seek."
Artoria spoke but now with a determination of a king "Such might have remained to be true in the past before I met you but now the war is not of any concern to me. At least not anymore.."
She continued, " All those remain in the battle now have their own desires, their own wishes to full fill. Staying now will only put me in jeopardy as I am likely a good target and for the second reason i cannot seem to trust kiritsugu and his ideal justice. Justice without power is no justice but the ravings of a madman. After all justice in an ideal world truly never existed. Thus such pursuit on his part will surely lead to his own demise. I have seen it as well as fell victim towards it."
Ainz nodded and accepted her reasoning. For truly this world had nothing to present those living under starry skies and in the embrace of nature. Ainz looked towards sakura and contemplated if he should bring her along with him or transport her to nazarick . Where he would declare her to be his child and allow her a piece of happiness.
Ainz's clairvoyance ability evolved after hopping worlds. It becomes so potent that the ability would allow small glimpses of the future and as such he knew what would happen to her had he leave her now.
"I accept your reasoning. But the process will require some preparation met me here at the dojo tonight "
He needed to think about what he would do now...