True Ending

I'm done.After receiving several comments on why ainz is beta. I'm done writing for now.

You want an evil ending then have it...

xxx..True Ending

Time passed. Morning became night as Night became evening. Arthur decided to give up on her wish as she simply departed to her time. Ainz decided to spend his rest of the life taking care of sakura. With that, the motion of life continued once more.Waiting for one who could understand him..

But it seemed the wait was beginning to end...

He found it.

The one who knew him and could understand him the most.Even if the world was against their love but even so they would make such work. For their lies no boundary between their love and affection.

For how long have he searched. Even though he knew of the futility of such wants .It had not deterred Ainz from his task. Taking care of sakura he met the said individual.Never had he thought that this said encounter would drastically change everything .His decisions of past, present and even in the future. For it may had been the best of all choices he had made.

A choice of eternal happiness....

The smooth touch of skin felt by Ainz jolted him to the present.Telling him that yes, he too had succeeded in achieving his dream,his own utopia. He simply rejoiced once more for gaining something precious something which he wanted for all eternity.He gained his avalon.

While thinking about his journey and all the perils he had been through to reach its ending he thought of what would change he a path he took was not the same.But to his delight the ending of a journey presented to him made him think twice of any other paths.So with that he looked at the resident individual lying in his arms.

"You shouldn't space out like that.Are you thinking of other women in front of me"

Ainz simply reassured those thoughts, "How could i do such, for you are the only one that i love, shirou"

And like that two souls became one....

The end...


Best ending ever