38. Percieval

Sir Lancelot, Once more stood at the gates escorting the special guest outside of Camelot. Again, the image of the smiling face of Arthur brought chills on his spine.

An upstanding knight he was and a noble king who was worshipped by his others. Her sagas against the battle of Riveria plains were proliferating towards and masses and nobles alike.

"Sir Percival. Even if the king decreed her orders to follow her onward to battle. Why are you cowering and wasting yourself, here?"

The smell of booze was rampant around this part of Camelot. Whores and swindlers filling the streets.

"You know my reasons far enough, Sir Lancelot. I hope I'm not being played a fool.."

He chugged another mug of ale to his mouth before silence filtered the place once more.

"A few months earlier if someone said that the upright king would do something this big, I would have called him insane. But now I do not even know who among us is more insane. Me for not believing his words or him, for it, being true"

Once again, in this dark and dreary corner in the night, he sat eying the river before his eyes. Guilt ate away on him. The first time, I entered, that dragon's church, I threatened to burn it. He hated that the king he knew changed, people were bound to change eventually. But his eyes viewed a strong and powerful ruler, who brought order to Britain.

The king now seems more lively, however, all thanks to that dragon, he abhorred that every aspect of it. Arthur choosing the dragon before them, still understanding dawned him, for she loved it.

The image of the strong king was merely an illusion, crafted by him and his brethren. Blinded to belief, they never looked at him, like an individual but as just someone sent by gods.

Honestly, in the beginning, perceival hated him. His guts and that holier than aura sickened him, to no end.

'What king, does not despair at his knight's death?'

Every time!!Every, damn time!! No matter, what battle it is, Nothing is on her face. It's like she never was a human but a doll acting like one. Still, perceival, as decreed by his god, accepted him as his king.

People say that the king was chosen by the gods. Only he knew that damn truth, Uther knew of his death and so, colluded with merlin, in order to create an artificial king for the safety of Britain. That's when Arthur was born, merlin implanted the essence of the dragon, inside of him and started brainwashing him to create an ideal king.

Its was all going well. The feat of magic, the prophecy and eventually he became the true king but,

...it backfired as he was too perfect.

Once again, sipping his booze. He looked at the sky, seeking some kind of revelation, however, in the end, he was met with an eerie silence.

"Lancelot du lac, I hated you, you know. Damn french, becoming a knight so easily, while it took me years, to get a seat. It grated my nerves to know, merlin vouched for you, giving you the seat instantly" He spoke deliriously and uncaring of his image entirely.

"You're drunk...As a knight, it does not portray us well, to drink and crawl on the streets"

"Uptight as always. What, you gotta stick upon your ass as well?"

"Hah...It feels like babysitting a toddler. What brought your pain, did you see one of your one time flicks with another guy? Even I would drink, the whole night, if I had to tolerate that?"

"HAhahahaha....that was good. Who knew, the french were good comedians." Feeling anger rose in his mind for being mocked like that, Lancelot made to leave.

"I miss the old times, you know. The moment when he was a wet behind his ears king...without living his life, without much plotting or facing other conquerors. Just us against the Saxons that was enough for me, at least. Now, it feels that he is going farther and farther away. Somewhere that I could never reach. None, of the knights, could." Lancelot sat beside him, forcibly drinking the booze.


"First time?" smirking like a madman he eyed Lancelot.

"It now makes us accomplices...I don't care if the king changes or not. For me, he was always distant. No matter, how strong I become, never could I surpass him and so it was never the thought of reaching him but to just make it to the starting line, itself..." Both men sat on the ground. knightly ethic lost to them as they eyed the moonlight, up above in the skies.

The distinction here was the same, like how one could only admire its beauty but never reach it.

"Perceival, I wish to ask as a knight, do you still support the church?"

"As a human, yes but as a knight, the answer still alludes me. Do you think, god exists, Lancelot?" the question itself was puzzling, Ainz even if self-proclaimed, had all the qualities of a god. Only his evil and undead nature forced one to not acknowledge it.

"No, if he did. Then we would never suffer nor the poor would die like dogs. A perfect world is what, I think a god would create. But such a thing is simple fantasy, just like god. If he was truly real, then, he must very cruel to make us suffer like this." If it was any other day, perceival would have made a huge commotion but for some odd reason. The thing with Ainz, his king betraying the path of the grail and his change made him, unable to counter his words.

"If a god truly exists, he would be like Ainz. Uncaring of humanity, just living with his loved ones in seclusion"

"Hmm...never knew you had such a good opinion on him" Instead of answering he simply looked toward the skies.

"...who knows."


As I have not written much in the past I am making up for it. Next chapter in a few hours...