21. Fanatics

'Gold blonde eyes and hair soothing the hearts of the weary.' were the first thing that came to the mind of this weary overlord. Solace is what she represents and life is what she seeks.

The unknown girl looked at Ainz in dismay when asked of her origins. The girl possessed wisdom on her eyes which was temporarily coated in a drape of misery and poverty. This shows her status as a fallen nobility. Her nails covered in dirt as her blonde hair filled with sweat but the serene expression and the sway of her body indicated otherwise of her status. This screamed to him of a deep questline one filled with dangers unknown as the rewards unripe. Ainz started to further evaluate this new specimen that broke through his barrier and entered his sweet home. Under his scrutinizing gaze, the girl fidgeted. She looked on towards this him with an inquisitive gaze, pondering whether she should speak or not. Silence heralded the peaceful night of his walk. Ainz however had not rejected this but simply let it continue. Later on, gathering her courage the girl spoke,

"It should be me who asks this question? This place feels of a cathedral more than some demonic cult. Are not you a servant of the Holy Biblical God?!!"


Ainz looked at her as if she had asked If the sun was black. Him a creature of darkness compared to a child of God? Irony knew no bounds to the words spoken by this winged women. Ainz himself in the lore was a being created by the void. The void is emptiness, its pestilence knew of no bound. Anything it touched would get consumed without end. It is indestructible as it remains unbendable. None in the nine worlds were brave enough to touch the void. For the void see all and when it speaks the world goes on silence.

The void represents infinity and only infinity can destroy infinity. But this stands as a paradox as for how would infinity consume such? Like the ouroboros, it simply devours the other to no end, consuming itself to infinity. This cool looking epic background was what made Suzuki Satoru give in to this heteromorphic race instead of the bland looking human race. The uninteresting flavor text 'The weakest race created by God as hated by Devils. You who are made of flesh and bones cast on earth, for you 'human' stand as a challenge towards the Devil. So stand as the greatest creation of God and strive for the path of light.' this however clearly stood as bullshit just to convert more and more in this unpopular race.

The human race itself in Yggdrasil was weak. As their bodies were filled with germs and easily susceptible to diseases. If one cannot kill a hero with their hands just spread a plague as such even the hero would succumb. A heteromorphic would not even require the use of their resource to destroy a human. But in exchange, they became the most hated race in their game. While others may call them shitty role players, not going with the flow. Ainz regarded himself as an individual against the system.

For humans are beings who remain easily influenced by the masses. If a product is popular no matter if it is good or bad others will pester you to buy it. For it is in our nature to discard rationality and embrace the feeling of acceptance of gathering something which is likely influenced by others' thoughts and as such people lose. Forgoing with the crowd is simply accepting weakness. The frailty of your mind unable to make decisive decisions when such matters the most. This eventually creates a cycle of depression in the future when none is there to guide you to your place. As such Ainz took the mantle of the few undead race instigated by the shitty GM. No fewer curses were thrown at them when implemented such methods for increasing human players count. He finally shook off those feelings and began thinking about the girl beside him.

Ainz began to calmly analyze the situation. An unknown girl in the dark of night this clearly screamed of a long bullshit story with too much character composition as such Ainz started to do the only sane thing.

" Let's go inside and then talk. The cathedral or my base is quite empty now."

The unknown foreigner meekly accepted his proposal and followed this underpaid overlord to his humble abode.

The forest was silent calling for the darkness to consume itself. The night was long for the devils and fallen made way to seek the rewards of their endeavor. While here the overlord strode forth in preparation to known of what this mysterious individual would place on his table. His journey was simply beginning.

Ainz went to contemplate an event that soured his mood once more, the peace and tranquility of his mind listlessly evaporated to the shrouding shadows of unbridled lies and deception.

Artoria decided to strode forth in the path of his religion. While that decision was quite favorable to him. It was not without its numerous problems.

Word got out of his small little home-produced infinite food as such people gathered here of all status, the good and the bad. Stealing and murder would have been rampant had he not implemented his strict policy on manners and behavior on this ground. Rumors spread around off such topics and little by little got exasperated to a point when people fear pointing even their blade here. While this might be a blessing but the fear in the people's eyes was not consolation enough to mend the heart of this overlord.

But in a stroke of bad luck, their cathedral ended up in his hands. Percival and Gawain entered the place to break all such possession in this cathedral as this place was meant for their god. That would be the first time, they saw Artoria expressing herself. Her disgust and unquenching hate was something that not even Ainz could damage control. It turned Perciveil and Gawain's legs to jelly. For their respected, on whose story spoke of valor and glory, the one individual who stood as the rightful king decreed by god himself would stand for another unholy one was something that shook their soul to its very core. It was like knowing the idol you liked your entire life had been married all along.

They looked at Ainz in rage and anger but such was meaningless for they knew of his exploits of his battles. While he might not have participated in the later ends of her campaigns he was sure there at the beginnings. A memory when Artoria in the capacity as a king asked Ainz to take the battlefield and not Momon in the battle of Badon.

In history, it was a minor victory of King Arthur. Many Britons lost their lives against the Celtic invasion. Artoria wanted to make an example, An example of the sheer might she possessed.

The battle was destined to end in slaughter for Artoria possessed little military might compared to Saxons. Where she would boast quality they boosted both the quality and quantity. In battles, both aspects were sides that determined the condition of victory. Humans were fragile as such no matter how strong individual forces were they never would stand in face of superior numbers in vice versa no matter the number the quality will always triumph quantity. In the end, this would simply revolve under the will of the respective rulers. A game of coins where victory could go on either side and so this made her furious for in the second trial her opponent overpowered her with a different strategy which clearly was not present in her first time. Artoria always believed herself to be different than her sister morgan but when pushed the right button she stood no different from her.

"Book Of Nazius"

The horns blazed,

Blood filled the rivers on the side as painted a visage of dread,

Despair ranked the people in their heart and soul,

The victory was unassured as the rightful king knew of none,

Of unturned tides roamed the teeth of the white one,

And such she made a verdict,

Betraying her ideals, to save the one who needs saving,

The call was made, the dragon was silenced for it seethed for glory and blood,

She called death to her enemies and wrote history in a different light,

A fire consumed others while water melted skin,

Tranquility was forgotten on such which happened on none,

Fiery blazes on the sky called for the ruination of those who stand against the tide,

The Saxons went ablaze in the call of the Rightful king,

As damnation ensued to those who followed.'

He once more remembered those words written by Sakura in the book of Ainz Oowl Gown. Ainz cried in his room that day out of sheer embarrassment of this event. He just used [napalm] and they died that was it. But that way she described the event made him think if she talking of the same person or if there truly was another individual named Ainz who could answer his questions.

She further went spreading tales of him and King Arthur. With his good marketing and reputation as one aiding Arthur, people decided to sack the low paying, freeloading god of the bible in exchange to join his humble cult where free food and good education was assured. Ainz smiled creepily thinking on how he stole god's clients and brought to his own religion(company). His people were slowly increasing in numbers while in the past he was mocked now they recall him as a hero and a god. But there were again problems which started because of this.

Somehow the people joining his cult became to overzealous. Ainz once insisted on the talks of salary and off days. Each and everyone simply went on their knees and begged him to not show them any more kindness.

With a mad glint they spoke, "We stand for the service of this humble god. A god who saved us in times of need. You, who is our savior need not do anything, anymore. For we are unworthy of your kindness as of now. My daughter when rotting on the streets is now living a life as a human while not bound by the norms of social statuses. She can eat now two times a day and work with a filled stomach. The education provided to us is also something we have yet to thank for. There are many here who remained destined to die if not you the god life and death showed us our way. We follow you for we see the light of hope from you as such there remains no reason to stop in the spread of your teaching. "

Ainz wanted to counter, "No!! I am not who you think I am"

But then his emotional counter kicked in, "You have well divined my intentions, Young one. Truly I am blessed to have children like you so devout in our cause. Ainz Oowl Gown stands for friendship, duty, and trust of which you have passed with remarkable colors"

"No. How could I know, such? Didn't your greatness divine such an answer by questioning our integrity to the cause. The answer was obvious but is there something more that I missed?"

Ainz did not speak but in the next moment, his head priest started laughing out loud.


Scary. Seeing someone stoic all the time suddenly laugh like this brought shivers in Ainz's non-existent spine.

"I understand now. There are heretics between us, as such for culling their numbers this question was asked. To know if we truly are devout to the cause or wearing the clothes to deceive others"

"You truly have seen through me. Head priest"

"No.No.I now understand why archbishop sakura calls you a god of unfathomable intelligence. Truly her words do you justice."

Ainz sweatdropped at those words and decided to carry through, "If you had already seen through me. You know what to do"

"Yes. Though it is a bit early we have to go with that"

"Yes. That!" Ainz wanted to desperately know what 'that' was.

"Of course, Your Greatness. I will start the preparations."

The priest left smiling. Finally, Ainz remembered an important question he forgot to ask.

"What was his name, again?" He sighed and decided to drop the matter for the future.



Sakura was here on the church once more writing the exploits of Caster in the book to spread his influence.

"And so the god of death says, ''Call me by my name sweet child' life returns his words and starts to do the dirty'. No this won't do!! This simply does not portray the magnificence of this exalted being. Haah..gotta write something believable now."

Such was the melancholy of this little girl trying to picture her beloved in her ideal image.

to be continued...


Wanted to write more but did not know if I should.

Should I provide more content in a chapter or more chapters, less content? Still confused about the fact...