36. Unusual Gathering 3

The gatherings were at its zenith but around that time, Arthur was busy tending on other matters.

"This is what I saw..." Merlin here stood with a revelation on hand.

"So, you realized, someone broke in this world from the reverse side?"

"Yes, the force this time will require my attention and so I ask that you should not leave Camelot for the time being"

"If that is your wish, merlin." Merlin's eyes now looked at him.

"Yes, and I will count on you to keep her safe."

"Of course," Ainz said but his mind wandered on something else. After using a two attack combo with Arthur. In her parameters, something had changed. The events of that day came into his mind.

"A noble phantasm?" the words brought a new mystery to his mind. The hypothesis proved true why his existence never kindled any kind of foreign intrusion towards the world.

He, himself was not viewed as an individual from the very beginning, the thing Gaia never mentioned was his incarnation to this world did not make a full servant but a weapon itself.

That is why his attacks, no matter how strong, were always as the strength of someone but who that someone was would never be identified.

'A glitch in the system' as long as he never acknowledges any individual as his owner. The world cannot suppress his abilities and even if suppressed will result in degradation of the mana from the owner, not the actual weapon.

'This is just broken' In his mind over and over again these thoughts hovered. After all, finding this exploit opened a lot of possibilities and so from that day on, he began incorporating his attacks with her.

Combining tier magic along with Magecraft. The magic of Yggdrasil still stands superior as magecraft excels in the destruction which is quite common but in an aspect of healing, it is the lowest of the bottom.

Killing is not the only art to survive a countless battle but healing as well. What if the regeneration rate is more effective than the degeneration rate? Even in efficiency, Yggdrasil magic is superior. The backstory's in his time in Yggdrasil is real-life Lores, in this world.

Causing his stats to go through an upgrade from the very beginning.

Coming back from his hypothesis he again eyed the cross-dressing king in front of him. To others, she was a chivalrous knight, A deity sent to protect the world but he knows her true essence.

"What do you have in mind?" She asked innocently, her expression nowadays causing him to stutter, the time since he teleported to her personal bath when she accidentally activated his gift. Since then whenever he looked at her, those images came to his mind.

'Albedo would have been disappointed' A king like him reduced to this extent. Again, as he was a king, he should apologize for that incident. Gathering his resolve he stood before her with a fierce expression in his face, like a soldier heading to sacrifice himself.


Arthur surprised with his attitude panicked,

"I'm sorry"

"What for?... eh" The incident happened a few days flashed before her eyes, making her stumble on her words. Though she was a king and so gender was irrelevant to her, still her mouth refused to believe so.

She wanted to say something in response but heat crept over face turning her red entirely. She wished to know, does he feel the same as her? The affliction, she nows is having grave consequences on their relation. Whenever she looked at Ainz, his glowing form emerges on her eyes. Making her think if this was his true form?

And also, she thought, Ainz in his dragon form looked cool. Making her sometimes, lose herself, whenever he enters the small version of it for convenience sake.

"Even I feel the same. So, I also would like to try...*to apologize*" Not hearing the last words, he said in a whisper. Arturia took this as a declaration for getting more close to her.

"That's too bold!!" She responded while looking away.

"Bold? I think its common sense rather it would look bad on me, if I, did not do so, after all the time we spent together..." A red hue crept on her face turning the situation even more unbearable for her at the end, she took a strategic approach and retreated.

"Where are you going?" Pretending to not hear anything she ran towards the banquet.

Sakura from the sidelines watched both their conversations. A sharp glint rose on her eyes.

Banquet hall:

She oversaw the conversations that were barely inciting a declaration of war, towards her and so she spoke. Her eyes stood indifferent, not even acknowledging their existence.

"Is that the final resolution, King Cherise" The girl beside the king, eyed Cherise's, frivolous and on the moment approach.

"Yes, We french, declare war on you. A monster draped in the coat of justice, someone like you a heretic, deserves no place on this world." Following his words, Erthius followed,

"We too would aid France, for your actions against our king. Rome declares war on Britain" and finally,

"You are too impudent, King Arthur. Killing people left and right. Did you think, there was no consequence for it?!!" Alexandria screamed as he bashed the table loud enough to almost break it.

"..." The entirety of the hall was silent.

"Killing innocent seafarers like slaves, killing the kind king Justinus and even throwing away our history, culture and the future. The plains of Riveria is drowned in blood, most of the people in France and Rome dying for food while you stockpile an ample amount of it. Where is your humanity? Have you become so selfish, to disregard their lives?!! " Little by little all eyes surrounding her was turning vicious as if condemning her actions, over and over again.

"The knights of the round. Best of the best, standing for the king, they believed would give salvation to the country. Where are they standing now? In the past when they were beside you, now they were under you. Tell me, where is King Arthur?" His voice said with such charisma and compassion, enough to move all of their hearts.

She threw them away, they had reason to act but still...

Lancelot and her knights of the round stood protectively before her,

"You are wrong, king Alexandria. The knights, we who served our king, know of his compassion." trying to incite their anger, he spoke.

"Why? The king here does not even acknowledge your existence...then why do you serve such a selfish king? You, all, are the children of God, why serve this heretic?"

This time Bedivere spoke, "What the king does in his personal time is of no matter to us. A king needs to be passionate, he needs to be fierce, someone that all look up to, he needs to fight grander than any other and live for the sake of others, that is what a king is. So, even if the king is a heretic and a monster as well, what we as subject need is his devotion and trust. That is what a true king, not an ideal but a person, we humans can reach..."

"...Than, are you, knights forsaking the light of god, as well. Know so, your words are simply not your words but the reflection of this nation! Would you still dare to speak them?"

"Yes, we would. For we stand as the knights of the round. Our devotion is for the nation, not for petty religious fanatics"

"HOW DARE YOU?" this time Cherise was one to spoke, his anger rose from seeing those knights. Their actions, telling him that they would rather, choose the heretic king than side with any other nation.

"It seems, the time of words has since long gone. King Arthur, would you have any final say in this? Not like it matters, but still for courtesy sake before this nation gets destroyed by the combined might of three nations, will you kneel and ask forgiveness?"

"No, you all not worthy of such actions."

"Even at this time, what brought in such confidence, please enlighten this unworthy fools as well? Or it that you pride as a king also blinded you to that?"

Tremors suddenly went through the ground. The entirety of the attendants panicked at this event. It meant as if an earthquake was happening but the knights were calm, not only them but Arthur himself eyed them viciously.

"You three declared war against me, so, easily, thinking of either plundering my resources or taking over this place" her entire demeanour had changed if before, she was indifferent, now, there was a maddening gleam in her eyes. Smirking while eying their expressions,

The tremors stopped, " What is the meaning of this..."

Before they speak anymore a shadow of a large entity went over the place. It was so so large that it almost covered the entirety of this banquet.

"Wha? What is that" Pristine obsidian black with a long tail and ocean blue eyes? With horns protruding outside, the dragon itself reeked of evil, filling each and every attendant's eyes with horror.

The evil dragon descended on the ground. The kings themselves expected a fight to the death. Cherise, getting close to his knight, Alexandria preparing his sword to counter but something rather unexpected happened.

The dragon, like a domesticated pet, lowered his head as Arthur himself started petting it. This horrifying scenario revelled upon their eyes,

"I accept your declaration. Britain, too, declares war on Rome, France and Persia along the Indus itself"

Their throats parched being reminded of their actions before. The very visage of the dragon along with the king, representing the red dragon numbed the minds of each and every attendant.

Fear, despair and sorrow soon enclosed the hearts of these three kings.