53. Battle Of Two Fronts Part 3

Although it was also embarrassing for Ainz he still held Arturia close to his arms. In his eyes, she was still a patient and Ainz didn't wish her to push herself too much for something she might have been destined to fail.

In their own silent harmony, both reached the exterior of the old manor. A magical barrier was placed there to protect this manor from wary eyes. However, the moment they passed inside, the entire image changed.

A robust and beautiful architect stood before them. Two guards were stood at its gate. Artoria approached them while being followed behind by Ainz.

Silently Artoria presented them her invitation card. Both guards looked at her skeptically. However, seeing something special about the card, they held their words and allowed her entry, with respect.

In Artoria's mind, she thought as if this was the respect for the king and acted nonchalantly on their behavior. However, alarm bells rang in Ainz's head.

'Was the letter somehow special?' To him, their abrupt change in behavior was too suspicious. '

They wanted something from her but if it was as such, only a handful of individuals would know, to limit competition, the guards themselves wouldn't have knowledge regarding her true worth.' That in the end, gave him one hypothesis that she was marked by some old antique family. Knowing Artoria's draconic lineage, this meeting might be a problem.

The invitation was solely for Artoria and so Ainz decided to use his invisibility spell and tag along from the shadows.

'Should I kill them?' mulled Ainz over and over.

However, he still held himself back and decided to lay visage to their charades in order to understand their true motives.

"You may enter, your majesty"

With a dignified gait, Artoria moved inside the manor. Contrary to the exterior the inside was booming with people indulging in their primitive vices. Each engaging the other in a poor battle of words.

The moment Artoria entered, the entire manor stood in mute silence.

All eyeing her with a hungry glint in their eye. Each having, their own agenda. From his time ruling, Ainz could easily decipher their hideous intentions towards Artoria. To the point, even she was taken aback by their hunger-filled looks.

Some approached.

"Welcome, your majesty, you must be the heir to House Pendragon. House Arrien would like to welcome you" With his proclamation of acceptance, others soon bandwagon behind him.

"Yes, Relph Arrien is right. We mages work on a concrete goal something which stands beyond the world and ensures stability for the future of mages as a whole. We too welcome you" The honey dripping words felt practiced.

As if...

...it was an ambush.

Still, Ainz silently continued to watch.

Little by little, the place became lively. Some drowning deep in their vices. Drinking, as well as indulging others in their selective gathering. This painted a horrible picture of the sad mentality of the old nobility, Ainz read in the history books of his time.

Artoria silently sat in a corner while Ainz followed and hid behind.


"It seems the party has started, Miss Bathomeloi"

A sleek and beautiful lady without an ounce of emotion in her face eyed the banquet from her floor. Mages of excellent calibers were represented by their grand houses for this coalition. However their objectives today was to snag the young and immortal king of the House Pendragon.

Dragons were rare, however, today they wanted something more, most knew the king of Britain to be dead. After all, they saw it with their own eyes.

But, he was alive. This knowledge forbidden as it is, caused mages all around to watch her with wary eyes. Coming back to life is an act of god. No matter how bitter it may sound to have failed to reproduce the effects. In defiance to their worldly knowledge stood someone to prove them wrong.

As such, they hatched a plan to pull Arthur to this banquet and take him for themselves.

This will cause the fabled dragon of Arthur to come out from its barrow and allow them to stage an army of mages to stand and capture the dragon. This way both the immortal king and the dragon would be in their hands.

This plan was devious even in her mind, still, as a mage and one indulging in the arts of magic. She couldn't let this chance go.

'From the reports, the dragon is said to be equal to an army of peasants. This should be in our favor' and with a vindictive smile she rose from her seat and made her way to capture two dragons.

Bareth Barethomeloi, the firstborn child of house Barthomeloi. Despite being a woman she still was the best in her family. Betrayal ran its course all around her family and she simply watched while fulfilling her research giving Bareth, the chance to be the representative of her old antique house.

'If I fail today, my head will surely roll' pondering on such thoughts she made her way, downstairs on the banquet.

Some looked at her, amicably while others with vicious hate. Bareth was beautiful and that too became her sin. Still with her beautiful red dress and elegant behavior she made sure to silence any dissent and focus on the plan.

"Today is a very special day for mages as a whole. Earlier we hid, like rodents in fear of being persecuted for being a mage. Our arts were forbidden and deemed heretical. Still, we never lost our path or even gave ourselves to the social current of the world. We stood strong, we stood powerful and so House Berthomeloi applauds all your bravery and welcomes you to this one in a century coalition"

Her voice was strong amplified by magic, sweet as honey when she spoke, alluring those with weak minds.

Like poison, it spread all around as she watched silently on their expressions. Most filled to the brim with confidence in their hearts. However, some mages still resisted her spell while looking at her with silent scrutiny.

"So i-"

"Why was I called?"

Before Berrath could say anything more, she was rudely interrupted by her new target. Holding back her anger instead, she smiled and decided to work her magic.

"Dear King we woul-"

"Cut the bullshit" Bareth was confused. Normally, one has to have the knowledge that she had used her charm magic before they can negate it. But it was the first time, her magic was repelled so strongly.

There was not a single emotion in Arthur's face and little by little others too had changed to their old disdainful behavior.

'So much for finishing the job peacefully. ' She silently signaled the Archibald heir to restrain the king. With a nod, light mercury hardened in her target's feet. Little by little restraining her hands and feet both.

And so the mighty dragon of pendragon house lay before all, laying like an ant before them.

"Should we dissect him"

"No, we should take him to the manor"

"Are you serious this was a collective effort, we too want the dragon's essence part as part of our house heirloom'

The chatter of surrounding nobles turned more and more vicious each wanting a piece of the king's body.

For Bareth however, it was a shame. In her eyes the king was handsome. She might have to fight if she has to take the specimen as a whole. But seeing the individuals act like rabid dogs in front of precious meat she had to make changes to her decision.

In the end, Bareth decided to cut off Arthur's hands and legs and take the rest and make Arthur, her own personal doll.

'Seeing the defiant king begging for death may be worth it.' She thought as her face took a demure change.

With such thoughts, Barrath approached to claim her catch...