The Sorcerer Endures

"XueYa, are you sure you are not hurting still?" LiangLin asked, eyeing XueYa nervously under the warm coppery glow of the setting sun that lit the surrounding white walls up in autumn shades. "I can walk, you know."

Some droplets of sweat were still flowing down XueYa's visage, matting his hair, but XueYa didn't relent his hold. 

"Your chillies are the best. I've never felt so energized!"

LiangLin chuckled but said no more, he only buried his face in the groove of XueYa's neck, basking in his warmth. Despite feeling content, there was still something missing. LiangLin sighed, brushing his cheek against XueYa's collar.

XueYa had no scent. Why did this fact worry LiangLin so? 

LiangLin couldn't pinpoint why it bothered him, but he couldn't push it aside either. He wanted his snake back, just so that he could scent out XueYa, familiarize himself with the scent of the man he lov - no - liked - a lot.