The Sorcerer Finds Out The Truth

XueYa was sure death was less painful than loving LiangLin. The chilli had wreaked havoc on him, and he could barely walk on his flimsy feet after spending the time he could have spent on making love, half-lying in the outhouse like he was about to die. 

The moon was already in full bloom over the cloudless sky, lighting his path with its silver glow.

LiangLin must have fallen asleep by now. XueYa had been gone for too long. And after slaving away in the kitchen during the day, LiangLin should be exhausted. XueYa would let him rest for now. If he returned back to their room, he would just disrupt LiangLin's beauty sleep. 

Since he wasn't tired yet and the night was still young, XueYa trailed his way along the walls, thinking over his plans. If Le Rong had stolen the pages about the dragon bracelet, just maybe, XueYa would find out a way to return LiangLin's snake once he got his hands on those pages.