
XueYa stood by the railing, overlooking the calm blue sea. Against the horizon, they could see an island where the tall buildings made of white marble stone reflected the light like a jewel.

Not long, and they would be at the capital, Wushu.

Zhou was controlling the wind along with the rest of the crew, manoeuvring the ship towards the island. With Tao, he could handle it alone with his powers, but since they left him on the island of lust to watch over LiangLin, the rest of the crew had to exert their powers.

"What are you going to do about Sheng Hai, Captain?" Feng MuLing asked as he stepped beside the Captain, enjoying the midday sun as it warmed his cheeks.

"I haven't decided yet," XueYa leaned over the railing, the light wind sending the strands of beads over his scarf to tangle with his hair.

If LiangLin was here, he would be already all over XueYa, trying to fish the threaded beads out - aesthetics his lover would have chirped.