He Always Has a Plan

"I'm going to be sick," LiangLin already recalled how the earth moved beneath his feet the last time he surrendered his zodiac animal to be stolen by the dragon bracelet. It was terrible. He was bedridden for days before they finally shipped him away to Luhan.

All those preparations to get him away from XueYa's claws and here he was now - running after the man like a blind idiot in love. How the times had changed.

"You can also stay on the ship if you don't want to part with your zodiac animal now," Uncle Hua offered with a mischievous gleam in his eyes. "That just means you won't be there to see XueYa go on trial. It's not much to miss. He might just die, no big deal."


This guy! LiangLin wanted to strangle the old geezer but held the wish to himself - the man had a point, irritatingly.