Tao Was Wrong

"My love-"

The door to Captain's cabin on Sheng Hai's ship slammed in XueYa's face, and this time, there was not even an ounce of forgiveness apparent in the snake god's eyes.

XueYa had tried to explain to LiangLin that as long as they were still within Wushu's perimeters, he couldn't spill on his plans or reasoning behind killing Feng MuLing.

All the while, LiangLin was convinced he had married a psychotic murderer and locked himself away from seeing XueYa. He wanted to go home and never see him again. Period!

Mang HuaZhen had been happily observing the couple on the side, earning angry scowls from his son. "Wait till we catch up to Sheng Hai, then you two can explain everything to Lin'er."

"Old man-!" XueYa almost spat blood, his eye piercing as they fell on Tao, who was hiding behind Mang HuaZhen pitifully. "I left him on that island for a reason! I expected you to look after your son-in-law, not drag him here!"