Marks of a Beast

"LiangLin…?" XueYa scraped at the wooden door for the hundredth time, yet no answer.

The Captain's Cabin might as well be empty. So silent it was inside.

Should he kick the door in?

Until now, XueYa had tried his best to get some sort of answer ready for his love. But how in the world was he supposed to explain anything, if LiangLin didn't want to listen to what he had to say?

"I'm sorry."

XueYa no longer knew what he was apologizing for. For being a sorcerer, for doing what he did to survive, for sacrificing a friend, for trusting his instincts, for ever stepping into Hei'ang and meeting LiangLin.

In the end, his mistake started from going to Hei'ang.

If he never went there, he would have never met LiangLin, never had to hold back in his ways to reach the top. Never have to worry about his lover's safety, fear rejection or disappointment from his loved ones.