
XueYa stopped before the entrance to the lower deck. The air turned chilly around their feet, caressing their skin and leaving behind patches of goosebumps.

"He is down there?" Tu ShuYin mumbled, his eyes cast down the dark wooden steps. Red irises turned to meet XueYa's steady gaze, and XueYa offered the rabbit shifter a nod.

"We encased him in ice to slow down the poison from spreading," XueYa lied through his teeth.

But Tu ShuYin didn't notice it. He was already heading down the steps, but XueYa reached out and stopped him in his tracks.

"The pearl," XueYa reminded him.

There was no guarantee the shifter would hand over the pearl after seeing Sheng Hai's ice coffin. It was best to get the artefact to himself now.

"Can you save him?" Tu ShuYin's visage stayed emotionless, voice firm, level. Only his pupils gave his turmoil away as they quivered, spilling over the red irises, drowning them in darkness.