Almost hopeful

Tao leaned over the steering wheel, propping his chin upon his palm. The night was long, the fatigue slowly consuming him, and he soon fell asleep while standing.

So, he didn't notice as the seawater bubbled beside the hull of the ship. Nor how a water pillar rose and carried with it a man, he was currently having wild and – definitely, wet - dreams about.

Only when the man literally dropped right next to him did Tao jerk awake and smash his face in the steering wheel on his way down to the ground.

"Wh- What?" Tao yelped, seeing stars as his cheek flared from the impact as if someone just smacked him across the face. 

Tears brimmed in his eyes, and he no longer felt sleepy when strong arms helped him stand back on his feet. Blinking his eyes furiously, the world cleared of stars, and large white pecs stared back at him.