The Cat and his White Rabbit, Tu ShuYin [3]

Tu ShuYin pulled at his restraints as subtly as possible, but the coarse ropes only dug further into his thin skin, chafing them painfully red.

The light, fluttering sound of robes caught his attention, and blood-red irises trailed back to the pirate standing awkwardly in the middle of the room.

Tu ShuYin blinked once, trying his best to keep his attention on his captor - but the room was only faintly lit with a single candlelight over the study table. 

The flame flickered against the far wall, painting everything sickly yellow.

The figure didn't move, the oppressive silence deafening.

Captain Sheng Hai.

That was what everyone around the island and on this ship called him - his captor.

His mate.

Tu ShuYin yanked at the rope again, heart thrumming against his ribs as the man took a step closer, his shadow looming over the bed.