The Cat and his White Rabbit, Tu ShuYin [4]




The scent of rotting flesh filled Tu ShuYin's senses. His stomach twisted and pinched. The bile climbed his throat, burning him inside out along its way, but he forced it down.

Sheng Hai leaned over his body, fingers pulling and tugging at the ropes tied around Tu ShuYin's wrists gently. Each touch made the rope rub against his already abused skin, sending shots of pain down his numbing arms and shoulders.

But the scent overwhelmed him and deterred him from feeling any pain as Sheng Hai worked on the knot.

Tu ShuYin could recognize the scent of death anywhere. He had encountered dead carcasses of animals around the perimeters of their clan. The flesh that little wild animals had torn apart, organs pulled out to rot away under nature's mercy.