The Mangs

"Only the ones in the high council of sorcerers have the ability to use crows for more than just sending messages," Feng MuLing said after LiangLin told them about the crow watching over XueYa's mother's body.

LiangLin didn't know what all of this meant in the grand scheme of things, or what exactly happened in XueYa's past, but he felt a weight settling in his guts.

Whatever it was, was not good.

A light wind brushed through the barren yard of Peony Pavilion, sending chills down LiangLin's spine, and he noticed too late that he was severely underdressed for winter.

Yating noticed LiangLin's discomfort and nudged Feng MuLing with his elbow, before saying, "Perhaps we should get inside. It is too cold."

"I don't want to bother-" LiangLin started feebly, but Feng MuLing was already upon his feet, ushering his pregnant lover and the snake god inside the main hall.