
"What brought you here, Ximeng?"

Liu Ximeng's smile twitched, his tiny moustache quivered, but Le Hong didn't notice it in the low lighting. With quick steps, Ximeng scurried over, walking up the two steps to reach Le Hong and the square table.

The tray on his hand was gingerly placed next to the open book before Liu Ximeng sat down by his wife's outstretched feet. 

"You haven't eaten anything today," Liu Ximeng started, his gaze flicking to the open book of spells as he reached over to pour some tea into the empty cups. The language used in the book was an old one, and Liu Ximeng never truly paid attention in class to be able to read the forgotten language. "I thought you would like to eat some of your favourites."

The air seemed to chill, the tension growing as the aromatic scent of tea rolled off the cup, but Liu Ximeng ignored it.

He had to act normal.