System (Rewrite/Edited)

(AN: I'm Rewriting and Editing this chapter!)

(This fanfic was my first attempt to write the story in the English language!)

(Maybe I will make some mistakes because I don't have enough skills!)

(Btw, Enjoy The chapter!)

---- Chapter 2 ---

In the cottage, we can see a kid with blue hair and blue eyes staring at the ceiling.

''Hao'er...'' a familiar voice of a woman comes from the kitchen.

A blonde woman with a warm expression comes with a bowl of warm porridge in her hands.

''Mom...'' Yuhao said while looking at his mother in this world.

''Hao'er... eat this porridge.'' Huo Yun'er said while calmly sitting next to Yuhao and then taking a spoon of porridge toward Yuhao's mouth.

''Un,'' Yuhao replied while opening his mouth.

(Warm.) Yuhao thought while feeling the taste and warmness of the porridge in his mouth.

''Does it taste good?'' Huo Yun'er asked with a little worried.

(Sigh, Looks like she uses all of the ingredients to make this porridge.) Yuhao thought, he knows that the rice in the kitchen almost runs out, no, it's already run out because of this porridge.

''Mm, This porridge is delicious!'' Yuhao replied with a smile.

After eating the porridge made by his mom, he didn't know why, but somehow he suddenly felt sleepy.

''Is it because of this body? No, It's because I still haven't adapted to the world and the events that are happening to me right now!'' Yuhao muttered after a shocking experience that he has been thoroughly in just one day!

''Hao'er, Are you sleepy?'' Huo Yun'er asked while looking at her son.

''Un,'' Yuhao replied with a nod.

''Let's sleep then!'' Huo Yun'er said with a smile while hugging him.

Closing his eyes, Yuhao then sleeps with his mom and then drowning in the dream world.

--- In the voids ---

A ball of white light glowing while floating in the void quietly, and after a few seconds, we can see the ball of light shaking and making small clicking sounds.


Metallic/Robotic sound echoing through the void!

[Booting the system]

[Searching for a suitable host]


The ball of white light starts glowing brightly in the darkness of the void.

After that, the ball of light disappears from the void and appears at Douluo Continent or more precisely at the sky of the Star Luo Empire...

Descending from the sky, that white ball of light flying to the cottage behind duke white tiger mansion, the ball of light enters that small house and then floating above Huo Yuhao head!

[A suitable host has been founded.]

[Binding system with host soul]




[Binding is successful]


In the god realm, we can see a handsome man with a golden trident mark on his forehead!

That handsome man has long blue hair like flowing water and opening his eyes, he showing us a pair of blue eyes that have a slight disturbance.

''Hmm, I feel a space disturbance...'' The blue-haired man murmured.

''Douluo continent!?'' He added with a little confused.

''I have to check it out...''


A voice of a woman comes from behind that man, and when the blue-haired man heard this familiar voice. A smile appears on his face while turning around.

A woman with a beautiful face and figure appears in the room, and she had brown braid hair come to him with a smile on her face.

'' What the matter Xiao Wu? '' asked the man with blue hair with a smile on his face when seeing his loved wife come to him.

From the smile on his face, we know that he really loves his wife.

''Hehe, Our honey! right now is messing with Rong Nianbing because he doesn't give her that multi-layered glazed pancake!'' She said with a chuckle because her cute daughter, always causing many ruckuses in the god realm!

''She even tried threatening him with his daddy!'' She added, making the blue-haired man sweating for a little.

''Ehem, Sigh, Our daughter is always loved by gods in this realm.'' The blue-haired man replied with a smile.

''But then, her mischievous nature came from, it was your active personality, so it can be expected that our daughter to be so playfully...'' He added with a lovingly smile while watching his wife who, blushing right now.

''Hehe, Even though it came from, she becomes like that because you, spoiling her, right!'' The woman retorted.

''What do you mean by spoiling her! it is a father's duty to spoil his Children!'' The man with blue hair said.

''...'' The woman wryly staring at her husband! But what can she do? She also loves to spoil her daughter, but her daughter playful nature always made some of the gods angry because she was always pranking them all!

Seeing that he can make his wife lose in an argument, the man with blue hair can only shake his head wryly.

''So, before I came, what are you doing?'' The woman asked while tilting her head cutely and looking at her husband with a smile.

(Cute!) the man with blue hair Thought while looking at his wife lovingly, he still remembered when they are still a child in the academy

''Well, it's not that important!'' He said while shaking his head.

''Oh, Is that really not important?'' She asked!

''Yeah, how about I cook some soup for you!'' The man with blue hair said to change the topic of the conversation!


unknowingly by this man, that space disturbance will cause a problem in douluo world, but unfortunately for him, his daughter will be one of the main factors of the problem


Back in douluo world, the sun is getting set and shine brightly to show that morning has come, in the shabby cottage, Huo Yun'er open his eye from sleeping and see his cute son still sleeping quietly

Smile blooming on her face, even though they are don't live lavishly, at least they are happy with this small family

''Hao'er, wake up! We need to search for some food ingredients in the forest for our breakfast!'' She said while gently patting her son's head.

''Mm, Mom?'' Yuhao replied with a little confused and then yawning while looking at the surrounding.

(Sigh, Looks like what I experienced is real!) Yuhao thought while looking at his mom's face, with a smile on his face, he then said, ''Good Morning!''

''Mm, Good morning.'' Huo Yun'er replied with a smile.

(So this is not a dream, I was reincarnated as Huo Yuhao, but now I must find a faster way to become stronger) He once again thought while looking at his mother's smiling face that makes his chest warm.

After a long time, he finally feels it again, ''A warmness of a family.'' Yuhao muttered.

''So, Do you want to come, or can you rest?'' Huo Yun'er asked with a little worried about what happened to her son yesterday!

''No, I'm fine!'' Yuhao replied with a shake of his head!

''Let's go!'' He said with a spirit that makes his mother chuckle for a little bit, then he and his mother going to the forest for searching food ingredients for their breakfast.

When Yuhao is walking in the forest with his mother, he heard a metallic sound come from his mind.

[Good morning, host]

(What! Show yourself, wait, are you a system!) he thought while calming himself.

He never imagined that someday he will get a system for himself because in his previous life!

Even though busy, he still has time to read some novel and fanfic while managing his company!

[Yes, host, I'm a system!]

(Maybe with this, I can overcome this world and become strong) Yuhao thought while thinking about how dangerous is this world.

A light smile appears on his face, then something flashing in his mind, ''Wait, what type of system are you exactly?'' Yuhao asked.

[Greatest Upgrading Sytem]