
(AN: Warning! , I will say this one more time, my English skill is not great so doesn't judge too hard)

--- Chapter 6 ---

'' Let's start upgrading '' Huo Yuhao said while looking at items that he gots from Starter packs '' Est, How many upgrading tickets I have left ''

[...You still have 28 upgrading tickets left!]

Common Upgrading tickets 8x

Great Upgrading tickets 13x

Ultra Upgrading tickets 6x

Master Upgrading tickets 1x

'' Hmm?, I have three pills from starter packs, right ''

[Yes, you have three body tempering pill from opening newbie starter packs]

'' Tells me about this pills effect! ''


Body Tempering Pills; Using this pill cleaning all impurities in your body, this pill can also temper all your body with ease and make your body strength equal to spirit master with one ring

[You can only consume this pill once!]

'' Wait... why I can consume more than one! ''

[Well this pill usage only for building the foundation for your cultivation]

[And even if you consume more than one, the effect of the pill will be still the same]

'' Est, Upgrade three tempering pills using Common Upgrading tickets ''


[Upgrading body tempering pills using...Common upgrading tickets]


[Congratulations host, you gots...]

[Body foundation pills 3x]

Body Foundation pills; This pill is an upgraded version of body tempering pill, using this pill will make your body strength equal to the body of rank 15 spirit master body and has 18,75% chance for awakening rare constitution or physique

'' It's not enough for mom! '' he said while seeing the effect of pills that he upgrades, the percentage is too low for mom to awakening her constitution or physique

'' Est!, Upgrade it again two body foundation pills using great upgrading tickets ''


[Upgrading body foundation pills using...Great Upgrading tickets]

[Congratulations host, you gots...]

[The Constitution Enhancing pills 2x]

The Constitution Enhancing pill; This pills are an upgraded version of the body Foundation pill, by using this pill will make your body strength equal to rank 19 spirit master body with one spirit ring and has 37,5% chance for awakening rare constitution or physique

'' Not enough, it's still not enough '' he said while gritting his teeth because he needs at least a percentage above 60-70% to assure his mother has a chance for awakening her body '' Est!, upgrade it again using ultra upgrading tickets ''

[Relax, Host]

'' Grrh, Ah... '' He said while breathing out heat air from his body and calming down himself from Young child negative mind, he can only blaming his immature emotion for angry to something small like this

'' Thanks for Calming me, Est! ''

[Your welcome, host]


[Upgrading The physique enhancing pill using...Ultra upgrading tickets]


[Congratulations host, you gots...]

[Yin-Yang Physique pill 2x]

Yin-Yang Physique pill; This pill is heavens treasure that makes heavens jealous and warning using this pill will cause lightning tribulations but by using this, your body strength will equal to spirit grandmaster with two-spirit rings and has 75% chance for awakening rare constitution or physique

'' Est is there a way for me to avoid these lightning tribulations '' he said worryingly his mother because she maybe can handle the lightning tribulations and himself don't care about his body because he had Est to help him

[Why don't you consuming the pill at the same time with your mother and using your body as a shield for protecting her]

[And at the same time maybe your body gets more benefits for defending the lightning that tempering your body]

'' Benefits? ''

[did you forget that you're improving your fortune with master upgrading Tickets!]

'' With my luck, I will defy the heavens '' he shouting proudly, He did not know that his fortune was so high that he had surpassed heaven itself, with his luck he had become a god of luck

'' Hmm! , then if this pill can be upgraded to this level '' he murmured while stroking he chin thinking about advantages and benefits from upgrading the legacy with ultra master upgrading tickets

'' Est!, Upgrade the beast legacies with great and ultra upgrading tickets ''


[Upgrading One-tailed blue firefox and Purple Wyvern...]

[Using Great and Ultra upgrading tickets]


[Congratulation host, you gots...]

[Nine-tailed blue firefox and True Purple Flame Dra...]




'' Est!, What happens! ''


[Host you got an emergency quest!]

[Saving your Mom from evil duchess...]

Hearing the quest that he got from Est, his eyes become cold and releasing huge killing intent that enough for making a horde of one hundred years spirit beast running because the fear they feel

[Accept or Reject]

'' Accept ''