Entitled Parents?

(AN: I know many of you are disappointed that I don't add his mother in his harem but, I will write another Fanfiction that has Incest in it!)

(I already have a plan for his mother but, you know it sucks when something unexpected come and ruining it)

(As for my new Fanfic, I already have a rough idea about it and still thinking something about the main story, and bla-bla-bla I will write it if I had enough time!)

(And please read Author note at the end!)

(I kinda fu*k up in this chapter)

(Btw, Enjoy the chapter!)

--- Chapter 16 ---

Looking at the young man riding a red blood horse in front of him, Yuhao comes to a word to describe this young man.

(Sissy!) he thought while looking at the young man in front of him is too feminine, he has long violet hairs that tied in a ponytail and nor ugly or handsome face that make him more feminine plus arrogant young master smile in his face make Yuhao want to punch him.

The arrogant young master had a big smile in his face while riding his red-blood horse, Riding his new horse proudly, the young master then seeing two unknown persons whom he did not know in the area?

''He already noticing us,'' murmured Yuhao while sighing.

''Hey, You two there, open your masks, this young master Han Tu wants to see your face!'' said the sissy young master arrogantly

(Why-Why!, can't I enjoy my time with my son!) Huo Yun'er thought with a cold smile behind her mask.

(Sigh, I don't want to have contact with someone like him) Thought Yuhao, he already planning something to run from this young master and go inside the inn immediately, but he caught off his guard while seeing the red-blood horse running toward his mother and him!

[Quest, Punish the Sissy Guy!]


Evil smirk emerges in Yuhao face, ''Accept the quest!.'' said Yuhao while activating his chain spirit into the underground and then sprouting small piece his chain in front of a running horse.

The horse then starts tripping his step and become panic, kicking his leg in the ground that makes horse jumping and kicking randomly, the sissy young master start panicking and get launched into the sky by his horse!

''AAAAAAAHHHHHH, HELP ME!'' The young master ascending rapidly into the sky and then start descending like a meteor!

The city guard then starts coming when they heard a familiar voice loudly in the sky.

Quickly Yuhao and his mom enter the inn and booking the room for their staying this night but, Yuhao keeps activating his spirit eyes for looking at the situation outside.

The Young master Han Tu right now has pale color in his face, descending from the sky, he just dropping into his horse who right now kick his leg-horse randomly in his panic mode, This sissy guy gets kicked in his NUT by his red-blood horse!


(Uuuugh, that seems very painful!) thought Yuhao, and he can hear a blood-curdling scream(Moaning) from the NUT-less sissy guy now!


''Hao'er, why we don't just burn him/her to dust?'' said Huo Yun'er to her son, she confusingly staring at her son while hearing feminine moan from outside the window!

''I don't wanna catch too much attention for us!'' Yuhao replied while checking the rewards he obtained from completing the quests.

(But we already catching too much attention by just using the robes and the masks) Thought Huo Yun'er with a wry smile end, losing into her son cuteness, she then hugs him tightly between his twin mountain but, Yuhao ignores it and keeps staring at the blue screen in front of him.

[Congratulations host for completing the quests!]

[Calculating the difficulty and completing grade!]

[Congratulations host, you got...]

[One Upgrading Ticket]

(Well, I don't think I have too much hope for the rewards of this quest.) thought Yuhao.

(Est, Open my status)

[Okay host~]


Name: Huo Yuhao

Age: Seven years olds

Essence spirit/martial spirit;

1. Emperor's eyes (Upgraded)

2. Earth Sealing Chains (Phase 1)

3.Purgatory Dragon/True purple Thunderfire dragon (Variant)

Spirit rank:20 (Spirit Master)

Cultivation techniques:

Martial Technique: Penetrating Fist(12 Echo), Three thousand lightning movement, Fire Controlling technique, and Four Season Sword Art.

Soul technique: One thousand night illusion >>> Endless Night Illusion

Innate skills: , >> Purgatory Thunderfire>, and Zone.

Spirit skills:

First Spirit Ring(50.000 Years old phase): Fire Fang Slash and Thunderfire fang(Sword)

Upgrading Tickets:

Common upgrading tickets 37x

Great upgrading tickets 13x

Ultra upgrading tickets 19x

Master upgrading ticket 1x

[Note: Because of host spirit energy purer and denser than average spirit master, and makes your attack stronger and low consuming than average spirit master!]

(But because you have the difference between density and purity, Your cultivation speed will slower than average spirit master)


(Sigh, Even though I was only training my blacksmith, sealing, formation, alchemist, and medical skill in this one year but still, he feels weak when compared to Tang San and any titled douluo in this era!)

Yuhao knows that he was weak but, he didn't need to rush, he knows that he has tens or more years before he ascended to godhood and even if he cultivate speed is slower, so what, he has a system that can upgrade anything

''Hao'er, what do you think if mom open Pavilion(Restaurant) in here!'' Said Huo Yun'er.

(Eh, Pavilion, Did I hear correctly?) Yuhao thought while looking at his mom.

Staring at her son calmly with a slight smile in her face, Huo Yun'er then said.'' You know if mom opens a pavilion, we will have a stable income that makes our family not afraid to afford money like when we at that place!''

(That Place.) thought yuhao while staring at his mom, he then sighs and said,'' Fine, but I have to add many sealing and formation to make your pavilion save!''

''Yey!'' Huo Yun'er suffacte her son with his twin mountains.

''I han't dreath!'' murmured Yuhao that suffocate between soft mountains. he then using a bit of his lightning in his finger and start tickling her body!


Huo Yun'er gets shocked a little and moaning before she closing her face with her hands embarrassed.

(Note: Sigh, Maybe I will write the incest but, I still have to think about it!)

They then start adventuring around the village(city) and asking a few questions to the locals.

They know that this village is not a village but a city whose name is Green Jade Dragon city because many lizards or snakes type in this mountain area.

There only one clan that control this city and that is Han clan which has one heir that now may be a cripple(NUT-less) and maybe get annihilate soon.

Walking toward the sleeping beast Inn peacefully but when they arrived at the inn, they were greeted by a crowd of the city guard and residents here.

''What happens here?'' asks Yuhao to one of the men in the crowd!

''You don't know!''

''I hear that Young master Han Tu gets attacked this noon and the attacker using a robe and animal mask!''

(Sigh, I know that person!) thought Yuhao while sighing and Huo Yun'er only giggling looking at her son.

''Maybe we can stealthy walking to the Inn'' Murmured Yuhao become taking his mom's hand and walking into the Inn.

But of course, He was wrong, very wrong!




Hearing this, Yuhao turning back, he can see a woman with unnaturally blonde hair and thick makeup a.k.a Karen fuming redly while pointing at him.

Besides Karen, he can see a man about the age of thirty but has a feminine face also looking at him fuming angrily!

''Guard catches those two persons'' said the man that definitely Han Tu father while pointing at Yuhao and his Mom.

(Ah, sh*t here we go again!) Thought Yuhao.

[Chain Quest, Dominate the city while you punish the entitled parent]

