End of the Entitled Family! Part 5

AN: I have some problems when I write these chapters that make me almost get grounded by my mother because I stay up late at the weekend!)

(I know it sounds stupid that I got grounded by mother but, we have a family gathering in the next morning.)

(Note: My home is a green zone, My grandma and aunt house only a few meters from my house, So its safe if we held a family gathering!)

(At the same time, I had an online class meeting and I must attend that meeting Because I was vice class president of my class and I have to wake up at six A.M!)

(I don't even want that position, My friend(the leader/President of the class) shove that damn position toward me!)

(Sigh, sorry for the ranting!)

(Btw, Enjoy the chapter)

--- Chapter 22 ---

Lightning blitz and smoke of the fire blinking in the forest, We can see two figures covered by a robe and masks running while releasing faint purple lightning and blue fire!


Deep blue eyes staring at the top of a cliff, The first figure tsk-ing with his mouth while running towards the cliff, he then made a crater every time his leg contacted with the ground,'' Hopefully, I can make it in time.''

In the cliff, we can a geezer with a mad grin in his face staring fiercely at the woman in the tip of the cliff with a body full of burn wounds.

''DIE Puny Slave!'' said the geezer that has faint grey-red hair while punching his black fire fist toward the woman.

''Good-Bye, Ying'er!'' said the woman while closing her eyes, she knows that even if she survives this attack, she would still die because of the injuries in her body!

The geezer fist almost hit the woman, before a palm catch the geezer's fist and grip it tightly!


Feeling the pains in his fist, the geezer starts screaming in pains while staring at the person that injures him!

''Looks like I was late for the quest.'' murmured Yuhao while looking at the woman's condition at the tips of the cliff!

Meanwhile, Huo Yun'er already checking the woman injuries and shaking her head in awe and sorrow,

''Hao'er, We can't save her,'' said Huo Yun'er to her son, after checking the woman's and using his spiritual energy to check any injuries, Huo Yun'er sighing.

''Her body already deteriorated by that black fire and sucking her life energy!''

''Her soul already breaking from the tortures and combined with few forbidden rituals that make her almost dead!''

''It's a miracle that she still live until now!''

Huo Yun'er pitifully staring at the woman, she knows that this woman's life is worse than her when she still lives in duke mansion!

''She can only live for few minutes.''

(Est! is there a way to save her!) said Yuhao in his mind.

[I don't have a way to save her, Host] said Est in a defeated tone.

[Even though we can heal body wound her with senzu bean, we can't mend her soul carelessly and make her soul destroyed in the process!]

[She doesn't have your heaven-defying luck, Host!]

(Tsk, so we can save her!) Yuhao gritting his teeth, he feels very pissed right now.

[We can't save her now but, we can revive her later!]

Est then starts transferring the way to revive the woman.

(So, first is Sealing her piece of soul with my martial Chain spirit or a container that can handle her soul!)

(And then revive it later after I reach spirit sage in my emperor's eyes or using one of the alchemist pills that can recover her soul) Yuhao frowning a little, even though he may fail at saving her right now, the survivor objective, he knows that there exception.

''HAHAHAHAHA, That puny slave deserves to die suffering!'' said the geezer while madly laughing!

''How dare she run from our Han clan!!!''

''Shut. Your. Damn. Mouth. Mongrel!'' said Yuhao coldly while staring at the geezer coldly!

The elder staring at Yuhao angrily in his face but, after gazing at Yuhao eyes, that expression became a horrified expression.

He can see a beast, no A pair of draconic deep blue eyes staring at him coldly!

Staring at the woman, Yuhao then said in an authoritative tone.'' Woman, open your eyes!''

Opening her eyes, Yuhao can see a pair of beautiful and pure dead yellow eyes staring at him!

''What do you want!'' said The woman quietly to Yuhao, She has lifeless eyes that make Yuhao sighed because he knows that those eyes are the eye of somebody who gave up.

(Sigh, She already give up.) Thought Yuhao, He then releasing the elder's fist and then stab him to the ground with his martial chain spirit.

''Blergh!'' The elder spitting blood from his mouth, the chain stabs him in his belly, hands, and legs that make him can't move a single inch of his body.

Yuhao walking towards the woman and then said,'' Do you have Any last wish?''

''C-Can you take my daughter from the forest, and bring her here, I want to see her for the last time.'' said the woman to Yuhao, while staring at the sky calmly.

Nodding toward the woman, ''Mom, Can you guard her for a sec!'' said Yuhao to his mom, while activating his emperor's eyes to the fullest.

''Forest?'' murmured Yuhao, while seeing the entire forest not seeing any difference until he sees a bush moving unnaturally!

Lightning flickering in his body, then he disappears, and he then appears again beside the bush while frowning.

'Mom, where are you?'

'Ying'er is scared!'

'Mom, comeback, Ying'er will be a good child.'



Yuhao can hear a child murmuring in the bush, which sounded like she was about to cry.

A flashback hit him when he was three in his past life!



'Where are you!'

A woman patting his head and warmly said,'' Why are you alone.''

(Sigh,) Though Yuhao remembering that sad memory while walking toward the bush where he found a six or seven years old girl crying with teary eyes while hugging her knees.

Patting the girl head softly with his hand, Yuhao then lifting his mask revealing his childish cute face towards the girl before say,'' It's okay because I already here,''

''Hiiiiic, Who are you!'' said the girl with fear in her tone.

''I know where your mother is!'' said Yuhao while letting a smile in his face, And after hearing this, the girl flinching and fearfully staring at Yuhao.

''Is it true that you know where my mother was!'' She said to yuhao.

Smiling lightly toward the girl, Yuhao then pouring his spirit energy toward the girl that made her feel warm and comfortable.

(It's very cozy and calm) Thought the girl while feeling the softness of Yuhao patting!

''I know where your mother at and I can bring you to her!'' said Yuhao to the girl softly

''But we must fast,'' he added while carrying the girl in bridal position!


Lightning flickering in the air, and then both of them disappear.

In the bridal position, the girl finally can see fully Yuhao face, and she gets astonished because this is the first time she sees a boy the same age as her but more appealing than herself.

(His deep blue eyes are like an ocean in mom story, he has a cute face that more cute than me and he different from that sissy guy!) Thought the girl while holding Yuhao tightly,'' So warm.''

''Hold on me tightly, we will see your mother in a sec!'' said Yuhao to the girl.


(He is like Mom, so warm~)

--- In the cliff ---

Lightning flickering in the air, Then Yuhao appears while carrying a girl with long white hair in the bridal position!

The girl can see her mom lying on the ground while staring at the sky.

''Mom!'' said the girl while releasing herself from Yuhao.

Huo Yun'er staring at the girl with a star in her eyes, But we can see there is a trace of jealousy in her eyes when she sees Yuhao carrying a girl in the bridal position!

(When will Yuhao carry me like that!) Huo Yun'er Thought.

(Note: I bet you all will give a paragraph comment in the words above!)

''Ying'er!'' Murmured the woman while staring warmly at her daughter.

''Mom!'' The girl hugging her mom with a tear in her eyes, The woman letting a small smile in her face

''Do you still remember what mom said before!''

''To be Strong!'' said the girl to her mom, The woman letting a beautiful big smile in her face!

''Don't forget that okay, Mom will go now and maybe we will meet again later!'' Caressing her daughter's face, She then closes her eyes.

''MOM!'' Tears start running from the girl's eyes before she fainted because of the shock event in her life!

Walking towards the girl, Yuhao then forming a few hand signs to form a sealing technique.

Black lines of symbol start running from his palm into the woman and the girls.

Biting his finger, Yuhao creating a wound in his thumb and then dripping his blood towards the girl, He can see a black symbol of a chained dragon forming in the top left of the girl's chest!

A white woman figure appears above the woman's body, Nodding towards Yuhao before entering the girl's body!

(Sigh, I will revive you later), Yuhao then turning his head and staring at the pinned elder coldly!


''Looks like it's your turn!''

Staring At the elder, Yuhao then coldly said,'' Endless Night Illusion!''

The elder opens his eyes and found himself in the plain of darkness,

At first, he panicked because he doesn't have any memory appearing in this place!


Before he finishes his word, Many Chain spurting from the ground and starts stabbing him in his body!

''Blergh! Someone.''

''You know, torturing someone is not my forte!'' said the Childish voice of Yuhao in the darkness.

''But if I had to do it, no one can escape my claws!'' he added while appearing like an illusion in front of the elder.


''Do You know who I Am.''

''I'm Elder Ji of the great Han clan!'' He tries activating his martial spirit but he can't, he does not even feel his spirit energy like he doesn't have spirit energy at all,

''How, Why my cultivation is gone!''

''How, I-I-I Was Han clan elder!'' Horrified by losing his cultivation, He then staring at Yuhao madly!


''I was Branch leader of Holy Ghost Church!''

''Save me, and you can join our Church!'' He madly said.

Yuhao tilting his head before saying,'' Are. You. Stupid!''

''The world you are in right now is the night world!''

''My greatest illusion technique!''

''And I will torture you here!''

Sword manifesting in Yuhao hand, and then he cut Elder Ji finger one by one.

The elder starts screaming at the top of his lung because of the pains.

The White Moon starts disappearing from the sky and makes darkness the world, leaving a screaming sound of the elder.

After an unknown amount of time, the White Moon then appearing again and showering the darkness and revealing the elder Ji without a single wound but still pinned by the chains.

''Huhuhu!'' The elder breathing heavily while cold sweat running from his cheeks.

''You Know that only one night!'' said Yuhao while appearing again with his sword.

Hearing this voice, the elder can feel a shiver in his spine, lifting his head he can see, a familiar blue-haired child staring at him!

Disappearing from were he standing, Yuhao then appearing again in front of the elder face and with a smile said,'' Lets Start Again!''