The Night

(AN: A New Chapter, Yey!)

(My Wi-Fi finally got fixed, Yey!)

(But, My Chapter update is not!)

(Btw, Get some snacks and water, and Enjoy the Chapter, Peace!)

--- Chapter 36 ---

Shadows, fluttering around the darkness of the night that got illuminated by the white moon.

From the white light of the moon, we can see that many people wearing black robes with a black hood and plain white masks to cover their faces.

But, In front of all of the white-masked men, we can see their leader wearing a pitch-black robe with a grey hood and a red-painted eagle-mask to cover his face.


Their shadow keeps flowing around the woods, and after a few minutes of running through the darkness, they finally can see great black walls that come into their vision.

''Dragon Nest.'' said the leader of the group while adjusting his red-painted eagle mask.

''Number 35, What is the major content of our mission!'' He asked toward his subordinate while leaning back against a pine tree.

''Ifiltrate Dragon Nest to gains more information about them!'' said Number 35 straightly while staring at his captain.

''But Captain, Do you think we can get those treasures like what we heard from our information?'' Number 35 added, making the leader frowning a little bit.

(What a naive and greedy person you are, Number 35.) The leader thought while averting his gaze toward the sky. Well, he also couldn't do anything either, because he was also a little tempted by the information he got.

Treasure! The new organization that has many treasures and rare mineral that can even change their life, and not only that!

Even though they were a little bit skeptical about this mission, They can't do anything about it! The more valuable the prizes they get, the more dangerous it will be.

The leader then wryly shaking his head, but then he firmly staring at his subordinate while opening his mouth,

''Number 35, No, Everyone, Remember this! We-.'' the leader stated toward his subordinate. But then a flash of light and movements in the darkness catches his attention.


''It seems that we are not the only ones interested in Dragon Nest, Especially on this night...'' the leader commented while his pair of brownish-orange eyes radiate dimly in the darkness.

Far away from his position, The leader of the masked group can see another two teams driving through the darkness while covering their paths.


''Captain!'' Number 35 said, gaining the attention of the leader.

''Ah, Yeah, Well...'' The leader murmured while glancing at his subordinate again.

''Number 35, Remember this...''

''If you focus on thinking about the best and not the worst as you progress.''

''All of you probably would not live for long.'' the leader stated while staring at the crowd.

It was a lesson that he learned from living as a spirit's master all this time. They are not just empty words, but something that he realized from his past experiences.

In this world, the only thing is matters is your strength, and if you don't have it, you probably will die immediately.

(Well, Your influences and back up also needed in this world.) the leader thought while thinking high-leveled faction, like an empire or Shrek academy who has more than ten thousand years foundation.

All of the white-masked people in the crowd were quiet when they hear this, and Number 35 also amaze by his captain's word.

''Hehe, no wonder that he survived all this time from our enemy...'' some member murmured in the crowd.

Their organization is an anonymous and hidden group of the unaffiliated spirit master that doesn't have any backer.


Meanwhile, Far away from the dragon nest, a group of four running across the forest.

From this group, we can see two women and two men, and If Huo Yun'er was here, she was probably will chuckling because these people are from Shrek academy.

The first man was Yan Shaozhe, and the first woman was Sin Lin'er. Meanwhile, the other two-person on the group was also an elder from the Shrek Academy, or more precisely the seagod pavilion.

Yan Shaozhe, who was in front of all of his group members were frowning, and we can see black lines forming on his forehead.

--- back during the meeting at the seagod pavilion ---

''The Legendary...''

''Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower!''



''Is that really...''

''The legendary immortal herb!''

All of them were shocked when hearing that an ordinary red grass on Yan Shaozhe was the legendary immortal herb that got passed into Ma Hongjun.

Ma Honjun, the legendary figure on the Shrek academy. The member of Shrek seven devil first generations. The legendary Pheonix Douluo and lastly, one of the Seagod companions!

''Not only it's helping someone with the Phoenix martial soul mutating their martial soul, but it also helps them to have a chance to evolving their martial soul into higher quality.''

Tang San, The Seagod gifted it to Ma Hongjun, which enabled him to get rid of the backlash of his Variant Pheonix Martial Soul as well as breakthrough without any problem.

(What a timing, Yan Shaozhe's disciple also the descendant of Ma Honjun that inheriting his phoenix martial soul. With that immortal herb, his disciple can get rid of the backlash of variant his disciple martial soul.) An elder with black hair and sword-like eyebrow.

''Hmm, If I wasn't wrong, You winning this immortal herb to help your disciple, right!'' The elder with black hair and sword-like eyebrow asked Yan Shaozhe.

Hearing this, Yan Shoazhe only nodding his head while covering the jade box with its lid and then putting it back in his spatial ring.

Well, everyone in this room knows about his disciple martial soul problems.


''Yes, Pavilion Master!'' said Yan Shaozhe while calmly and respectfully staring at the pavilion master.

''You said that you win this immortal herb on auction, right!'' Mu En asked.

''Yes?'' Yan Shaozhe nodding his head.

''looks like there will be a conflict on dragon nest...''

A frown appears on Yan Shaozhe's face.

''Pardon? Isn't that mean!''

Mu En, calmly averting his gaze toward the sky.

(Dragon Nest, they will get attacked.) Yan Shaozhe said with many black lines on his forehead.

''Sigh, What a pain...'' Yan Shaozhe commented.

''Let's speed up our pace.'' He added.

The other three only nodding their head. All four of them speeding up their pace toward the Dragon Nest.

Meanwhile, on the top of the black tower, we can see two figures sitting lightly on the carpet picnic.

The first figure was a blue-haired woman, who right now calmly pouring a cup of tea.

While the other figure was a beautiful woman with long black hair with bluish color on the tip, The first person was Chu Feixin.

While the other person was Huo Yun'er, calmly staring at the white moon in the night sky.

''What a pleasant night, right Feixin.'' Huo Yun'er commented.

''Yes, Misstress.''

''Your Tea...'' Chu Feixin said while giving Huo Yun'er a cup of tea.

''Oh, Thank You.'' Huo Yun'er accepted the tea.

''Mm, Looks like your skill improving again.'' She added.

''Thank you, Misstress, But my skills are nowhere close to you.'' Chu Feixin said while gently shaking her head.

''I still have a long way.'' She added, making a smile appears on Huo Yun'er's face.

''Hmm, Is that so...''

(Asserting our dominance, Huh) Huo Yun'er thought while staring at the scenery.