The plan will soon begin...

(An: A New Chapter, Yey!)

(The second weeks of our exam already over!)

(What a rough month, phew~)

(Btw, Get some snacks and water, and Enjoy the Chapter, Peace!)

--- Chapter 38 ---

The nine greatswords around Yuhao start accelerating at a fast pace toward the nine ebony suns while himself tightening the grip on the greatsword on his hands while grinning toward the crow.

''First Self-Created Ability!''


Yuhao, then swinging the greatsword with a powerful force toward the crow. With a red hue of a dragon aura, the powerful slash then got launched!

While the crow, who felt the power behind the slash, only flapping his wing furiously while creating a whirlwind of ebony fire around its wings.


The Crow, then rushing toward the sword slash, without any hesitations.


because of the explosion, Yuhao and the Crow got launched from each other! Even though the outburst was strong enough to separate two of them from each other, it was not strong enough to prevent them from remaining in the sky.

''What a waste,'' Yuhao commented while looking at the big white smoke that got produced from the explosion.

He can feel that his sword attack got weakened by around 10-15%, but he can also fee his attack was enough to injure the crow.

The white smoke then disappears from his view, and Yuhao can finally see the conditions of his opponent.

''Well, what a surprise,'' Yuhao said while looking at the crow, who right now looks like he was not receiving any damage at all.

(No, my self-created ability is not that weak, though.) He thought.

''Oh, heh.'' Activating his mystic emperor eyes, Yuhao can see a clear line of cut on the neck of the crow, and even though the crow looks unscathed by his attack!

But, the crow nine ebony suns got destroyed by his attacks!

His beheading was not a weak technique, and he can still recalling massacring a group of spirit beasts with this technique, and none of them survive from this technique.

''Decreasing my attack damage? Huh,'' He pondered while immediately remembering, Li Zhong attack that got weakened!

''Li Zhong, Use your Earthen Spear Pillars,'' Yuhao commanded while giving some hands gesture.

''Ok,'' Li Zhong said while nodding his head, and he doesn't know why, but he somewhat understand what Yuhao wanna do with his attack.

''Hmm, maybe because it wasn't strong enough.'' Li Zhong added in his heart while thinking about his attack earlier, taking a few breaths into his lung, he then gathering spirit energy into his martial soul.

(Then, What about I add more strength and force this time!) Li Zhong thought while brown-earthen luster from his spear spreading through the ground!

The ground starts rumbling, and then many pillars made of rock rose from the ground!

Brown lustered pillars got launched toward the crow!


The Crow, trying to avoid the attacks aimed at him while another nine ebony suns appear around his body!


Seeing this, Yuhao then diving from the sky and then landing beside Li Zhong, ''Li Zhong, how much power did you use?'' Yuhao asked.

''Around fifty percent?'' Li Zhong truthfully replied because he knows that, even though he tried to lie in front of Yuhao, Yuhao definitely knows that he was lying.

''Oh,'' Yuhao nodding his head while averting his gaze toward the crow! Who right now coldly, staring at him with murderous intent.

''As I thought,'' Yuhao said while looking at the crow.


''Domain!'' Li Zhong muttered in his heart while realizing that his attack power got reduced when it was about to hit the crow!

''Yeah, Domain! Not only this domain! increasing his strength and defenses, but It was also reducing/weakening our attack!''

''Especially my attack that has fire element on it,'' Yuhao stated.

(Naga's bloodline was still not on its full potential, and his fire was still at idle state.) Yuhao thought while feeling something was missing every time he activated Naga's Martial Soul.

''No, It was me,'' Yuhao muttered to himself.

''What about my other martial soul?''

''Sky Sealing Chains?''

''Mystic Emperor Eyes?''

(All of them were powerful martial soul!) He thought while not denying that all of them were very helpful!

No, this time was different! Not only Yuhao wants to challenge himself by not using his Sky Sealing Chains martial souls!

He also wants to challenge himself by not using his system, except when his facing difficult or life and death situations.

Tightly gripping his own fist, we can see a violent purple fire and lightning scattering/dancing around Yuhao body, and then a flash of light flashing around his eyes.

''Heh,'' Yuhao muttered.

A grin, no a smirk, appears on his childish face, and a ray of lightning flattering from his eyes.

''Li Zhong!'' Yuhao asked while glancing at his subordinate.

''Yes, Young Master!'' Li Zhong said with a little shock when he sees Yuhao eyes emitting blue electricity.

''Protect, Ying'er and Prepare for the impact,'' Yuhao said while disappearing and leaving an afterimage made of lightning from where he, standing earlier.


Yuhao appears in front of the crow with a long sword in his left hand, ''Dragon Claw!'' Yuhao shouts while dragging his right hand with a heavy swing toward the crow's head.

The crow then flapping his wings while raising its claw to counter Yuhao dragon claw!


Reversing the grip on the long sword, Yuhao then drawing his sword with fast speed while thunder flame burning brightly around the blade.

''Incinerate, Fire Fang Slash!''

A fang of wolf then got launched toward the crow!


Nine Ebony Suns around the crow body start gathering into one line, and then an eclipse starts covering Yuhao views.

''Holy!'' Yuhao shout while his mystic emperor's eyes, twitching when observing the power behind the crow attacks.

A big mass of spirit energy and ebony flames start gathering in the middle of the eclipse, and then a black ray got shotted by the eclipse toward Yuhao.

''Tch, Thunder Flame Sword Formations,'' Yuhao releasing an enormous mass of thunder flame toward the sky, and then the thunder flame starts transforming into a hundred sword that rotating in a spiral formation to protect Yuhao.

Yuhao can see that his sword slash effortlessly got destroyed by the black ray!


(That black ray strength already surpassing cultivation level of fifty thousand years spirit beast!) Yuhao thought while glancing at the crow.

''I can't avoid this attack?'' Yuhao muttered while seeing the black ray that almost touch his sword formations and his subordinate on the ground!


''Young Master!'' Ying'er shouted while weakly see Yuhao got attacked by the black ray!

''Calm down,'' Li Zhong said while observing the sky.

''Just believe in him.'' He added.

''B-But,'' Ying'er stuttered while feeling the calmness from Li Zhong's eyes and calming herself down.

Meanwhile, in the sky, Yuhao was staring at the last sword in front of him. Which also the last piece on his thunder flame sword formations that nearly got destroyed by the black ray!

''That was close,'' Yuhao commented while looking at the sword in front of him.

The amount of damage that black rays do to his sword formations was huge!

The swords that he created to form the sword formation was strong enough to endure an attack from ten thousand years spirit beast, and one or ten thunder flame swords to kill an ordinary spirit beast!

But! Not only his sword formations got destroyed, but his thunder flame sword also doesn't do any significant damage toward the crow!

''Is it because of the bloodline!''

(No, This bird must have a weakness) Yuhao thought.

''Wait,'' Yuhao can feel a warmness of light from where he at right now.


From his mystic emperor eyes, he can visibly see a stream of spirit energy and heat that got transferred toward the crow!

''Oh, you cheeky bastard!'' Yuhao muttered while glancing at the sky, where he can see the sun brightly shining!

That's why he feels something was off every time he about to attack the crow, and even though the crow has a domain, the domain only highly increases his defenses and only slightly increases his attack power.

That domain also reducing Yuhao attacks but, The crow attacks powers and strength got increased by the sun! No, more precisely, it amplifies his power by a large margin!

(If I know about it earlier, Sigh) Yuhao thought, giving Li Zhong another hand gesture, and Yuhao then staring the crow with an annoyed face.

Meanwhile, on the ground, Ying'er sighed a breath of relief when she sees that her young master was safe while Li Zhong, who understand the hand gesture nodding his head.

''Everyone! Change the array formation to the isolation/concealment type!'' Li Zhong said while waving his earthen spear.

The translucent barrier from the arrays starts warping into the black color that cut of light and spirit energy from the suns!

The scenery inside the arrays starts to become dark! But, a pair of red eyes from the ebony crow glistening in the darkness.

The Crow can sense and feel the movement from in front of him. But then a pair of dark-blue eyes got opened in front of him, staring at him directly at the eyes.

''Endless Night Illusions!''

A cold voice comes from the darkness, and the crow doesn't know why, but he feels that his bone was shivering in fear.


(Where am I?) The crow thought while feeling that his body got pinned into something.



The sound of feet walking! Could be heard from the darkness, and after a few second, the sound becomes closer and closer!


The crow views then got recovered, and he can see a familiar figure in front of him!

A human child with a small body figure yet slender and white-healthy face.


(This human child!) The crow thought with an angry expression on his bird face!

''You know, I was annoyed because thinking too hard about your weakness!'' Yuhao said with an annoyed expression on his face.




''The First Night Of Endless Night!''

''Silent Dead!''

When The crow hears Yuhao voice, he then starts shivering furiously, but then a dead silence got commenced in the darkness.

Meanwhile, at the outside of Endless Night Realm, we can see the arrays formation barrier already disappear, showing us Yuhao standing on the ground while staring at the crow corpse and black spirit ring that floating silently around the corpse.

''Phew,'' Yuhao said while wiping imaginary sweat from his forehead.

''Young Master,'' Shout Ying'er while launching herself toward Yuhao.

''I'm Fine,'' Yuhao replied while patting Ying'er head.

''Mm,'' Even though she knows that yuhao was fine, but she was still hugging yuhao.

''Hmm, A Spirit Bone?'' Yuhao muttered while seeing the crow claws that shining with an ebony light.

''An External Spirit Bone!''

(What a lucky reward?!) Yuhao thought.

Staring at the suns that almost goes down, which mean that the day will become night, ''Let's absorb the spirit ring and the external spirit bone first.''

''Ah!'' Yuhao said while facepalming himself and then rubbing his temple in a little annoyance.

(Spirit Bone!) Yuhao thought while blaming himself for not activating his wing spirit bone that he got from the previous quest!

''With Valstrax wings, I can easily win by outspeeding the crow then finishing it with dragon cannon!'' Yuhao muttered in his heart.

''Sigh, I was too focus fighting the crow and find its weakness,''

''Well, whatever, let's absorb the claw and spirit ring first!''

''And then,'' Yuhao said while staring at the horizon.

''The plan will soon begin!''