
(An: Another new chapter! Yey!)

(Btw, get some snacks and water, and Enjoy the Chapter, Peace!)

--- Chapter 40 ----

(The head of the dragon nest!) Yan Shaozhe and Sin Lin'er thought with a shock yet disbelief expression on their face.

''Head of the Dragon nest...'' Yan Shaozhe muttered while observing Huo Yun'er's calm expressions.

''Aren't you the leader of Dragon Nest?'' Sin Lin'er without further ado asked Huo Yun'er!


Light chuckles got released from Huo Yun'er, and then she answered, '' When did I said that I was the leader of the dragon nest?''

''Feixin, did you remember anything about this?'' She added while asking her attendant.

''No, Mistress, I don't recall anything about you saying that!''

Chu Feixin then shakes her head slightly to indicate that he had never heard of anything regarding this!

''See!'' Huo Yun'er said while a light sly smile appears behind her veil.

''Wha-, But she calling you mistress!'' Sin Lin'er stated!

Sin Lin'er thought that Huo Yun'er had to be the leader of Dragon Nest all this time, and that was why she was so shocked by Huo Yun'er's words earlier!

''Maybe you got me wrong here...'' Huo Yun'er staring at the night sky, and then say, ''She call me mistress. Because I was the vice leader of the dragon nest!''

(Well, it's not like we don't need your assist or anything because we can only achieve this by pure domination without anyone's help!) Huo Yun'er thought.

''But, there is no way that this head of the dragon nest can beat all of these attackers, right...'' Sin Lin'er silently muttered in doubt while feeling soul power fluctuating at the surrounding of the dragon nest.

(They at least has thousand of peoples.) Sin Lin'er thought while looking at the surrounding.

''And all of them a spirit master!'' She muttered.

(Not mentioning that they have at least soul doulou or even a titled douluo in every group!) She added while thinking about the odds.

(Sigh, I don't know if this is her confidence or arrogance!) Yan Shaozhe thought while also thinks about the possibility of the attacker in this night!

A wry smile appears on his face, and then he muttered, ''Did she really has confidence about his organization and leader of the dragon nest ability?''

Observing Huo Yun'er's tranquil blue eyes, Yan Shaozhe can't find any contradiction or anxiousness at all.

(She looks too calm.) Yan Shaozhe thought in a dilemma because he can't find any clue about this situation.

Huo Yun'er doesn't really care about their reaction, and then she waved her hands, ''Feixin.'' She said while gesturing something.

''Yes, mistress...'' Feixin nodded. After that, she then takes a carpet and places it in the spot while taking a few things like a teapot and a few cakes.

''Please sit down!'' Feixin said while respectfully gesturing her hand to the carpet.

''This..?'' Yan Shaozhe confused.

''You can just sit there and enjoy the show!'' Huo Yun'er said, and then take a sip of tea.

''Uuh, this woman...'' Yan Shaozhe muttered with a irritate feeling in his heart.

''Shaozhe,'' Sin Lin'er whispered.

The other member of the Shrek elder also shakes their head in confusion!

Not only this organization comes out of nowhere! They were also arrogant or maybe too confident with their ability!

(Fine! Let's me see the power of the dragon nest!) Yan Shaozhe thought while grumpily sat on the carpet.

Looking at this, Sin Lin'er and two other members also sat on the carpet while examining the surrounding!


Yuhao, standing firmly in the room, and in front of him, we can see a purplish-black armor like a dragon scaled armor full of many arrays formation that got engraved!

''Prototype 22D, The dragon-blooded battle armor,'' Yuhao muttered while looking at his prototype creating, which takes one year and a half to finish the prototype!

Not only to make this armor need a significant amount of precious material, but this armor also needs to refine or created with a very special blacksmith and engraving array technique.

(Sigh, and his memory inheritance is helping me a lot when I created this!) Yuhao thought with a smile while remembering Naga's memory and experience.

[Name: Prototype 22D]

[Type: Battle Armor/Dragon Blooded Armor]

[Description: A powerful armor made by a skillful blacksmith, and because of the rare material and technique, this weapon has insanely durability and defensive ability]

[Innate Skill: , Increase the wearer defense by 50% and by 125% if the wearer has a dragon type martial soul, this armor could block any damage below soul douluo or below]

[Spirit skill: and ]

A grin appears on his face, primarily when he saw abilities and , because basically. The first skill was counter almost half of the enemy attack, and the second skill is increased his strength by 75%!

Averting his gaze, A Odachi with a purplish-black handle and a single-edge 4,9-feets black blade appears in his view.

''Odachi-Prototype EW01,'' Yuhao said with a smile.

This weapon is one of the most remarkable creations he ever made! Not only every material were thoroughly processed with his thunder-flame, which increase his affinity with his martial soul.

Metals he used special alloys that he combined from precious metals and spirit bones! Which was very hard! even a normal titled douluo can break these alloys!

Not only this odachi will improve his power, no multiplying his strength to be exact! Because he has one hundred affinities with the weapon.

''The only drawback from this odachi is...'' Yuhao said while grasping the handle of the odachi.

''Its weight is too heavy for me right now,'' Yuhao muttered and then tried to lift the odachi in his hand!

(This weapon at least almost two tons, and there is no way an ordinary soul elder with three spirit rings could lift this weapon!) Yuhao thought while remembering the process of this weapon made.

Because the metal was alloyed comprised of many precious metal and spirit bones, the metal was too condensed! Which resulted in a further increase in weight!

''This is ridiculous!'' He said with a satisfied smile and then.

The odachi got lifted from the weapon stand, but we can see Yuhao muscles are throbbing.

''But!'' Yuhao said in his heart while a black chain with a mysterious symbol appears behind his back and start wrapping his hand like a gauntlet and glove.

Yuhao then once again tried to lift the odachi, but this time, not only this time, the odachi become lighter in his hands! Yuhao also could easily handle it because of the help of his chain martial soul!

While admiring his creation, Yuhao then tried a few swings of the odachi!

''Hahaha, this is great!'' Yuhao shout while a thunder flame sword appears on his other hand and then!


''Instantly got destroyed!'' Yuhao said with a smile, seeing that a slash of odachi could instantly destroy his thunder flame sword, which he already controls to maximum hardness and sharpness!

(This odachi also has spirit bone abilities, which three of them!) Yuhao thought while looking at his creation information!

[Name: Odachi-Prototype EW01]

[Type: Long/Great Sword]

[Description: A powerful weapon made by a skillful blacksmith, and because of the rare material and technique, this weapon has insanely durability and sharpness]

[Innate ability: Increase thunder flame-based skill or attack by 150%]

[Spirit skill: , , ]

[Created by Huo Yuhao]

[Innate ability effect will be invalid if Purgatory Thunder Flame not used while performing attacks or skills]

(I, Basically, Overgeared!) Yuhao thought with a wry smile when he sees the description of his creations.


''Young master!'' Ying'er said while opening an iron door behind Yuhao.

''It's the time!'' She added!

''Oh, ok...'' Yuhao nodded while patting Ying'er head and then said, ''Good work!''

''Hehe.'' Ying'er chuckled while purring in Yuhao patting!

''Ok, it's time to go!''