
(An: A New Chapter, Yey)

(I'm trying to create my own novel to earn money)

(I already had rough ideas and plot of the story, but I'm still thinking about the platform, and can you recommend me some?)

(Even though my English is not excellent as a pro, at least I can write enough)

(Btw, get some snacks and water, and Enjoy the Chapter, Peace!)

--- Chapter 43 ---

After Yuhao has done roaring to the heavens, his roar keeps echoing through the continent!

In the deep core area of the star dou forest, we can see a beautiful lake. Deep inside the lake, we can see a silver light.

Inside the silver light, a tiny world, we can see a humongous silver dragon with a majestic aura around its body!

Even though the dragon doesn't move at all, We can see that her eyes are twitching!

Opening her eyes, the silver dragon showing us a pair of violet eyes!

''That Roar...'' The Dragon silver muttered while averting her gaze toward the dragon nest, where Yuhao has already massacring all intruders that come into the dragon nest!

''Dragon god!''

''But there is no way, a dragon god reviving himself, right...''

''Because of the golden dragon king sealed in the divine realm...'' The silver dragon king muttered with a confused tone.

''Even though the golden dragon king becomes a dragon god, his power will be halved because he doesn't have his other part, which is me.''

''But, this roar...''

''This is definitely a dragon god roar...''

''But why, I'm feeling very unfamiliar with this roar.''

(Do I need to investigate it?) The silver dragon king thought.


''My wounds are still recovering, and I can't fight a god if my conditions are still like this.''

''I need to investigate this matter, first.''

--- In the Shrek ---


The Seagod Pavilion Master, Mu En, Opening his eyes while averting his gaze toward the dragon nest.

''This is...''

''Bloodline pressure.''

A frown appears on his aged face because not only he feels an unknown pressure sweep into his body.

His martial soul, Holy Light Dragon, sensing some pressure, and from this pressure, Mu En can feel intense blood suppression, which made him afraid.

''Just what kind of beast can pressure my martial soul,'' He said while calmly staring at the night skies.

Mu En martial soul is already a high-grade spirit beast and descendant of the Light Dragon King, but his cultivation level also at level 99.

Even though he has a deep wound that needs to recover, there is no way an unknown roar can suppressing him! Even if he was wounded!

''Dragon Nest...''

''Just what kind of monster live there...''

--- Years after the dragon nest intruder massacre ----

--- Secret base ---

In the secret headquarters of the dragon nest, we can see a kid around the age of eleven or twelve sitting calmly in a lotus position while a heavy waterfall, falling from the sky straight to his body.

The kid was shirtless, and we can see, even though he was young, this kid with short blue hair has a lean body with well-proportioned muscles.

''Hmm...'' The kid muttered while closing his eyes.

''Sigh, This is not working,'' He added while opening his eyes, showing us a pair of brilliant blue eyes that can see straight into someone's souls!

(This kind of training is not efficient at all) Yuhao thought while looking at his body!

Even though he already sitting in this place for almost a day! He can't feel any improvement at all on his physical tempering!

His body is not even changing color a little bit, even though the waterfall is heavy enough to destroy a spirit elder body!

''Do I need to go to those places...'' Yuhao muttered while thinking of two places in this world that can fastly help increase his strength!

(Sunset forest, huh) He thought with a shook of his head.

''Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well...''

''The places where two sons of dragon god fell,''

the Water Dragon King and the Fire Dragon King had fallen on the sunset forest, and their bodies were buried thousands of feet under the Icefire Polarized Eyes.

''Even though they're dead, their essence keep nourished everything there...'' Yuhao stated while remembering a few histories about this world story!

(What about the other place?) He thought while walking out from the below of the waterfall with an indifferent expression on his face.

Yuhao does not even care about the heaviness of the falling water, and we can see that easily when he walks out of the waterfall with an aloof expression!

''Young master!'' Shouts the cheerful voice of a beautiful girl with white-snow like hair!

''Ying'er?'' Yuhao said while tilting his head and wore his clothes.

''Did something happens?'' He asked while a flash of white light flying directly into his face.

(This girl) Yuhao thought while positioning his palm to catch incoming white light, which Ying'er, who already got caught by Yuhao palm!



''Did something happens?'' Yuhao once again asked while lightly patting Ying'er head.

(Hehe, He is patting my head) Ying'er thought with a smile on her cute face.


''Ah, Yes...'' Ying'er hurriedly stood out from Yuhao patting.

''It's about the Babylon tower and the recruiting...'' She said while taking one document from her spatial ring and give it to Yuhao.

''Oh, It's already done?'' Yuhao was amazed by the speed!

Yuhao then starts flipping a few pages of the document, and his eyes start flashing through the entire data on it.


''This person...'' Yuhao said while looking at the picture on the document.

A picture of a man with slender built and short black hair attached to the document, and from the data, a frown appears on Yuhao face.

''Ying'er, who is recommending this man?'' Yuhao asked while pointing at the picture.

''Hmm, the one who is recommending this man was Li Zhong...'' Ying'er replied when she sees the picture!


''Ye Wuji.''

''Martial Soul...''

''Black Dragon Spear.''

''Spirit Rank...''

''Level 58.''


''Almost 20 years old.''

(Sigh, He definitely from that Ye clan, right) Yuhao sighed while thinking about their unusual martial soul! Which capable of doing martial possession, but their martial soul itself is a tool spirit.

''What is this old-man doing.''

Yuhao trust Li Zhong because he was one of the most loyal people on the dragon nest, but sometimes this old-man is behaving as he can die at any time, so he wants to pass on his legacy.

''He at least can live for more than hundreds of years after he breakthrough to titled douluo realm, and longevity pills should able to increase his lifespan and vitality.''

''Sigh, it's already noon,''

''Let's go, Ying'er, Mom is already waiting...'' Yuhao said while making a hug position with his hands.

''Mm...'' Ying'er nodding her head and then falling herself into Yuhao embracing.

''Ready?'' Yuhao asked.


Pair of Dragon wings then appears on his back, and with a flap, two of them than flying toward the skies.