Chapter 20: Preparations are in motion.

Alistor and Nao was in their respective rooms that were given by Blyze, as for the others, Disoris, Blyze, And Micreal, they were back to the mansion as they had fun roaming around the town with a lot of activities were done, Alistor telepathically called Micreal. As Nao was wandering around the mansion and was wondering what happened, for her, she was too confused to understand, and she wanted to tell Alistor what happened, so she went to his room and knocks on the door and as she knocks the door, the door slowly opens as it was not locked, she called Alistor once but she didn't get a reply from him, as she looks around his room, he was not found but then she went to the door of the balcony, there she found Alistor looking at the starry skies and was in deep thought as his hands were on the marble railing and as the wind hit his hair, with leaves and the full moon, she was in awe looking at him, she was silent for a couple of minutes and didn't make a sound then she hides behind the door as she hears Micreal appearing and Micreal then appears beside him, while bowing and his hands were placed on his chest.

"You called sir?" Micreal said. "Did you figure out that shadowy figure earlier?"

"Yes" Alistor then walks towards the side where the town was, as he looked down and saw, it was like a thousand fireflies in one place and he saw all the people smiling joyfully, he continued "Belphegor is released a week from now, and I need to prepare a battle plan."

"Belphegor? You mean the demon king that was supposed to be seal by the arcane elemental?" Micreal ask him as he puts his hand on his sides.

"Yes, we need to gather everyone in the great library, call them because it's urgent and I need as much preparation as I can." then Alistor smirks and opens the door and said "Nao come with us please." then he goes down to the great library.

"H-he knew all along..." Nao said as she smiles nervously.

"Well, nothing is hidden for my master if you are under his radar, and that you are always under his radar miss Nao." Micreal said as he closes the door to the balcony and smiles at her.

Alistor then went down to the great library and knocks on the crystal glass ball, "Hello anyone home?"

"What? It's almost bedtime young people needs to sleep." as Skadi sluggishly said and yawns the scratches her eye, then all of his friends entered the great library and went to Alistor with Skadi.

"Sir, I brought them all." Micreal said to Alistor as he bows while his hand place on his chest.

Alistor nods and said "Thanks. Everyone I have an announcement to make, Belphegor is coming back."

Everyone was shocked as they heard the name, and their eyes widened as they were fully awakened.

"Belphegor? You mean THE Belphegor?" Blyze said to Alistor as if he was clarifying.

"He didn't appear for three whole generations, why now?" Disoris asked Alistor.

"Yes, he will break the seal and attack the capital Zulu, and his seal is weakening, we must kill him at all cost so that's why I gathered you all here and plan things with me." as Alistor smiles at them, he continued "I will tell you all the things I learned, so get ready for a long, long, discussion."

[The Day After]

The others were on the boat going back to the capital Zulu and Blyze came with them as his grandmother, Skadi, Allowed it. But Alistor was not with them going back to Zulu, as he had something to do on Standare Island. And Nao looked worried as she looks back at the Island.

"You worried Miss Nao?" Micreal asked Nao.

"Is he gonna be alright by himself?" Nao asked Micreal while looking at the Island.

"Don't worry, he will be fine, he isn't called my master for no reason, we must trust him, stick with the plan." Micreal said as he smiled at Nao and Nao looks at him with a worried face.

"I hope so." As Nao looks back at the Island and Micreal nods as he smiled.

Meanwhile, Alistor was on some part of the Island and he saw an opening of a big cave on the Island, as he snaps there appeared a bright dark flame, and he enters the cave.

"I believe that I saw something in the book from the great library that there is an Item that breaks all curses and it is in the deepest part of this cave I suppose, I better keep my guard up." As Alistor squeezes himself to enter a gap.


"I need you guys to tell Aurora for me that Belphegor is gonna break the seal, and you must go back to the capital of Zulu, tomorrow early in the morning." As Alistors hand was on the table and everyone already heard the situation, and they nods.

"How about you?" Disoris asked Alistor.

"Don't worry about me, I will catch up to you, your task needs to done and you must go back to the capital at all costs, I will be staying here in Standare Island at the moment," Alistor replied to Disoris and walks up the stairs and leaves the room. "Micreal, I'll leave everything up to you, and everyone listen to Micreal he will tell you everything while I'm not with you."

"Yes sir." Micreal said as he bows, then Alistor left and went outside.

[Flashback End]

"I must find this amulet before this noon, time is at the essence." Alistor said

and he saw a big room with lots of gold and treasures, no man had came into the room because it has full of monsters and traps, as Alistor then takes the first step, and Mystical beasts appeared and filled the entire room and he smirked, he continued "You want to dance? OK, Lets dance" then he summoned shadows that filled the entire ceiling and walls as it jumped on the mystical beasts and attacks them.

After a while he cleared the room and went to the next again he killed all the mystical beast in one fair swoop, and continued until he opens the last door that led to a room with a lot of gold and treasure, and in the middle he saw a violet glowing amulet, he went to get it, before he can get it, a giant dragon behind him appeared and claws Alistor, and Alistor fades like the shadow and the room was filled with shadows as if it was his playhouse, he pulled a few punches at the dragon and the dragon spits fire lighting the room and Alistor was revealed as he punches the dragon from below and knocks it out, as the dragon was unconscious, he grabs the amulet and he quickly leaves the room with his shade skill.

(Shade- A skill that he can fast travel anywhere inside the shadows and disappears from sight)

Meanwhile, the others got back to the capital of Zulu thanks to Micreals fast travel also after they docked from the harbor, they then tell the blackwood sisters about the situation in the travelers tavern.

"What?! Belphegor will be broken from his seal from a week from now? Where is Alistor?" Aurora said as she slams the table with her hands.

"My Master will come back eventually, for now he entrusts everything to me, and he said to give this letter to you when we arrive." Micreal said to Aurora and hands her the letter, Aurora reads the letter with her sister, Shire, then their faces were slowly getting shocked as they read the letter all the way.

Aurora and Shire looked at each other and nods, Aurora then clears her throat and said "I will help you, the request of Alistor is very heavy but I'll try."

The plan is slowly making progress as the preparation slowly work it's way up. The battle of the Elementals and Belphegor will soon come, and they will fight all out to kill him. Alistor went to the other countries while Micreal and the others had their own jobs to do. The Battle of Belphegor arc is about to start.