Chapter 21: The Separate Plan.

Alistor had the amulet of unbinding and is heading out the cave, while his friends of his makes separate plans for the preparation. As Alistor is a very advanced thinker, he always thinks the possibilities of the future, if one of his comrades dies what will he do? If Belphegor successfully invades the capital, what will happen then? he had all types of questions in his head thus he is making the grand finale for the show.

"Well, that's one part of the plan done." Alistor said while looking at the violet amulat at his hands and continued "Now, onto the next part of the plan."

While His allies is in the capital Micreal took point for Alistor's absence, they were gathered in a room with papers and books around them, and in the middle has a round table of which they plan.

Micreal then shows a map of the capital, where the capital was a very large circle and has walls, the monsters were gathering for a few miles ahead from the capital, he said: "So Listen up everyone, we have a week from now to prepare things and while we do that, the Mystical beasts and Monsters will be gathered around the capital ready to strike anytime, but they will wait for Belphegor's seal to be broken and be released from it, they also had Beast trainers so they can use the mystical beasts on the attack, Nao, go to the forest and find the most dangerous beast you can find and make it your own, you have the skill that Alistor taught you remember?" As Micreal slowly looks at everyone and stops to look at Nao.

"Y-Yes, I have one already, it was called the sea serpent maybe? But I will find mystical beasts so that we can have our own mystical beasts." As Nao clenched his fists up high and grins while doing it.

Micreal nods and looks at Disoris then continues "Disoris you accompany her, it will be difficult without an extra hand, think you can do it?"

"I will try." Disoris said as she looked at the ground.

Micreal then pats her shoulders and said "Don't worry, trust in your abilities, just like you learned from my master." then he smiles at him as Disoris also smiled back. "Hey, Nao." he called for Nao.

"Yes?" Nao replied and looks at him, then Micreal then lifts his hands in point-blank range and chants a chant that they didn't understand, Nao was confused as Micreal's hand was emitting smoke and gathers around Nao, then Micreal snaps at it then it suddenly blew up purple flames around her for a few seconds and slowly burns down and vanishes without smoke, Nao was confused, she said "What did you do?"

"I borrowed a part of my masters magic, and I casted a temporary binding spell, you should still be able to maintain your current form without transforming into a child again." Micreal said and turns around and continues with the plan.

As Nao looked at her hands, she thought "Binding spell? I don't see any changes but seems that this will work, I will trust in Micreal and Alistor's power."

"Shire, I will assign you to spy on the enemies base, not infiltrate them, but just keep an eye on them, if you see them moving towards the capital, report to me right away." Micreal said as he looks at Shire.

As Shire nods and said "But its a few miles, how can I report back to you that quickly?"

"Don't worry, I will assign a bird for you to report back to me." As Micreal then opens his palm and suddenly a bird poofs out of it and it was very black as the darkest shadows and it went to the shoulders of Shire. He continued "That will be your own bird, it's just like a telephone, talk to the bird and the message will be sent directly towards me, and I will reply back to you as soon as I can."

"I see. Will do." Shire said as the bird flaps its wings and they went out the door.

"Aurora, You and I will go fulfill the request that my master made through the letter that you received earlier." as Micreal looks at Aurora.

"Ok, it is a bit difficult but I will try to do it." Aurora replied to Micreal.

[After the planning in Standare Island, before they left the Island]

"Micreal, Please give this to Aurora and tell her the situation." Alistor then gives a letter to Micreal and Micreal opens it.

"Request the King and Queen to aid us?! but sir, it would be difficult to persuade them without any evidence." Micreal said as he looks at Alistor while holding the letter.

"Don't worry, give the King and queen this too." Alistor then gives him a bottle of nothing.

"Nothing is inside it sir..." As Micreal received the bottle of just air.

"Use your shadow's vision." Alistor said to Micreal as Micrel then closes his eyes and Opened it again and his eyes became black together with the white parts of the eye and he saw a purple shadow floating around the bottle.

"What is this sir?" Micreal said as he looks at the bottle closely.

"It's not dangerous, it will explain everything once the bottle is broken." Alistor said as he walks to the coastline and waves at Micreal.

"It will explain everything?" Micreal said and thought "You have a lot of mysteries on you, my master."

[Present Time]

"Aurora, whenever your ready." Micreal looks at Aurora and smiles, as they were outside the great hall to see the king and queen.

Aurora took a deep breath and breathes out, she said "Yes, Let's do this!" and they entered the great hall and there were two individuals that was sitting and they were the king and queen of the capital of Zulu. Aurora and Micreal bows at them for respect while they kneel on the ground and Aurora said "We thank you for your time, your Majesties."

"It is quite alright you may raise your heads now." the king said as he gestures them to stand up, and so they did. "What is this important business you have for us?"

"It is a very urgent matter milord, and this must be dealt with, the dark lord Belphegor is gonna be broken from his seal." As Aurora looked at them with a serious face.

The king and queen were shocked as they almost went out of the chair, the king said "Really?! the times of old said the seal was weakening and Belphegor will come back eventually, how must we stop this?"

"My good friend Micreal will explain it to you sire," Aurora said and nods at Micreal, and Micreal nods in response.

Micreal brings out the empty glass bottle and smashed it on the ground, then a shadow of Alistor was formed. The clone of Alistor said "Hello your Majesties, I am Alistor the trusty shadow, this is just a pre-recorded message, I assume that you said how to stop this invasion once Belphegor will be released. From a week from now, Belphegor will be released from his seal, and bring havoc on the lands of Zulu, but don't be afraid, I humbly request your aid for stoping this large scale invasion, because I have a plan in mind that is already beginning to move. I request your aide for defeating this demon lord." then the clone bows.

The king and queen looked at each other and the king said "I will tell the elders about this, and for now, do what you can, I will construct an army that will take a while but a week from now is good enough, we will help you, but what if we fail to stop this invasion?

"Don't worry, I ensure you that my plan will work and I will put my life in stake for it. For now, I bid you Adieu " the clone of Alistor said and poofs away while bowing.

"I don't know on how I can trust this Alistor of your's but I will comply. A week from now is enough time to create my army, don't tell the people of Zulu about this, it will cause a panic, for now, we must conceal this information and discuss this." The king said as he stands up, while he raised his hands toward Micreal and Aurora.

"We thank you Sire." Aurora said and bows once again, and they went outside the castle and stretches a bit, she continued "That was pretty hard without Alistor around."

"Yea.." Micreal said as he agrees.

"Well, the part of the plan is finished, we may relax for a bit." Aurora said and goes back to the tavern while micreal was following her.

[Chapter 21 End]