'D' for Date

Light bounced off a metallic surface. Suzuki Satoru had to place his hand in front of his eyes to block out the blinding glare. The grip holding that metal bat was firm. Albedo had already assumed a stance that radiated an extremely awkward vibe. A person without much knowledge on how this sport operated, would immediately know her form was improper.

Satoru was aware that baseball was a popular sport in Japan a hundred years ago but since the world's environment went to shit, the sport died out. His instructions to a clueless Albedo about baseball was from one page in a history book. He skimmed over it when he was a student. That was more than ten years ago. The amount of trust Albedo held in Satoru's word made him nervous.

- Wow, I don't think this is how they play baseball. If only I paid more attention in school when the teacher kept talking about sports. I thought it was such a useless talk at that time. Hah- I hope she doesn't ever find out how it's really played. I should have avoided this. I only came here because I thought it would be a good way for her to vent her frustration!

"Um, are you ready Albedo?"

'Yes. Although, I'm not sure how swinging a stick would be entertaining?"

"Really? I think it would be. Okay, what would you suggest to make it more fun?"

"Perhaps a reward fufu~"

- I see, you do have a point. A game without risk and reward can be kind of boring compared to a game that does have it. Come to think of it, Yggdrasil was like that too huh. Heavily rewarded and punished its players... I take that back. It was more punishing, damn shitty Devs!

The thought of him spending his entire year's bonus pay on the limited time event reawakened his sleeping disdain for gachas.

"I suppose we can do that. Then shall we make it a home-run.. Yes let's do that. Uh, you can't use skills okay? This is suppose to be fun."

The atmosphere changed drastically. He could hear Albedo's grip tightening around the metal. Satoru subconsciously worried if he made a mistake.


"Okay, I'm starting at anytime now."

Satoru paused for a brief second before pushing a button to shoot a baseball from a machine. In a split second, the ball he could barely see, had completely vanished. In his reasoning, he knew it didn't actually vanish. The ball vanishing, produced a deafening high pitch sound. His head felt an intense pain as his eardrums rang. His vision spun as he was disoriented. His body braced itself. He could feel he was being blown away by a strong force. The clothes fluttered rapidly at the terrifying air pressure that came from Albedo's position.

Suzuki Satoru was on the other side of the batting cage but it wouldn't protect him from the shrapnel-like pieces flying in all directions. His arms had instinctively shielded his eyes. The wind pressure that was produced by this beautiful figure was awestrucking. He knew Yggdrasil characters were strong but to experience first hand only confirmed he was in the presence of what could be considered a walking nuke. If she were to bare her fangs against this world, he was confident she could completely destroy the corrupted hierarchy and reform this entire world.

When the situation settled down to a point he didn't feel his life would be threatened, he removed his arm to take a peek. Albedo stood defeated with the distorted metal bat that had been caved in. Albedo worriedly shot him glances. She dragged her feet out of the batting cage and stopped before him.

"I've hit the ball, but I could not achieve a home-run. I brought shame upon you... please punish me!"

- What? You clearly destroyed the ball! I don't know much about baseball but, that's super not normal! If you held back then that could've been a home-run. Ah, well a lost is a lost.

"Ye-yeah, you couldn't achieve a home-run. It's important to consider the amount of strength you use. You can't always muscle through everything, so you lost."

Her saddened eyes instilled an uneasy emotion in him. It was right to honor a deal and she did indeed lose but at this moment, he felt like an uncle who wanted to spoil his cute adorable niece. There were always exceptions to things in life. If it was to make one of his guild creations happy then everything will be okay, he believed.

She quietly awaited for him to speak of the punishment.

"Well, you didn't make a home-run but it was really impressive, so I'll make an exception. What reward do you want?"

"Huh? Is that alright? I've done something to embarrass you, I've failed to accomplish something so simple."

"Yeah it's alright, like I said let me spoil you for today."

She quickly cheered up and brought her arms to her chest. Her big assets stuck out and his eyes naturally focused there. Realizing he had done something inappropriate, he looked back up to meet her eyes.

Albedo's eyes were shut and her lips puckered. It reminded him of an octopus, of course he would not say that out loud. Even if her lips looked like an octopus, she was still undeniably attractive.

"Albedo… uh, what are you doing?"

"A kiss. I want a kiss~"

- Ah shit, I dug my grave. Look at me trying to be an uncle. Where did that get you to. Ha. Ha. Ha. Idiot. Haah-

Satoru brought his face towards hers at a snail-like pace. With this slow pace, he could fully admire Tabula's creation. He wanted to succumb to his desires and discover how soft and pleasing those lips would feel. If he wasn't a virgin, perhaps he wouldn't be so shaken over this. It was speculation on his part, but he wanted to believe so. To ignore worldly pleasure was asking very much for him. His life held no romance, and he deemed himself to be fated as single for the rest of his life. Even so, he was still a man that secretly craved love. He only gave up because he knew it would bring him misfortune to actively pursue romance. He would see people very saddened over romance, he didn't want to be like one of them.

Even if he wanted to cave in to her, his rationality couldn't betray his friends. The friends who saved him from leading a very empty life. How could he repay his friends who had shown him good, with evil. It was not his way.

- It should be okay if it's this much right, Tabula?

He planted his lips against her soft smooth cheek. Pulling back, his heart pounded. Her face was extremely alluring while her eyes were half opened like a love stricken person. In order to stop himself from falling into temptations, he coughed into his fist.

"This should be okay right?"

"Y-yes. I didn't think you would actually do it."

What? So you're telling me I could've got away with not doing it? Wow, mistakes after mistakes.

"Ah- was I wrong?"

"No, I'm extremely happy Satoru! Ah! But if you would kindly listen to my selfish request, I'll like a kiss on my-"

Satoru lightly waved his hands to stop her from continuing. His confidence in stopping himself was steadily dropping.

"Sorry Albedo, let's leave that for later. Let's go explore the arcade."

"But you haven't had a turn yet Satoru. You said this was something you really wanted to do? I can't let myself just be the only one to experience what you looked forward to participating in. Ah, I would also love to witness your glorious form do this activity as well."

- Wow you're putting me on the spot! Well, I- I changed my mind! I hope you're not expecting me to shatter the ball like you did. I'm just a regular human. Besides… I don't want to pay for this broken bat and ball so please just let us leave already. I'm sure they're going to come here anytime now.

"Mm, Maybe another time. I think we should see what other things this place has."

"I see… That's a shame to be unable to see your wonderful performance. Then, I'll follow your lead."

To Satoru's surprise, they were never caught. Together they systematically explored the arcade. The machines were ancient but seeing one of the most intelligent NPC of Ainz Ooal Gown, getting her ass handed to her was truly amusing. The games brought out different sides of her to his attention.

She wasn't the only one to portray different parts of her personality. Satoru couldn't help but immerse himself as well. He initially took pity on Albedo, as he had experience in gaming. She was just a newly hatched chick that discovered what games were. Her coordination was awkward and cute. Even so, he did not let her win out of pity. He crushed her harshly while giving her pointers. He found it was somewhat interesting to tease her and see more of her adorable traits but, that wouldn't last forever unfortunately.

Hours flew by and as expected of a genius, she was now better than him. She decimated him in fighting games, pulling infinite combos that stunlocked him. In driving games, she drove on hidden routes and mercilessly attacked him with the pick up items. It was puzzling for him, it was as if she was bullying him.

'Ah, you're letting me win again fufu~' that line she said after every time she defeated him, stabbed his gamer pride. Did she really mean that or was that to mock him, he couldn't tell. He comforted himself with the thought that none of these games were his specialty, RPG. There was only one type of game they hadn't played left. A shooter game.

"Albedo, let's play this one."

"And this one is?"

"The House of the Deceased III, a zombie shooter game. So we take one of these guns and then defeat the zombies."

"Oh this appearance resembles Shizu's weapons, interesting. So the winner is decided by the amount of zombies we kill?"

- Shizu? Who was that again? Shi-zu, Shi. Zu. Shizu, Shizu, ah CZ2I28 Delta.

"Yeah, I guess. To answer your other question, this is a co-op game."


"Hm, that means we won't be competing with each other this time. We'll be working together to beat the game."

"Eh! Then, then leave it to me! I'll protect you at all cost! I won't let any of these lowly disgusting creatures come near you!"

- What are you talking about, this is just a game.

"Then let's start."

Satoru grabbed one of the plastic guns and she followed suit. Upon the game starting, he occasionally looked over to Albedo to check up on her. She was in the zone.

- Wow, what the heck. These guns aren't in sync, I aim and it shoots somewhere else.

His mind drifted into his daydreams. The interesting conversation between his guild members about an advanced power suit shooter game, Aberage.

- I wonder how pissed off Amanomahitotsu, Mekongawa, and Nishikienrai would be at this game's aiming system. Ah- I died.

"Grrrr! You despicable nobodies! You should keel over like the low level festering maggots you are! To hurt the man I love... I'll grind your body to dust! Satoru, I failed you. I'm sorry. How would I ever make up this failure to you?"

- This is just a game Albedo.

"No, it's fine- Ah, actually there is a way. Avenge me."


"I'll be back, I'm going to restroom."

He wasn't sure if she heard him as she started blasting away at the horde of zombies. He was worried if he could leave her by herself but decided it should be okay. He needed a break.

He had no trouble finding the restroom. Splashing the lukewarm sink water against his face, it was wasteful to treat water this way. He justified himself, surely this generous CEO wouldn't mind his action.

- Aaah~ I'm so tired~

Satoru was indeed tired but it was a different type of exhaustion from his usual. Today was extremely entertaining excluding what happened at the start. He could proudly mark it down into his stash of memorable memories. With it being such a pleasant experience, he hadn't felt this excited since years ago and it drained him. It was definitely a roller coaster for him. He could only go so high before he needed to go back down, now was that time.

Things had been so fun I almost forgot she was a NPC. Why does she love me so much? None of the other NPC has come yet, why her? Ah, not that it's a problem, but it can't just be because I was the guild leader. If that was the case... Then they would've all been popping out of nowhere right now, claiming they love me. I feel like I did something really irresponsible before the game ended. Ah, what could it be?

He looked into the mirror, staring at himself. Mentally taking himself back to the end game, he retraced the step's and action he took that day. It had been months since then, his memory was slightly fuzzy.

- So I talked to Herohero, then I went to the throne room after he left. Brought the Pleiades with me. Albedo was already there and then I- oh… I get it now...

His stomach twisted and turned. Guilt-ridden, the once happy emotions were instantly overshadowed by the negative emotions he harbored. The day was ruined. It was time he had to go back as well, it would be rude to keep her waiting. He started walking back but how he would face Albedo from now on, he didn't know. Could he ask forgiveness? He denied it. He could not imagine ever being forgiven by Tabula or any of the guild members. Despair seeped into his soul, if there was any way for him to receive punishment for his wrongdoing he might've felt better, but he had nothing to offer beside his own life. Even if he offered his life, he did not believe it would be enough.

He could see Albedo slightly from where he was as he fought to steady his breathing. He felt lightheaded and desperately wanted to run away but his legs kept moving forward. She loved him because he rewrote a part of her program. The thought of him confessing his wrongdoing to Albedo made him want to vomit. He dreaded to hear her response as well. She was the only tangible form of his Yggdrasil days, the thought of losing it terrified him. If she blamed him, it was the same as if all his pleasant memories denied him.

Upon approaching closer, he bumped into something. Did he knock something over? He didn't pay attention to it. The only thing he could see right now was Albedo, the very living thing that currently tormented him. The walk from the restroom did not give him enough time to recover himself.

"Albedo... Are you ready to go?"

"Yes! Where will we go next?"

"We're going to one last store before heading home... I think I might need your help. It's too much to carry. We could try and see if they all fit into your inventory... If it's okay with you."

- Ah, I should be on my knees apologizing... Instead I'm asking for her help...

"Of course! I'll always gladly help, you only need to ask and it'll be done!"

He didn't notice that she was overjoyed at this simple request he had given her. She was created to be of help to the higher beings, not like he could relate to her in this aspect. He was sucked up in his own world currently but thankfully he had already planned this earlier. All he needed to do was hurry the errands, so he could rest his exhausted spirit. Taking the first step, he hurriedly headed towards his next destination.