"What an awesome day"

Sprawling on the bed, Albedo tried to cover the most amount of space she could. She had been laying here even after the man she loved left the bed, still giddy over yesterday's date. It was one of her best days in her life. To receive a kiss from Suzuki Satoru, she believed she had used her entire pool of luck. Then another miracle happened.

- Fufu~ He saw I was being bothered by pests and shooed them away. So cool! Was he jealous! Ah, Satoru's cuter than I imagined him to be, I want to eat him.

Recalling the event, her dashing charming prince knocked over the annoying buzzing insects that had tried to court her at the arcade. The way he pushed them out of the way as if she was the only thing that mattered in the entire world, instantly once again captivated her.

- I was just about to lose my composure. To think he would save me, as expected of the most revered being in all the universes. Cool~

She had replayed yesterday the entire night as she smooched Satoru's sleeping face. Her inner craftsmen wanted to preserve this memory somehow, she was still debating on what method she would use.

- I mustn't lose this momentum, I have to push further.

She arose from the bed, tip-toeing towards the door to sneakily see what Satoru was doing. She could see the shoulder that she wanted to wrap her arms around. He was clearly doing something, but Albedo didn't know exactly what he was trying to accomplish. Not wanting to disturb him working on his project, she creeped up behind him. Upon managing to successfully get behind Satoru without being an annoyance, she looked at his nape.

- What could this be? I can't seem to figure out what it possibly could be. Is this something only special people have?

Her fingers lightly touched the metallic box shaped object on the back of his neck. Losing herself to curiosity, her finger accidentally grazed his skin. He turned his head in response, but she could not see his facial features.

"Ah- you were here? I'm sorry I didn't notice."

"If- if it's alright to ask, is that metal on your nape a magic equipment?"

"Magic equipment huh. No, it's not. I use it to connect to the servers."


"Yeah, I guess you could say to connect to an information network. I could also use it to connect to your world. Um, It's not possible to anymore though."


"Because the Devs shut it down so we can't have access to it anymore."

"So does that mean there's a chance to access it from other means?"

"Maybe, if you do something illegal. I don't have the power to open Yggdrasil back up. Hah- It's complicated to explain and I don't want to think about Yggdrasil anymore, sorry Albedo."

Unknowingly her eyebrows furrowed. She would need a deeper explanation in order to fully grasp a solid idea what he meant. She didn't know the term Dev, but she concluded it was a being that could rival her master. The many questions she had, she kept them locked inside. To inquire further after he declared he didn't want to talk about it, would be rude.

"And this is?"

"This is a television, it was famous back a hundred years ago. Nowadays we just connect to the servers but..."

Satoru pointed at the spot she had questioned about earlier.

"You don't have one of these so we can't do that. I have work again starting tomorrow. It'll be boring if you don't have anything to do. This will have to do it for now."

Albedo nodded. Truthfully she had no clue what he was talking about. The only thing that caught her attention was that he was starting work and she would see less of him. She didn't want him to go.

"I have it all set now, do you want to watch some movies?"

"Yes! I'll do anything you ask me to."

"I see…"

Inserting a circular object the size of his palm into a box, he then moved to the opposite wall and leaned back against the wall.

- I need to seize this opportunity!

"May I sit in your laps?"


Exhilarated, she took her rightful placement. The moving images of people on the screen did not pique her interest, she was too preoccupied in basking over the high she felt. She regained her reasoning after a considerable amount of time passed.

"Satoru what's so interesting about watching two people bicker amongst themselves?"

"Hmm, I'm not entirely too sure either. I think maybe one reason is people see themselves as the character."

- Hm? If I think of the female as me and the man as you then it'll be entertaining? I suppose that can be interesting but they're yelling at each other. I don't think I can ever yell at you. I can't imagine ever doing that unless you want me to. But- but that'll be hard for me to do.

"Another reason might be because it'll never happen to them so it's interesting to watch something that could never be possible."

"Mm, an interesting way to see it Satoru."

"That doesn't mean I'm correct though. That's just what I've heard."

Trying to insert herself into the characters did bring her interest into the movies. Initially she never thought she could ever relate to such disgusting creatures but with time, she internally cheered for the characters. She was ultimately supporting herself.

They both took breaks in-between. These study materials had ignited a hobby in Albedo. The choices of movies were mainly romance. They tried another genre but the selection went back to romance. She did not choose any of the selections either, it was entirely Satoru who chose the movies. She was doing something enjoyable with the person she held the dearest, she lost track of time in the movie binge.

- This movie is a bit…

She squirmed nervously. The movies they were previously watching were indeed dramatic but, they didn't display anything that could be sexual. It usually ended with a kiss. Currently the one they were watching, the characters were more physically engaged with each other.

The possibility of it happening between the two of them had aroused her. Pondering whether he intentionally showed him this film in order to make a move on her, she gazed up to assess his intent. His eyes were distant and focused on something. It was different from his usual facial expression. She couldn't tell what he was thinking.

Is he feeling the same as me? To be so caught up on the procreation of two people as well, how silly and adorable. Just leave it to me and I'll make it come true~

She closed in for a kiss. Planting her lips all over his neck. He didn't resist, taking the hint that this was a greenlight, she continued. From his neck, to finally his mouth.

Albedo kissed him during his sleep and it wasn't a problem then, but he was conscious this time. Lightly pecking his mouth with her lips, she was shaken with surprise. His lips pushed back against hers. A bolt shocked her entire body and left a tingling sensation. She wished this would go on forever and desperately wanted to pursue when he pulled back to breathe.

- Please don't stop Satoru.

He didn't hear her silent wish as he stood. Refraining herself from grasping his hand to stop him, he slowly walked to the bedroom.

- Eh! Does this mean I'm going to finally lose my first time? Oh yes!

Albedo hopped right up and impatiently entered the bedroom. She could almost feel herself having a nosebleed at the sight of her man undressing himself.

- Ah! I can't let him be the only one naked!

Albedo had never found clothes to be as annoying in her entire life. Her fingers fumbled as she wanted to just rip the clothes off. She couldn't be so careless to do that. It wasn't her clothes but a loan from Satoru.

Her womanly charm was bare before Satoru. His arms draped around her. Relaxing her body, she let him push her on the bed. She couldn't hear anything besides her veins thumping. Wild fantasies led her astray but with the many envisioned scenarios, she did not know exactly what would happen in reality.

He parted her legs and brought his face closer to her pride as a succubus. What should be her pride brought a sense of embarrassment at the thought that he was carefully inspecting it.

- If only I knew, I would have shaved! This is embarrassing!

Startled by the sudden strange sensation, she placed her hands on his head.

"Ah- that's dirty! I can't- I can't let you do this. Mn! I should be servicing you!"

Her mind was shutting down but his advances did not stop. A strong gush splashed out from her, dirtying her master's face. She felt it was wrong to dirty her master in this way but she was engulfed in a guilty pleasure.

"Hah- hah- There's something else I want more."

Albedo arose up, wrapping her arms under his armpit. She pulled him towards her like a baby. Not aware that she manhandled him, she swapped their position.

Starting from his neck, her lips traveled down until she came upon the thing she wanted the most. Kissing it, licking it, It remained flaccid.

"Is there something wrong."

- Particularly with me? It was not this hard for you to stand tall two days ago...

She looked up to meet his eyes. For once today without being taken in by her emotions, she paid close attention to his face. His eyes were focused on something else. It lacked life and warmth. The memory of her master's skeletal body flashed in her head. Alive but yet, dead inside.

"Is everything alright, did I do something that may have offended you?"

Her heart clenched as she excessively reflected upon her actions. Noting that he blocked his face with his hand, she worriedly waited for his answer. She could not figure out the answer, everything was going so well. Where did she go wrong?

"Albedo, you don't love me."

This again?

"What do you mean? Of course I love you!"

"No, what you're feeling is the result of me tampering with your settings. I made you love me."

"Is that wrong?"

"Yes it is. I dirtied Tabula's creation."

"I don't know what my creator would say but… I believe it is an honor to be made to love someone as magnificent as you!"

"You had no choice."

- Does it really matter! I love you so much that my heart dies when you deny me.

Her eyes teared up and uncontrollably her sniffles overrode her bearing.

"I don't understand. These past few days, it seems like you love me but your words reject me. Now you're entirely rejecting me. I don't understand at all! Is there something that you found unpleasant about me! Please tell me and I'll change… If my love for you is bothersome then I'll restrain these feelings for you."

She realized he never once looked into her eyes today. It was such an obvious hint but she was blinded by her own personal emotions. Now that she knew, a steady flow of tears slid down her face.

"Is there a way for me to fix this? We... we don't even have to do this. Just please come back to me and be the kind person you were. Don't have those eyes that have given up life. It hurts me so much."

Satoru did not respond back to her questions. The silence was unbearable for Albedo, she had to get him to at least talk.

"Please... say something. Can't you at least promise me... that you won't feel so sad anymore."

"I'm… not sure. Sorry. I have work early tomorrow. I'm going to go to sleep early."

"I hic- understand hic-"

Albedo wanted to smile to put him at ease so he could get proper rest but she couldn't bring herself to do it. Her facial muscles did not bend to her will. Instead she dismissed herself out the door. Her cries were silent. Wishing with every particle of her being, that the kind and gentle Satoru would come out to comfort her like the other day. The pain crushed her. The trauma of seeing her master's lifeless body resurfaced and dominated her mind. Those thoughts were very real, she could see his slumped body in front of her. It did not matter if she closed her eyes or opened it, she would see it. At this rate, he was destined to become just like his avatar.

His comforting words never came.