„sometimes, being lonely is better then being surrounded by people that can't see your beauty"
It was a peaceful afternoon in the old Japanese cottage, the air was fresh and crisp And the sun was almost in the very centre of the clear-Blue sky.
Maylea sat on the edge of the dock with her little feet in the water and softly played her cherry-wood flute, her plain light-purple dress matched the calm mood.
Maylea was quite a unique little girl with pale skin, silky caramel hair and big blue and purplish eyes.
Her looks weren't the unique thing about her, Maylea had extraordinary abilities such as underwater breathing, telling someone's innocence, wonderful healing skills and her power to transform into a butterfly.
It was her greatest gifts from god Maylea believed, she was ever so thankful for them but Maylea lacked in her physical strength, yes she knew some self-Defense but it wasn't her strength.
The soft sound of Maylea's flute echoed through the haunted woods, the woods weren't actually haunted but that was the name society decided to give it, but she could see why.
The woods was filled with tall pine trees that shield the sun' rays from passing through, causing it its dark look, Mist and fog lurked the forest making it hard to see what's hidden within the forest.
Their was a narrow road that passed through the haunted forest with twist and sudden curves, the road reached the entrance of the old cottage.
The cottage was old but still kept out the cold and was very classy looking with its maroon rooftop and the creamy brown walls and its plain interior.
On the other side of the cottage was a huge lagoon, the cottage was even built on the lagoon so you can sit on the dock and fish.
The lagoon was decorated with pink and white water-Lilles and at night when the fireflies and the moon were out, the wonderful reflection of all the light caused an amazing light-Show at night.
Although the lagoon was pretty, a sea-dragon lived there, it's name was Krýa nerá, it means ‚cold waters' in Greek.
Krýa nerá had a long slim body that stretched up too 20 meters long, his body is a dark navy color with a silver line from his snout that goes all the way to the end of his tail, he also has two pairs of big silver horns on the top of his head.
Although he took many lives and sunk many ships, if it weren't for Krýa nerá, Maylea wouldn't be here since he was the one that saved her long ago when my parents were slaughtered, She was only a month old and was tossed into the Great Lake.
Krýa nerá found Maylea very quickly and decided to give her to an old man named Kiam, he was old with pale skin, brown eyes and a longish beard that was tied off with a red ribbon.
Kiam rasied Maylea as his own since he was a lonely old man with not much money and worked at a small teahouse, but he gave Maylea the best life he could, he taught her life skills, to read and write. At age 10, Maylea learned to use her powers and healed her father from his illness.
Maylea has recently turned 13, she loves her father but she still wished to met her real parents someday soon, but at least she had her father and Krýa nerá.
Maylea put her flute down beside her, she was bored of playing the flute for two hours straight, she moved her feet gently in the water and caused a few small ripples.
„Father has gone down to the main city and didn't tell me why", said Maylea.
„He'll be back by evening. What shall I do to past time..."
Maylea stood up on the edge of the dock, she had decided to go exploring today since there wasn't a breeze in the air.
Maylea preformed a small leap into the air, a bright light came to fulfill her instant transformation, she was now a beautiful butterfly with blue, green and purple with a white outline, she was an exotic sight to see by the humans.
The transformation never hurt and only took her a second to do, her wings glistened in the sun's light and Maylea began to fly higher and higher above the lagoon.
Flying high above the land gave Maylea joyful thrill, watching people work, walk, towns alive and in action, seeing knew sights were always amazing.
Maylea decided to fly closer to the east coast, She never been their before since it's usually very windy but today everything was still and silent.
The beach at the east coast was filled with white sand and a small mountain range behind it all, there was a small dock off to the side, but with no boats attached.
Maylea looked up ahead and beyond the beach waters and in the distance, you could see very faintly, an island.
A new island for Maylea to discover, she could make the distance, rest a little and head back home before evening.
Maylea flew very carefully over the sea, the turquoise waves crashed lightly against each other, Maylea told herself if she fell in, she could just turn back to her human form and swim the distance.
Maylea Finally made it to the island, it had dark oaks and cherry blossoms growing all over it, it had a mini waterfall and a pond, it looked like the mini and lighter version of the lagoon back at home.
„It's so pretty! I could hang here for a bit then go back," whispered Maylea to herself.
There was a dock there too but there was a boat attached to it, someone else was here, but who? It didn't really matter.
Maylea flew into the opening of the small island and flew to the light pink cherry blossom, she took a seat on one of the small branches and looked down, a strange man was sitting underneath the tree, he seemed to be meditating!
The man had long white hair in a neat braid, he wore an expensive looking gold and light-blue fancy robe, he looked calm but lonely in a way.
Maylea stayed up in the tree and observed him, he must be rich due to the type of clothes he wears, but who is he? Maylea heard him take in a deep breath and began to speak to himself.
„I don't know what's wrong with me, I seek peace and calmness but an overwhelming loneliness surrounds me. Gods, I might have power, but I feel lonely..".
„sometimes, being lonely is better then being surrounded by people that can't see your beauty" whispered Maylea from her branch.
The man heard Maylea but wasn't aware it was her, he grabbed his rose-gold katana and held it up in front of him as a warning.
„Who are you, show yourself" he demand, his voice was cold as ice.
Maylea flew down from her branch carefully, she decided she should fulfill half of his wish, she approached him from above and carefully landed on the tip of his sword.
The man had gorgeous ocean blue eyes but were bold like fires, he has a confused expression on his face but also mesmerized by the butterflies beauty.
„Who are you?" he demand, wondering if it was the butterfly that spoke to him.
„My name is Maylea".