. A small chat with a Prince

„I hope to see you again soon, perhaps the real you"


„My name is Maylea"

The man starred at Maylea with disbelief, he could not believe his ears, a butterfly was speaking to him.

„You can speak? How is such thing possible?" asked the man.

„Im afraid I can't tell you kind sir," replied Maylea, her wings gently flapped and glittered many colors due to the sunlight.

„But, May I ask you for your name?".

„I guess it won't hurt to tell a butterfly my name. I am prince Ashai"

Prince Ashai, I heard of him but I never met or seen him before, but I knew he was not lying, he really is the prince.

„What are you doing here?" asked Maylea, trying to break the awkward silence between the butterfly and the prince.

„I was simply practicing my ‚flame Manipulation".

„Flame Manipulation? May you please explain to me what that is?", Maylea has never heard off such thing before, is it something to do with fire?

„It's a power that runs through the royal family, both my twin brother and father also posses this skill"

„Can you please show me what you mean?" Maylea asked.

Ashai gave her a small nod, he rasied his left hand up to her and lifted a finger a little bit higher, signalling her to sit on finger.

Maylea Hopped on his finger and waited to see what would happen next, Asahi held out his sword and chanted the words ‚blaze my flames'.

Suddenly a trail of blue fire ran up Asahi's hand to the tip of his sword, he waved his sword in a special way and a circle of blue fire formed around us, the fire was the color of water and continued to rage fiercely.

Just looking at the fire Maylea got a cold chill running down her spin as her first thought was ‚death'.

the fire began to rise higher and looked like it was trying to spread onto the whole island, but the fire started to disappear slowly.

Ashai put his sword back into its place and he waved his hand around, causing the fire to disappear.

„Why did you do that?" Maylea asked.

„We are surrounded by wildlife, it would be difficult to put out the fire before it burns down the whole island..", Ashai's face remained serious as he starred off into the sky with Maylea still on his finger.

Maylea looked up at the sky too, It was getting a little darker and small clouds began to appear here and there, it was about time for Maylea to start heading back.

„It was a pleasure to meet you, prince Ashai. It is best if I get going now" said Maylea.

„Your not really a butterfly are you?" he asked.

Maylea stayed silent, he knew she could speak, it was probably best if she told him, though Maylea.

„Correct, I am indeed not a butterfly but a human. I must get going now"

Maylea got ready for Lift-off, she remembered the way home, across the sea, past the east coast and continue further until she reached the lake.

„I hope to see you again soon, perhaps the real you" said Asahi.

Without looking back Maylea whispered to him the words ‚yes' and flew away, sneaking looks back at him to see if he was still watching her, which he was.


Maylea had arrived back home, the sun still hasn't began to set yet but the sky has changed to a light-orange color.

Maylea was back in her human form and was finishing up with making dinner, she had just set the table and plated the food when she heard the front door open, father was home!

Maylea threw herself at her father and welcomed him home, she was curious to find out about his trip to the main city.

„Welcome Home father! I prepared dinner, it's sushi! How was your day?"

„My day was wonderful, how about yours?"

„Mine was lovely, what were you doing in the city?" asked Maylea, but her father did not answer her question.

„let me get ready for dinner now" he said.

Maylea's father put his shoes away and hung his coat on the coat hanger, he washed his hands and did everything he did before like normal, but before he sat down at the table, he wanted to talk with Maylea first.

„Is their something wrong father?" Maylea asked.

Maylea's father reached into his left pocket and pulled out a small wooden box with little flower designs carved into it.

Maylea took box and opened it up slowly to find the most beautiful bracelet she had ever seen! The chain was rose-gold with a white and rose-gold flower charm.

„Is... is this real gold?" Maylea asked.

„Y-yes it is." mumbled Maylea's father.

He wasn't lying, he must've worked really hard and saved up for a long time for it, Maylea put on the bracelet and hugged her dear father ever so tightly.

„Thank you so much father" Maylea said while trying to fight off her tears of joy, she was so happy to get her first piece of Jewelry.


Maylea and her father both finished eating dinner and Maylea washed the dishes, she promised to never take the bracelet off, her father went to bed early since he was extremely tired. Maylea went outside onto the dock.

The sun had just began to set over the trees and the sky turned to a nice shade of pink and purple, the moon was starting to be visible but you can't see the stars yet.

Maylea was planning on visiting Krýo neró in his home, he lived in a ship he had sunken about hundreds of years ago, it was filled with his favourite treasures but Maylea never had an interest in it.

Krýo neró is a very wise dragon that could sometimes see visions of the future but he was someone comfortable to talk too.

Maylea stood on the edge of the dock with a smile of her face, it was time to visit Krýo-neró.