Chapter 464 : Standoff

"You said you did a few trials to get it as your reward? Please elaborate the situation more properly." Kolin glanced at Sato with an inquisitive look.


Just as Sato was thinking of what to explain, a knock was heard from the door which interrupted the atmosphere in the room. The three Master blacksmiths paid no heed to it as they thought that the individual on the other side would leave. However, they were surprised when the knock was heard once more at the door.

"I thought you said no one would disturb us here." Kolin glanced at the white-haired old man.

"I thought the same too." The old man narrowed his eyes as he grimaced his face.

"Who is it that dares to disturb us?" The old man spoke out with a low growl.

"I'm really sorry for that, Master, but two men are here saying that they won't leave without meeting you." A young voice belonging to a female sounded from the other side.