Chapter 465 : Next Course Of Action

"Over here."

Fudo, Xue Yan and the others waved at Sato right after they saw him step into the pub.

Right as he was headed to the meeting room with Kolin, Sato had told the others to what for him at a pub as it would be weird if they did so at the arena. The reason was quite simple; out of all the contestants, only the Cloudsmith was taken away by an NPC and had yet to return. If the team were to wait for Sato, they would be suspected of either trying to poach him or having a connection with the Cloudsmith, and chances were that it would be the second one. Once that thought was born in the minds of other players, it would be easy to correlate the once most wanted player in Black Rock Province with the Cloudsmith. And while the chances were small, Sato didn't want to take any risks and so had the others wait for him elsewhere.

"So? How was it?" Fudo hurriedly asked.