A Call to Arms

Seeing the destruction caused by the colossal beast, I didn't want to end up as one of its casualties and so, I fled as fast as I could.

Eventually, we made it out of the bone valley and the ape's forest by extension, but not once did I dare to look back. 

However, our near fatality was completely lost on the two brats accompanying me.

Morgana began hissing fiercely at the fleeing scorpions, extremely excited to see the creatures driven to retreat, and she even stared eagerly at the corpses of the defeated with hunger, like she wanted to stop and collect them before fleeing.

Meanwhile, the dark fae cheered loudly, immensely thrilled at the bumpy escape ride.

[Let's do that again! That was fun!]

I wanted to facepalm.

Perhaps they overestimated my capabilities – didn't they see I was fleeing for my life?

That colossal ape was dangerous, and I was so glad to make it out alive.

But I kept thinking…what now?