Questionable Alliances

The dark fae looked up from her fruit with a truly dishevelled appearance, seemingly confused at my question.

[What about her?]  she tilted her head in confusion.

[You said she likes me.] I reminded her.

The dark fae looked thoughtful before smiling cheerfully. [Yes! She does! She likes that you're shiny. And bright!]

[Shiny? Bright?] I was confused.

That sounded very much like a description of something she wanted to eat.

[Yes! You feel very smooth. She said she would like to stroke you all day.]

Hold on…

Did she mean she liked my scales? As in she wanted to keep them.

Oh hell.

But wait…I already knew that. I just hoped she would say something different.

However, when I thought more about it, this was also something I could work with. And I wasn't giving up hope!

Surely that couldn't be all?

[What else did she say?] I urgently asked.