The story continues with our protagonists and their warden journeying to Dr. Whiskey's forbidden base of operation, a.k.a his office. While on their way, Ricardo spoke to Carl about why he suspects that the guard is trying to 'lead' them to Whiskey's lab. Fitch couldn't have left the note there if he was already at the heart of their destination.
"Carl, bad news man, pretty sure the guy is jebaiting us or sometin. Think about it, he is the ONLY guard on this HUGEASS campus.", Ricardo logically explained.
"Now that you've mentioned it, it does seem quite odd. Maybe they rely on camera based security to trace for any intruders and guards stationed at convenient locations in-case a dispatch team was needed.", Carl answered.
As the two questioned the mystery, they promptly reached William Whiskey's fortress and to their surprise, the door looked as shabby as any office door at this facility.
"Ayyyyy, at least your 'office' wasn't the only let down'ere, amirite????", Carl's friend insulted.
The place was very well organized but unorthodoxically, it was decorated with alienated furniture when compared to a usual 'go-to' office. A mannequin, a stool, a bed, as well as a bar themed desk accompanied by the smell of Scotch Whisky filled the area.
"Assuming the dude was a short, evil scientist. This whole ROOM looks like one grand jigsaw puzzle or a booby-trap.", Ricardo.
The three followed the note's instruction which was to locate a button somewhere in this room.
First, they started with the bunk bed. It looked very artistic as if a master craftsman dedicated their entire being into perfecting it. The wood was from a special scented specie while the pillows and mattresses appeared to mimic the sensation of touching clouds. The bed was later desecrated as the detectives began their investigation. "Under the pillows, beneath the bed, or could it be next to the wall", the two pondered where it was hidden. Alas, there was no button to be found and they moved on to the next culprit.
The stool looked the simplest out of the other furniture. Inspecting it didn't take long as they only needed a tap to indicate if it was hollow and a good lift to see if there was a button under it. Luckless, they failed here as well.
"I don't know why we didn't start with the desk, t.b.h. It looked the most suspicious and the fanciest. Like we OBVIOUSLY had to search the normal ones first, just in case he big brains us.", Ricardo spoke with a disappointed face.
The bar themed desk was very complex, it had levers for pouring out Whisky, a small slot machine sitting atop and a compartment below serving as a cash register of some sort. They were at their wit's end as every lever, piston, drawer and valve did absolutely nothing. Not only did they not find a single clue from their probing, they also managed to make the guard feel on edge.
They were already on thin ice when they reached the mannequin. It wore a red bandanna and had holes all over it. A sense of pride like embers of fire sparked in Ricardo as he told his friend about the room's secret.
"My god, we had to look for a 'button' not a button. I'm glad we found the gimmick but I haven't the faintest clue of where we gonna get a button.", Carl.
Every hole was tried and none yielded results until the last spot was unveiled beneath the cloth. At last the troublesome puzzle had been solved causing the desk to begin mechanically deforming, taking on a whole new shape, containing a number pad at its center.
With the might and despair of a thousand bonobos, the now confused and stressed out Ricardo rapidly hammered the keys :
"Access granted"
The hopeless void inside their minds were filled as they heard the prerecorded message.
"YATTA", Japanese Ricardo spoke as he continued with "YATTA SOOOOOOOO, OREWA KAMI SAMA"
A small doggy sized entrance revealed itself on the wall and our protagonists questioned the height of their target in pursuit.
"I knew he was short but THIS smoll?," Carl told his audacious partner.
Ricardo still holding a Japanese accent whispered to Carl to make a break for it. They swiftly slid through the opening and left a now aggravated guard behind.
"It's a fockin maze lad, we either hoof it or we gettin shanked from behind", Scottish Ricardo spoke as he panicked further into oblivion.
"AOTROM, HIKARI! HATCHI! ADO ADO!", the two personas of our crazy hero clashed, like a drop of Mentos falling into a bottle of coke.
*The two fell out of a vent entrance*
"Ugh, where are we now?", Carl asked.
"Ah yes, we finally here and our fake painting is at the opposite end of this place. Of course, there'd be laser detectors cause why not??", Ricardo indirectly answered.
"Wait, I used to take ballet classes, and I've got a lot of moves in here.", Carl tapped his head.
He began dancing, showing no sign of halting. Using techniques ranging from twirls to bends, our news writer elegantly moved across the entire beam field with ease. A slide here along with a flip there, Carl was now face to face with their objective. Proud of himself, he turned to Ricardo with a smirk that was later reduced to a frown. There he was, Ricardo, standing next to the control box after disabling the lasers. His friend now slowly walks towards him with a weirded out face.
"Well, I can't complain since I got three of my questions answered : A, Whiskey didn't expect anyone visiting since he didn't bother moving the trap interface. B, The guard wanted us here cuz I don't hear an alarm or a siren. C, u r gae, I have no male friends who would even CONSIDER ballet", Ricardo.
"Anyways, let's crack open the spoils of this mystery shall we?", Carl spoke disregarding his friend's regards.
The moment they reached into the painting, the lights immediately turned off and they were later suppressed by a strong force trying to choke them unconscious. Their assaulter wore alcohol coated gloves which helped in putting the two to sleep. Without putting up any resistance, they were successfully apprehended.
"ohhhhhh, godddddddd, I feel terribly awful.", Carl spoke as he came to his senses.
Scouting the surroundings, he was now in unfamiliar territory. The scenery was so unique, in fact everything was carefully shaped into cubes of exact same volume.
"wot de fok, we in a flat earther's wet-dream, LEMMEEMEMEM OUTTT I DON WANNA BE HERE, GOD HELP ME IVE DUN NO WONG PLS!!!!!!!!!...", Ricardo.