Carl, a news reporter accompanied by his trusty comrade named Leonardo Ricardo, now seeks to explore the new world of Minecraft. However, our protagonists do not realize they are stranded in a deep sea of code within the database of William's invention. What does fate have in store for them?
"RICKY, calm down, deep breaths, okay? There you go, that's it. Considering the bizarre nature of this world, you wouldn't be surprised if its inhabitants were chunky and cubic as well.", Ricardo began assessing the situation.
"Yo, I think I see a village or something right over there, You wanna check it out?", Carl asked.
They both agreed to investigate the village closest to their spawn point. The two walked for hours on end without realizing that they had enhanced vision while in this world because William's machine was strong enough to render 64 chunks for each individual 'guinea pig'.
"HOW R WE NUT THERE YEET????!!!", Ricardo complained to his friend.
"It seems we can see further in this place and we do not get fatigued. But our drumstick bar is slowly depleting along with the bottle bar. One can assume these are our survival needs.", Carl.
"Ye, I can see that, Captain obvious, BUT DAMN, my mind is going numb from walking. I thought we were this world's main protagonists or something. Shouldn't we have more powers besides better eyesight and a graph that screams : You gon die lmao...", Ricardo continued whining.
The two finally arrived at the village and it completely shocked them as it was in a state of despair. The villagers looked pale, skinny and deathly hinting an outbreak of a violent disease. Most houses were in ruins and each person were just scraping by each day. There was a massive shortage in food and no one seemed to be trying to haul supplies. Hopeless wasn't too inaccurate to describe the state of the place, for the atmosphere was gloomy and the weather daunting.
"Oi oioi oi, this can't be our town of beningings, can it? The place is in a mess wtf. You'd expect a starting area to have more happy people and feel good vibes but this is just sad even for me." Ricardo whispered to Carl.
"Please, give....." *cough cough "me some food, please I beg of you, I won't have... long before I go.... at least, I can go knowing I gave", a pale villager spoke as he collapsed in front of them.
Carl couldn't confirm any signs of breathing or blood pulsing. He was already dead and the two couldn't have done anything to ease his passing. They later asked the locals to see if they know the man and if he had any remaining family members. Their questionings led them to a burnt down house with only a bed and a table inside, and under the table was a scrawny girl whose eyes lit up as the two approached her.
"DAD!!! You came back with help! I'm so sorry for burdening you..." the girl sobbed once she saw who the men really were.
"We saw his last moments, and don't worry, we got the message, you just stay put there, alright?" Carl tried to comfort the girl.
{Task Received : Food to Feed Thyself [Tutorial Series]}
{Task Completed : Food to Feed Thyself [Tutorial Series]}
"What the?", Carl spoke with a puzzled expression.
"STOP THAT THIEF, HE STOLE MY CARROTS!" screamed a villager.
"Ayyy man, I needa eat brO, you cAnT StOp SpEeD" Ricardo responded as he ran towards the girl and Carl.
"oh god" Carl thought to himself.
When Ricardo reached the house, he threatened to spit on the carrots to mark them as his possession. The chasing villager panicked and stopped in his tracks, while also kneeling down to kindly beg Ricardo to return his harvest.
"Please, sir, my family needs those. Another harvest won't come until one of us is already taken. Please, I don't want lose to any more children." He pleaded desperately.
"BrUh, u an NPC. Plus, u decided to have MOAR children living in an apocalypse. WTF is WRONG WITH YOU MAN?!!!", Ricardo told the villager.
"No dude, WTF is WRONG WITH YOU MAN?!!!! They starving out here and you had the nerves to steal?" Carl shouted.
Afterward, Carl told his friend to back down and return the carrots to the poor soul. The man had recognized the daughter of the man who passed recently and suggested she should be brought to the grand church with the other orphans. He lead our adventurers to a broken down church, not any grander than the houses surrounding it. The musky air worsened when they got near their destination as it was also a cemetery burying as many corpses as it housed children.
The two realized that each kid had one or more of their caretakers buried here and felt a great sense of sorrow. They could not have prepared for the events unfolding around them as they came from an era where famine was a forgotten world and diseases were nothing more than a small hiccup.
"I wanna go home man..... I don't" *barfs "feel like myself here", Ricardo softly spoke.
The now horrified protagonists were informed that there was an oracle resembling a priest offering refuge to the orphaned. The man goes by the name 'Julian Nigel' and despite being of greater status than the average person of this town, he was in no greater shape than a dying horse. Carl suddenly felt a chill and suspected that the 'tutorial' will force them to commit more heinous actions.
As our news writer finished his thoughts, another block of text appeared on his field of view.
{Task Received : Help Nigel to A Better Place [Tutorial Series]}
"Oh, god.... I'm going to have to kill him, aren't I?" Carl uttered in disgust.
"Come, Penny. And you must be the prophesied ones. Come closer, my champions, I am prepared to teach what must be taught of our world.", Nigel spoke with a deep crackling voice, like an elderly who is close to biting the dust.