The Fall of Sbeve

Our protagonist, Carl, now is trapped in a dilemma of choosing between progression or ethics. He does not wish to take part in this world's games, yet his mind compels him to do what must be done. Should he choose to kill a sickened denizen, his hands will forever be stained with red. Red like hate, red like the blood that would color his fate.

"It's only an NPC, END HIM RIGHTLY, don't make it harder on yourself or the children here, it's just a game, FINISH HIM.", Carl thought.

{Task Completed : Help Nigel to A Better Place [Tutorial Series]}

"What the? Not this again" Carl thought to himself.

"Dude, it didn't specify 'kill him'. Just lift him from the bed and put him on the chair next to him or give him a cane." Ricardo told his friend right after moving the oracle to 'a better place'.

"So you've chosen this path I see. Not many of your kind had spared me in the past." Nigel spoke with a soothing voice as he breathes in relief.

{Task Rewards : [Pacifist Series] Unlocked}

"I will now tell of how this world came to be and why your kin is living its last." Nigel continued.

The old one gestured to the church's caretaker and the villager immediately understood what the oracle wished for. He later took every child in the room elsewhere so as to let the three further their conversation.

"Come, my soon to be champions. Tread closer so that I may bless you with the knowledge of the ancients." Nigel ended with a hand held high as if warranting a handshake.

"I dunno man..... seems kinda gae" Ricardo whispered.

Paying no mind to his friend, Carl obliged. Soon after, green orbs that emit a yellow glow started flowing out of the priest's hand and into the two adventurers. A strong sensation of drowsiness struck the two followed by a gradually graying out vision.


*A flashback began along with a pause in time

Long ago, there lived a player who goes by the name 'Sbeve'. Sbeve was a hero of his era as he was the man who leveled catastrophes, built monuments that touched the skies, invented machines that would revolutionize our world, crafted items outside the tome of recipes and united player kind with mob kind.

However, with dawn comes light, and with light comes dark which heralds dusk. Among the player kind sprouted those who envied the great Sbeve and those who feared the mobs' gradual rise to power. They grew anxious and treason was cultivating, undetected by the ever-watchful eye of our hero.

One fateful night, when shadows and betrayal befell his stronghold. Sbeve was no more, he was no longer a hero, no longer was he a man with great influence, no longer can he continue a life of righteousness and no longer can peace be maintained. Now a man struggling with his last moments, he breathed, with great despair, the thoughts of why he had been done in by his own.

"If you lov'em so much, stay with those trash, no NPC should be stronger than the main characters." said an unnamed voice.

His dying presence drawn the mobs that he treasures so much, and one of each creature stepped forth.

"Do not mourn over my death, celebrate the life that I have lived, and that of which you will have lived when I leave this realm." Sbeve finished before violently exploding.

Green orbs now called 'Experience Points', poured out of his carcass. They sang the song of his tale, his existence, and what had become of him until the bitter end. Each mob took in the orbs with great grief.

The wolves howled.

The villagers cried in their own tongue.

Every mob soon followed the two kindred.

The song of passing danced with and to the wind, carrying an eerie tone of rage and wrath across the land of Minecraft.

With the knowledge granted, mob kind waged a great war against the players.

Each faction, a leader, and each leader, a title.

The mobs who have been gifted the blessing of receiving 'experience' and 'leveling up' first hand were titled: "The Founding Mobs"

The opposition was quickly overwhelmed with the odds stacking against them. Not only were 'The Founding Mobs' as intelligent as the players, but they also possessed their innate traits such as heightened physical prowess. Warriors were slaughtered ruthlessly while survivors were hunted down to be enslaved.

What remains from the war are only the select few who are later subjugated to a nomad life. They have no place to call home, no allies to call friends, and no relief to call comfort.

With great power comes great responsibility and mobs that absorbed too much experience from rotten players grew rotten just as fast. A hunger rose within our mob kind, an insatiable desire that would split our great alliance to shards with only reflections of the past.

*Flashback ends and time has begun to move again

"mum ma mia, that's a lot to take in. We just got here and we are already being prejudiced for something we didn't even take part in. I just hope we won't suddenly die. I've no family back in the real world but I still wanna get through this." Carl.

"OH NICE-U DESU, IT WORKED!" Ricardo rudely interrupts Carl.

"What worked?" Carl asked.

"LMAO, I skipped the cut-scene. brUh, did he give us a request or something?" Ricardo answered.

"No, twas only a lecture of history about why this place became such a shiethole." Carl briefed.

{Task Received : The Hollow Forest [Pacifist Series/Tutorial Series]}

"Go, journey to the forest nearby where knowledge will bestow itself upon thy selves," Nigel told the two.

{Quest Received : Gather Wood [Nigel Series]}

"We online now. BOIS!!!!!" Ricardo shouted.