All men are brothers, even if they don't seem eye to eye. There comes a time when people have to aside put their differences and make the best out of a wrong decision. Ryan currently finds himself bordered in by three ax-wielding pillagers. In terms of raw power, the enemy has a massive advantage over the grandmaster. Ryan, however, truly blossoms in lethal combat and he is about to prove to us that experience can triumph over preparation.
Time slowed to a crawl and Ryan had begun his transformation into a warmonger. Focus, learn and adapt, these were the tunes of war for the grandmaster of arms. A rapier in hand and a fishing rod in another, he flashed at an even greater speed from his previous duel.
After closing the gap between one of the vindicators, Ryan thrusts his blade at the center of his target which threw the soldier back and opened up the pincer ring. Even so, the attack did not manage to inflict any wounds on the pillager. Why was this the case?
"Damnit, prod 3. I can offset it with sharpness but I'll have to take a gamble."
Each soldier has had their robes enchanted with protective inscriptions unreadable to humans from our realm.
"dav plerng pi.... dav mut pi..... there, that should do it." he chanted. (Fire Aspect II and Sharpness II)
Despite being able to level the playing field within a few seconds, this move of his wasn't without its cost. As experience leaks through his palm and into the sword, his mind grew hazier.
"I hope I didn't forget anything important otherwise this would've all been for nothing"
Whilst inscribing, Ryan's rear end was left vulnerable which prompt the two remaining pillagers to charge at him. In a fraction of a second, they reached their prey and swung their axes in sync, both aiming for the head. On the contrary, the grandmaster had predicted this attack and lunged straight further at the thrown soldier to avoid any unnecessary hits.
Without even getting up, the knocked-down pillager was struck again at his center point, only this time blood spouted from his mouth. The wound cauterized due to Ryan's fire enchantment and the pain etched into the pillager's conscious. He was now unable to retaliate which leaves two opponents left.
Before recovering from their heavy swing, both vindicators were sliced from behind.
It was Carl who had been searching his comrade in the chaos. "right on time" *huffs "We gotta rescue Rick! I don't have a license for his funeral yet."
Joining his ally in the skirmish, he turned the enemy's pincer into one of their own. The sides clashed with each other ferociously. Both Carl and Ryan easily overpowered the two vindicators with Ryan doing the most work while Carl served as a decoy with unknown abilities.
*Meanwhile Ricardo
Ricardo reached into his inventory and rummaged for a crafting tab.
"Eureka! Some wood, some sticks." *Zelda noises "A-HA! WOODEN SPATULA??? BULLSHIET"
He proceeds to jam the crafted item into the beast's eye causing it to release him from its grasp. Upon landing on the dirt, Ricardo started sprinted away as quickly as he possibly can. It didn't take long but his escape was fumbled by a stray arrow into his head.
After hitting the shot, the pillager archer turned to his next target only to be greeted by a smiling Ricardo.
"I dunno man. I'm quite surprised meself." Ricardo answered.
There is an unspoken law in video game design, a revelation that brews questions and irritation for gamers. The defense points from a piece of gear apply to the whole body.
Taking advantage of the archer's lowered guard, Ricardo twisted the pillager's neck with all of his strength, killing off the archer. This drew the attention of the surrounding archers, causing them to switch their priorities.
A second passes and nine bolts flew directly at Ricardo. For him, the adrenaline rush from fighting had hastened his thought process, he was given time to allocate on finding a solution to evade getting pinned.
Ricardo's breathing started to relax, speeding up his eye movement. "focus... you can do this..... you've seen Ryan do this before.... look for a clear path.... UP!"
Just as the arrows were about to impact, he channeled every drop of energy into his thunderous thighs and propelled himself upwards. He now finds himself in the same predicament as his initial duel. How will he avoid the next barrage?
Ricardo restarted his rhythmical breathing and began canceling out all redundancies in his zone. His sixth sense manifested, pinpointing the location of every single archer that encircles him.
"ohmmm..... I CAN'T FOCUS!!!!! WOULD YOU ALL SHUT THE FCK UP??!!!!"
As he finishes his sentence, he feels a hook landing in his leather gear and a strong force hauled him across the entire battlefield. Two arrows managed to lodge themselves in both of Ricardo's kneecaps as the pull was slightly delayed.
While midair, Ricardo received so much information on the position of their enemies. Some hide in groups of three next to trees, some ran around in the open looking for rebels to quell, and the allied team was not in a good shape.
The scenic view that he got was breathtaking. It literally almost killed him since he was a free target for any pillager willing to shoot him down. All of the Ravager beasts chased after their meal, every archer repositioned to get a better shot at Rick, and the rebels of the camp swarmed towards Ricardo's destination.
Ryan held a relieved expression as he yanked our crazy hero to himself. At the same time, his face grew angrier at the approaching Ricardo.
Landing on the dirt once again, Ricardo propped himself up and equipped a set of spatulas, ready to bonk any unsuspecting foe.
However, as they make their last stand against the pillager horde, a loud demonic horn could be heard coming from afar the enemy's backline. Countless souls flew into the heavens, their men turned pale and skinny, and amidst the area of corpses stood the evoker resurrected next to the shadowy figure.