One can agree in life, nothing done leads to nothing fun. However, sometimes, it is crucial to know what you can do and stick to it rather than play an important role. For Carl and Ricardo, the whereabouts of William Whiskey and Fitch were still a mystery yet to be solved. Night shrouded the West Oaks of Minecraft and the camp of rebels was under keenly sharpened eyes.
The beasts that roam this biome are quite ferocious. Some grow colors that matched their poison to ward off predators while others use brute strength obtained through the survival test of the strongest. These feeble creatures pale in comparison to a new domineering force entering the battlefield. The loud sounds of foot soldiers marching from further West towards East could be heard by the scouts assisting our heroes on their adventure.
A well-organized army was slowly journeying to their next warzone to claim. Vindicators who know of truth and seek to clear themselves of their past advanced forward. Pillagers armed with crossbows stomp in unison to assert their presence on every mob nearby. Covering the troops' sides were humanoid mutants that stood with all fours mounted on huge bruised bodies signaling unspeakable acts to achieve their goal.
This was the Pillager's first division probing unit under the control of a ghastly shade of evil.
"The Villager King will have an important role to fulfill just like everyone else bound by the strings of fate." The silhouette spoke.
"I'm sure you all know yours."
"Yes, master. Your wish is ours to realize." each soldier declared.
"He will come to terms with us whether willingly or not. We have the other piece of his 'breakthrough'."
*Cutting bacc to the Resistance camp
"10 o'clock, 10 melees, 10 rangers, 4 ravagers, an evoker, along with 'him'" one of the resistance scouts spoke. "Warn the others, confrontation in 10 mins."
"GET UP! THE BOTH OF YOU! We've got company." Ryan yelled at the sleeping Carl and Ricardo.
Both woke up with annoyed faces, for their rest was rudely interrupted by the sudden schedule change. Seeing each warrior start to climb and search for a place to hide, our two protagonists decided to followed suit.
The once hectic site was now silent. The uncanny feeling of trouble lurking around the corner sunk into the minds of our heroes. They waited in complete darkness as they do not recognize the situation presented in front of them.
It's as the scout had predicted. The army of pillagers was now in the vicinity of the rebels' camp yet unaware of which ground they had stepped foot into.
The resistance group wanted to stray as far away from the horde as possible. The worst outcome of engagement could mean the wipe of their entire camp. Whilst stalking the evoker, Carl and Ricardo overheard their plan to try and persuade the Villager King to join them in their cause.
Excitement started to pent up inside Ricardo's being. He tried his best to suppress the outburst for the pillager army was not something that could be easily dealt with. Despite its small size, the resistance side lacked the proper tools and skills to snuff out the pillagers.
"No, Rick you mustn't aggro them, they are not something you can handle. It would be a one-sided massacre. You saw for yourself, right? Our side gayed already since none of our members could beat me one on one." Ricardo thought.
Being underpowered wasn't their only worry, after observing the troops' path Carl noticed they followed a single direction that had his brain in a mix. Again was our hero tasked with another consequential dilemma: Let the innocent suffer or suffer in place of the innocent.
"They're heading for Nigel's village. If we don't stop them now, it will be one huge festival of bloodbaths." Carl whispered to Ricardo.
"Ye, I already know that and I'm tryin to cook up somethin." his friend responded.
*one and a half brainstorm later
"oH wELL! wE cUt oUr losEs aNd sAy gOOdbye to PooR JUliAn anD PeNnY. Nothing I could do here." Ricardo casually spoke.
In Carl's mind, a whirlpool of guilt and regret was gradually forming. His heart felt cold and his chest heavy. "tis fate... after all, it's only a game. Don't play the good guy. They're all virtual." he started to convince himself.
"IF IT'S A GAME! THEN THAT MEANS I GET TO RESPAWN LMAOOOOOO!!!! NOW THIS IS SOMETHING WORTH DYING TO KNOW!" Ricardo shouted as he leaped down onto the unsuspecting evoker.
"SUPRISE BUTTSX!" he added before strangling the target.
"AIGHT! LISTEN UP YOU FCKERS" he pointed towards the enemies and his allies. "Do you REALLY want to see a rundown town of hobos get butchered up????"
Immediately after the unforeseen ambush, one of the ravagers charged at the stupid warrior and held his entire upper half in its mouth. The beast proceeds to head-butt the surrounding trees causing Ricardo to be rammed into each solid wooden block.
Just like the Drowned fight, this inflicted immense pain onto Ricardo yet he never had the thought of not being able to come back from the dead. He was determined to see if respawning was truly possible. This determination would only carry on until he got shoved through three trees.
Inspired by Ricardo's act of bravery, every single villager that is a part of the rebels jumped down and formed a pincer attack around the pillager army. In spite of being moderately outnumbered, Ryan's experience as a veteran knew that the opposition still held a massive advantage over their forces.
Although he was against Rick's idea, Ryan decided to land down and join the fray. Subsequently, he was caught in the middle of three vindicators each with a different rune embedded on their robes.