Girl in her dreams

Chen Juan nodded, and looked around. She was still here. If it was a dream she should have got back to her home.

"Where am I?" Chen Juan asked the lady beside her.

"Miss, it's your room," the woman said in shock. Chen Juan nodded, still confused about her surroundings.

"Who is Wan Xieren?" Chen Juan asked, remembering the guy's words. She looked up at the woman and was surprised seeing the woman's expression. She was pale and surprised.

"Miss, don't you remember anything?" the lady asked her, in fear.

"Remember what?" Chen Juan tilted her head sideways and blinked, confused of what was going on.

"Miss, your name is Wan Xieren." the lady explained, caressing her back.

"What!!" Chen Juan exclaimed. She is Wan Xieren, how? What is happening to her?

She got up from her bed, she felt dizzy but she still walked towards the mirror. She looked at herself, and it surprised her more. Her face, it was not hers. She looked like the girl in her dream.

Same hair, same eyes, same lips, how? "How can this happen?" Chen Juan took a few steps back; touching her face to be sure it was not a dream.

She lost her balance, and fell on the ground. The lady came running towards her, seeing her falling.

"Miss!" The lady held her arm to help her get up. She got up with the help of the lady, and then the lady took her to the bed and helped her sit down.

"Miss, is something wrong?" The lady asked, seeing her so shocked after seeing herself in the mirror.

"Tell me everything about your Miss." Chen Juan asked, realizing the truth that she was in someone else's body.

"Miss?" The lady was baffled by her question. Why was she asking about herself? Did she forget everything that happened to her?

"I just want to know, I feel I forgot a few things." Chen Juan lied knowing no one would believe her if she tells them that she was not the person they think she was.

The lady nodded and told her everything about Wan Xieren. From what Chen Juan learned from her, she felt pity and malice at the same time.

Wan Xieren was a rich lady, her father Wan Ziliang was a rich merchant of the country. Ever since childhood, Wan Xieren was engaged to the prince, Mo Xiuying, the guy who came before.

But a few years back, he fell for a peasant girl from another tribe and in order to marry that girl, he even broke their engagement. She couldn't take it, so she tried her best to stop the two and win back his heart. But the last straw was when he announced his engagement publicly, and she was not the partner.

That day she ran away to the lake and tried to kill herself by drowning.

After hearing those, Chen Juan was sure she didn't try to suicide. She saw someone pushing her into the waters.

Chen Juan looked at the lady, "Someone pushed me to the water," she said remembering her dream.

"Miss, what are you saying? Who was that person?" the lady asked in surprise after hearing her.

"I don't know." Chen Juan shook her head, she doesn't know who the guy was, but she was sure Wan Xieren didn't commit suicide but she was pushed to the water.

She didn't even know whether Wan Xieren is dead or alive. Either way, she still had to find a way to go back. She wanted to meet her family; she still hoped it was a dream that will end soon.

"Miss, let me bring some food for you. You are sleeping for days now, you must be hungry." The lady said before leaving. Chen Juan's stomach growled hearing the word food.

She blushed hard, feeling embarrassed. The lady chuckled softly hearing it but didn't say anything. She went out.

Chen Juan wanted to dig a hole and hide herself, how embarrassing it was. But remembering that she was in someone else's body, still feels like a dream for her.

She walked to the window; she wanted fresh air to think of what to do. She leaned on the railing and looked outside. It was such a beautiful garden.

It had every kind of plants in separate rows. It was dreamy; Chen Juan always lived in a city with lots of people. It was so peaceful seeing a big garden from the window, no one around; only her and nature.

She remembered once she told her dream to stay in nature to Zheng Yuhan. Remembering him, her face saddened. She missed him; she didn't even know how he was.

What happened to her real body? What about her family? Nothing, she knows nothing.

"Zheng Yuhan, will we meet again in this lifetime?" She looked out, remembering him. His smiling face, his hugs, she missed them.


In the 21st century …

A young woman is lying on the bed motionlessly. Lots of tubes connected to her body, she was breathing peacefully closing her eyes.

Beside her, a man was sitting on the chair, looking at her. He was holding her hands; his face looked worried and tired as if he didn't sleep for days.

"Chen Juan," he whispered her name lovingly. He kissed her cold and motionless hands.

Suddenly her fingers moved, seeing it Zheng Yuhan got up, checked her veins. She opened her eyes slowly.

Zheng Yuhan sighed in relief, a smile appeared on his lips seeing her awake.

"Chen Juan" he called out to her, caressing her cheeks with his thumb.

She looked around, where was she? She remembered leaving the banquet of Mo Xiuying, and went to the lake and she was pushed by someone. After that she remembered nothing.

She took off the oxygen mask, and looked at the guy standing besides her holding her hand. She took back her hand and looked at him, "Where am I?" Wan Xieren asked in a weak and hoarse voice, trying to get up.

Zheng Yuhan was a bit surprised that she took back her hand. Did she hate him? But nothing happened between them before the accident or did she know his secret.

He tried to push aside his thoughts, and helped her sit, smiling like always.