Greedy and selfish

Both of them are women, caged in their own griefs. If one wants to be a good mother; another wants to be a good mother but not for each other; but two different people who are in another world.

"Xieran," Luo Yiren muttered her name slowly. She felt pain stinging inside her throat on calling her name; it was painful.

Luo Yiren always feels guilty and agonizes for her. Somewhere she knows she is also one of the reasons for her pain.

Luo Yiren knows that Wan Xieran never liked her. And she knows why she hates her; Wan Xieran never saw her mother but the relation of a mother with her child is really unique and special one.

Wan Xieran may never have seen her but she was in her womb for nine months, no one cut off the relationship between a mother and child no matter how hard they try.

And letting someone in her mother's place is a really difficult thing. Even Luo Yiren doesn't dare to imagine some other woman as her mother. How can she expect Wan Xieran to accept her; but she wants her to accept her.

She wants to give her the mother love and care she always yearn for, but will that ever happen? Will Wan Xieran accept her as a mother; tell her everything like other girls tell their problems to their mother? Maybe that will only remain a dream but she will never give hope. She didn't believe that one can't melt someone's heart if they are patient.

Chen Juan slightly raised her head, on being called. She saw something in Luo Yiren's eyes. As if something was tormenting her from inside, and she can't even express it. Express it to others, she can only gulp it down like a bitter medicine.

Chen Juan already knew about things between Wan Xieran and Luo Yiren, but it was only said to her by an outsider, she still doesn't know what are the things that only both know.

Chen Juan was curious why Wan Xieran never liked Luo Yiren. If Luo Yiren was really patient and caring she heard and saw then why will Wan Xieran hate?

Someone will never hate someone without any reason, there must be sure some past or some misunderstanding between them for her to hate her.

"Last time, I didn't…" she stopped saying, as if she was hesitating to say it.

Chen Juan felt bad for her,"I already forget what I said, I was not in a right mind. You too forget it." After saying that she left out. Chen Juan tried to stay cold and stone hearted as if she didn't really care about it. She tried to ask how Wan Xieran act if she was there. She still doesn't know whether Luo Yiren is really good to her, what if she is a wolf in sheep's clothing?

She can't be careless, she was new in this world. She knows nothing about the people around her. Who was her friend? Who was her enemy? She can't identify, she can only act like Wan Xieran from what she knows of her. Yes, she hated it but it's life, sometimes you have to accept your destiny, you can't fight with it.

In this harsh world, one can't survive if they are not flexible. Life is like a race with obstacles, if you can't get over the obstacles, you can't give up; instead you have to get back up again and try again until you are successful. Chen Juan can't get defeated with just a small obstacle like this, she was not that weak. She will prove that no matter how many obstacles life puts up infront of her, she will not lose to it instead she will get up and get over it.

Chen Juan walked out to the garden, somewhere she made up her mind to go on with this life but it was still difficult for her. She now had to forget about her past, her family, her love, everything.

If she wants to start living here, then the first thing she should do is forget she is Chen Juan. Chen Juan from the time she transmigrated into this world. She was Wan Xieran, from her looks, likes, dislikes and personality she needed to change to her. Doesn't matter whether she hates it or doesn't like it. To gain something you need to lose something that was the law of nature; in her case she will lose herself and her past to start her new life as Wan Xieran.

It was her destiny; destiny that she can never apart with. But what she is unknown to is that if she needs to start living like that her other self in the other worlds needs to change herself to.


In other world…

Wan Xieran leaned over the window, was she really in a different world. When she finally realized where she was, she couldn't believe it, she felt it was a dream. A dream which suddenly turned into a nightmare or maybe not.

She doesn't know whether she is trapped in an unknown world with unknown people around her and most of all, in an unknown body. A girl she never met or heard of, but she felt jealous of her.

She got Zheng Yuhan, she got a perfect life one can ever expect unlike her. After her birth she lost her mother, and got a step mother who only faked love towards and her dad, he never sees her pain and even her love of life abandon her like everyone and as if that was not the end she was pushed into the water by someone unknown.

Her life was a joke, even she felt like laughing on remembering. Maybe this dream is letting her escape from her life. A life full of miseries and pain, and abandonment by your closed ones.

Wasn't her life a worse nightmare than this one, here she got love; love and care of your closed ones, they cherished you, they tried to protect you. Maybe she was greedy but somewhere she didn't want to wake up from this sweet nightmare.

Was it a bad thing? Maybe or maybe not but she wants to be greedy and selfish once, she never got those when she was selfless and caring for her loved ones.

This time she wants to feel it, she was guilty towards real Chen Juan but if it was her instead of her will she would not choose what she chose. Maybe not but she wants to.