
A girl is playing in the field of some village with another girl of same age

G: sapy play correctly. Aren't you in mood to play today?

S: ridz can I ask you something?

R: yes you can ask anything

S: what is marriage

R: marriage!… umm. Yes last month I attended one in nearby city. in this you enjoy a lot. Everyone dance, variety of food to eat. One handsome man dressed like a prince came on white horse everyone gather around him. Then a lady looking pretty with all heavy costume came near him. Then everyone present them gifts and they do photoshoot. You know then they take rounds around fire and

S: And?

R: and then I slept and don't know what happened.

S: does that lady leave with that man?

R: don't know. But why you are asking all this?

S: actually my sister is getting married and everyone back at home was saying that she will be leaving after marriage.

R: really. Then I am never going to get married. I'll not leave my parents and you behind.

S: me too 

Both smiled and returned to their playing.

Here phone is ringing continuously in someone house in village and a lady in late 30's picked the call

L: Hello

V: mom

L: Amy. How are you son?

A: I am fine. And how is everyone at home?

L: all are fine. When you are coming back?

A: mom tomorrow is my last exam and dad is coming after two days so I'll come along.

L: that's good. You take care of yourself .

A:ok mom.bye

They hang up the call

V: any whose call it was?

Any: mom it was Amy.

G: how's he?

Any: he is fine and coming after two days with his father.

G: that's good. Till then I will prepare his favorite laddu( Indian sweet).

Any: no mom you take rest. I will make it.

D: no I will make it myself for him.

R: only for him not for me. She said entering Malik house.

D: oh ridhi. when you came? And I'll surely going to make it for you. When Amy is not around it's you only you I shower my love on.

Any: come ridhi. I'll serve you food 

She left from there

R: grany is your grand son coming back?

G: yes baby

R: why is he coming? I don't like him a bit.

G: but why?

R: whenever he comes he teases me by calling fatty and used to fight with me. I doesn't like to talk to him 

G: if this he did something like this I will scold him

R: yeee… thank you grany. She said getting happy

Any served her food and ridhi got busy in having it.

Any: they can't stand each other for a minute mom. How they are going to spend their whole life with each other?

G: don't worry any. They are kids. Everything will change according to time.

Later ridz goes to her house and pam asked her to have food

R: no I had it at any mom's house

P: how much time have I told you not to visit there without asking me. You are even not wearing proper clothes.

R: mom

Sh: what happened to my daughter. Said shanky coming in

R: dad see na mom is again lecturing me for not going to Malik house

Sh: pam why are you saying her this?

P: whatever

She left from there getting angry

R: dad. She pout

Sh: you go and watch TV. I'll talk to her.

She got busy in watching her favorite cartoons forgetting the world around

Shanky goes to pam

Sh: why were you scolding riddhi ha?

P: shanky she if future daughter-in-law of that house. What will they think of her?

Sh: nothing.she is just a child

P:  but still

Sh: pam..he said sternly

P: ok fine. You have your food.

Next Day at City

A: yo raul. exams are finally over so what's your plan now?

Ra: I'm going to my maternal uncle's house

G: ohh how boring rahul

Ra: anji what to do I am not rich like you who can go on vacations many times a year

Anji: yar I didn't mean to say like that

Ra: I know.. sorry. By the way where is niks..he said Changing topic

N: here I am

She said from back

A: where were you?

N:  i was saying bye to some of my friends. As we all are not going to be in same college.

A: ya but glad we all are going to same college

Ra: yaa man.. 

Anji: so why not we party in evening

N: nice idea

A: but I have to do packing

N: ohh come on amy. You are not going to be here until results.

A:ok fine

They all had fun in evening and next day bill goes to pick up amy

A: dad

Bi: so my boy ready to go back home

A: yup

Bi: ok I have also a big surprise for all you once we reach home

A: what it is?

Bi:  I said it's surprise

A: and I know shanky dady surely know about it.

Bi: amy after reaching there you are going straight to home

A: no I'm going to dady

They bicker whole way to home and finally reaching home he rushed to shanky in fields

A: dady

Sh: Amy my son

He touch his feet to take blessings.. shanky hugged him.. abhi was also present there

Abhi: how's you?

A: great. And I heard finally you are joining me in college. We will have great time

Abhi: ya hope so

A: ok dady now please let me know about  dad's surprise

He make such cute faces that shanky can't stop himself and told him

Sh: you know na your dad has started a small factory at home few years ago

A: hmm

Sh: now he is earning a great profit from it and expanding his work

A: waao

Sh: so he is opening an outlet there and also hiring some designer and all 

A: waao really

Sh: Yes. And he has also purchased a bungalow there with all modern facilities.

A: that's a good news. Finally we are shifting there. And you are also coming with us ?

Sh: no son I m having my business here. How can I shift there?

B: why not you are coming along 

Sh: no bill. I will not leave my work here and we have already discussed it may times and my answer is still no.

Bi: ok fine. Amy your and my mom is waiting for you at home.

A: ok dad. And dady please tell pam mommy that I will visit her in evening and also ask her to make my favorite potato bread. And yes to keep it safe from that fatty.

Bi: amy. he scold him

A: sorry dad

Bi: come let's go

Amy and bill reached home.. he greet his mother and grany. and got lots of pampering and favorite foods.. he was very happy that now he doesn't need to stay at hostel.. as he is going to live with his family.. 

In evening he reached ridhi's home..and greet pam there.. was having his favorite potato bread when riddhi came in and

R: he calls me fatty and look he is having his fourth bread now

Abhi: ridhi are you counting how much he is eating by standing there

R: why not he is greedy for food.

A: but still you are fatty

R: why even you come here?

A: why you go to my house daily?

R: that's my momma house

A: so this is also my mommy's house

R: huh

P: ridhi you again started fighting with Amy

A: see mommy she is not even letting me eat my food

R: have it who stopped you. Buffalo

P: riddhu..she scolded her

R: huh . She leave from there..

Later from abhi and amy pam got to know about them shifting to City . she got happy and in a day or two whole village know about this and they started gossiping of malik family leaving to city and will never return back to do marriage of amy and ridhi. They started their taunts.

Pam is really stressed due to this but unknown to these talk amy and ridhi are enjoying their vacations. Amy and abhi used to roam whole day… sometimes play cricket and also help shanky in fields. Ridhi is excited to attend new class and she is preparing for that and spend her time playing with sapy or helping pam in some house chores… but whenever amy ridhi come in front of each other they used to fight and got scolding from their parents.

Next Day Bill and shanky both are sitting together

Bi: shanky you have faith on my friendship na?

Sh: why are you asking this?

Bi:  I know what whole villagers are talking about.

Sh: being a father of a girl I use to get Sacre about all this but above all I have faith in you

Bi: Never ever let this faith die. When the time will come I will surely to what our elders wish for. I will come back on time to marry our children

Sh: I will wait for that day 

Both hugged each other and amy listen to their talks was in a great shock and he runs from there.