

Amy run from there and reached an empty field.. ridz saw him and reached near him..

R: agree you eat like an ox but now you have started behaving like one

He look at her in anger

R: what wrong did I said? You were running like a wild ox

A: ridz.. he said in anger

She got scared

A: you just… he was not getting his mind straight

R: what did I do? She asked innocently

A: with you how can.... Marriage .. oh god

R: whose marriage?. who is getting married? I am going to stay with my parents whole life. I will not go with any prince

A: prince.. ohh please this  fairytale stuff

R: arrogant person. I don't wanna talk to you

A: then go to hell from here

R: why should's you who should leave. It's my father's field

A: ohh god this gril… stay.... Stay here ufff.. ( he was not getting straight what to say feeling irritated with the news he heard from his dad and dady)

He left in irritation not getting what she was talking to her and why their parents talking about his and hers wedding..

A: ohh.. this is scarier then a nightmares

Here shanky returned home to see pam very tensed

Sh: what's the issue pam... Why you are standing like this looking all worried. Bill and his family will be here any minute now for dinner.

P: is ready. I was just...she left in between

Sh: what's bothering you pam tell me

P: actually they are leaving. We should have married Amy ridhi before that

Sh: what nonsense you are talking. They are kids 

P: I know but everyone is talking about this. They start asking questions what should I reply them

Sh: don't you trust them

P: I trust them that is why I am giving my daughter to them. But now they are going to city. Life style is different there. What if in future Amy didn't agree? What will happen to our daughter?

Sh:  I agree with your concern but

V: pam is saying correct shanky

They turned and see amy family present there except amy

Sh: mother its

G: no son pam's worries are right. Every single person in village is talking about this only. We will be leaving in few days but you all have to stay here only. They will not let you live in peace. It's their mentality.

As they belong to village here persons are not well educated most of them are illiterate. They have very backward thinking so they passing taunts on their families which create very difficult for persons to live in such type of society.

Bi: but mom we are not having any other choice also

G: we have a solution

Sh: solution?

D: we will marry Amy and ridhi before leaving

Any: but mom they are minors. It's against law.

Bi: yaa mom and what and how will we explain them this thing. Amy can understand but ridhi, she is too young.

Sh: yes. She cannot live without us. Her mind will get effected by this.

G: I understood everything thing. But we don't have any other choice. We have to marry them now and took ridhi along us to city.

P: but mother how she will stay there.

G: don't worry Pam. She is very near to us. She can live with us.

Bi: how we will make them ready for marriage?

Sh: Bill you are going to city and law is strict there. If anyone comes to know we can end up in jail.

They all get tensed.. after few minutes grany spoke

G: we will marry them here as it's allowed here. We are not going to reveal it in city. Ridhi will stay there as our relative.

Sh: what if we marry them now and ridhi stay with us only?

D: no son it will give us more shame. We will marry them and took her with us. She is going to continue her study there. Her life is not going to change. I can understand your condition. She will spend her vacations with you and rest of the time there.

P: you are saying right.

Bi: but still we should think before taking this major step.

G: nothing more to think . This is confirm now.

Any: but who is going to talk with Amy?

G: I will and I am sure he will understand

Bi: but ridhi

P: shanky will talk to her. As she only listens to her father.

They decided to talk to amy and ridz in a day or two and then they will finalize the wedding day within 10 days.

Later amy and abhi came home.. amy told abhi everything he heard about his marriage in field.. abhi console him and bring ridz home. He was also not getting any thing straight as age distance is very much in between them.. and also they can't stand each other so why their parents are planning for it.

Whole gupta and malik family had dinner.. children's were all silently eating and elders chatting about work and all. Later mailk retired to their house and grany called amy to her room.

Amy goes there changing his clothes. He gets on bed and lay his head on her lap.. grany started stroking his hairs.

G: are you tired my son?

A: yes grany please make me sleep.

G: when is your result coming?

A: next month

G: oh then you are going to be in college

A: yes and you about my friends na...Niks,anji Raul they all will be joining me in same college

G: this is good. But there is one more kid yaa Atul. He is such a sweetheart. Is he not joining you

A: Don't know about him. We not good friends just stay in hostel together.

G: why he is very nice guy.

A: leave it na grany

( Grany visited many times to amy in hostel so he knows about his friends)

G: now abhi will also join you there.

A: ya and I am excited about that

G: and ridhi will also do her schooling there.

A: ridz..why she will go there? Is dady also shifting there. He asked getting all Happy

G: no son. We are taking ridhi along us.

A: why( he has forgotten about the earlier talk for few minutes as discussing about his future)

G: by making her your wife.

A: grany.( He is shocked that they are planning to marry them now) I am not going to marry that pumpkin and she is too young according to me.

He said getting up from her lap

D: please listen to me once

A: no grany. This is not my age to get marry. I have to study further and have to join dad's business

D: no one is stopping you from doing this

A: but

D: first listen to me

A: ok

D: son when ridhi was born your granddad was alive. He was a good friend or you can say brother of ridhi's granddad. You used to play a lot with Ridhi when she was a kid. You know you didn't even allow abhi to take her in his lap. but since you left for your studies to city you both started fighting. Why?

A: that fatty always make me angry

D: you are not going to call her this. She will reply you in your way only

A: hmm

D:  when you were leaving for your boarding school for first time. You cried a lot for ridhi. It's was very difficult for us to handle you. Then you grand dad pacify you by saying that they will marry you both and no one will able to separate you both. Then whenever you come back home you always ask him when ridhi is going to stay with you for forever. You once asked this in front of whole village. All eyed us. You know peoples thinking here .

At that Time your grand dad gave his words you her grand dad that she is going to be daughter-in- law of this house. she will be your wife. Then only whole village let us live in peace. We have to fulfill that promise. You loved your grand dad a lot. Please say yes. You will not let his words die. You will Stand by his words. Please son I also wish same. Amy thinks for sometime

A: ok grany. I will do anything for you and dadu.

D: promise

A: promise grany

D: my son... she kissed his forehead and putting his head in her lap.. pats him and he soon goes to sleep…

D:.hope shanky will make ridhi understand this.

And she too drifted to sleep.

Next day in morning shanky took ridhu with him to fields.. he played with her sometime and then make her sit on her lap

Sh: riddhi do you know your mother and dady are going to city forever .

R: yes dad I will miss them a lot. We will go to meet them na?

Sh: yes. But what if you stay with them only.

R: means we all are going

Sh: no only you

R: no dad I can't live without you and mom. And also my school is staring I'm few days.i have to go to new class.

Sh: yes baby but your mother and dady will be there and also your grany.

R: but you will be not.. she hugged his father in fear.. shanky placed a kiss on her forehead

Sh: do you know that there are very big and good school. You can make many friends there and can play with them after school. And Amy is also going to be there

R: I am not going to stay with that elephant

Sh: riddhiii...he said showing anger

R: sorry dad but he is very bad. He always tease me.

Sh: now he will not tease you as now you will be married to him

R: marry just like we went to one last month

Sh: yes 

R: wow. I will also wear lehenga and do makeup. will also apply heena on my hands.  .she said all dreamy and kiddishly

Sh: yes

R: and my prince will also came on horse 

Sh: yes and do you know who that prince will be?

R: no

Sh: amy

R:he is not prince he is an eleph... She stopped in middle

Sh:you are a good girl na and also obey your father na ?

She nodded in yes

Sh: then please marry Amy and go to city with your maa and dady. There you will go in new school and whenever it's your holidays you can come here to us. Like this you can stay with everyone.

She thinks for few minutes and then nodded in yes

R: but you promise you will come there to meet me and that Amy will not tease me anymore

Sh: yes bay i promise. Now being a good girl you will have a gift that is with you mom at home.

R: really.he nodded in yes and she left from there.

In sometime Bill reached there

Sh: have you talked to amy

Bi: yaa I came to told you about that only. Mother has talked to him and he had agreed.

Sh: That's good. I also make ridhi understand that she is going to stay with you all

Bi: it's a good news. I should told Mom so that she can talk to pandit ji.

Sh:  yes I will also accompany you.

And both go to Bill house to inform about their decision.