

Both families are very elated with the news that ridz and amy agreed to marriage. Grany goes to preist and confirm their marriage date after 6 days. Whole village got this news and are happy. Though amy understood the meaning of marriage but not fully aware of its responsibility and all. And ridz is very naïve in this topic. For her it's just going to new city.. new school.. making new friends and staying with her dady and mother… especially grany and also come to stay with her parents in holidays.

She is also excited that soon his abhi bro will also be in City for further studies. They started preparing for the marriage. They are not going to do every rituals just applied heena on ridz hand of amy's name(ritual of Indian marriage) ridz got super happy seeing her heena design

Then on the day of marriage there was some prayers in which amy took part. Later everyone applied turmeric paste on amy and ridz as it enhance beauty of bride and groom so it becomes a ritual. Amy wanted to invite his friends but his father make him understand to keep this marriage thing private for some years. Amy agreed reluctantly.

Ridz wore pink and red lehnga choli according to her age, looking cutest bride ever. Amy wore cream colors shervani looking like prince of ridz.

Ridz is in her room when amy came on white mare with band. Ridz get excited and rushed to her rooms window..

R: sapy we should also go down see all are coming I also want to dance.

S: riddhi your mother has said na that we can't go down unless she herself comes here to take you.

R: but I also want to dance she said sulking. See happy,Misty all are dancing there why can't we? See my prince is also there.

S: he is Amy bro na?

R: huh. my father do not get anyone else then this ox and made him his my prince

S: see you are marrying him now so should call him by respect. though sapy and ridz are of same age but sapy is little bit mature according to ridz.

R: I will not. He is bad, very bad. he is an ox, an elephant,an..

S: I don't know how you are going to manage in the city being with him.

R: if I have to stay with me. mother has told me that she will give me a separate room there and also going to stay with me if I fear.

S: really?

R: yup

S: You are not going to forget me na?

R: oww my sapy. How can I forgot you, you are my best friend. You also join me there.

S: no I want to stay with my mom and dad only.

R: Then you can do one thing when you are all grown up you can join college there only.

S: You know my family allowed me to go to school with lots of difficulty as they think a girl should not get much education. They are never going to send me to college.

They were disturb by pam

P: come on ridhi let's go down

R: Hoo sapy in your talks I forgot that groom has come and we also didn't dance

P: stupid girl which bride dance in her own wedding

R: mom.. she pout

P: ok now walk slowly with me till we reach downstairs do not do any mischief. And also obey to priest. whatever he will say follow it accordingly. Do not show any naughtiness.

R: ok mom

Trio move downstairs with ridz in middle and pam and sapy on her either sides. Amy is sitting on mandap when he saw ridz descending downstairs.

A: This faty also looks beautiful. he mumbled mesmerized by her beauty. But suddenly he came back to earth and think your mind is not on its place Amy you are calling this fatty beautiful..yuk

Grany and any move towards ridz

G: My daughter is looking very pretty today. God save you from evil eyes.

Any: Really you are looking like a doll

R: thank you grany and mother

Sh: come ridhi. Sit along with Amy here. He said with his eyes filled up as her little daughter is getting married today. A girl is very dear to her father. He was feeling heavy.

R: dad you didn't compliment me.. she pout.. all laughed at her antics

Sh: My daughter always looks pretty and today you are looking more then that

She smiled and hugged him.. shanky made her sit with amy and priest started chanting mantras. Ridz in between look towards amy who caught her looking at him and eyed her.. she made faces and concentrate on prayers. amy slightly smiled at her.

They exchanged garlands .Soon priest asked pam and shanky to do kanyadaan. Both her parents were having slight tears in their eyes.. but equally happy for their daughter.. they put her hands in amy's.. and then amy ridz were asked to stand up for circles around the fire.

Ridz is about to trip due to her dress when amy hold her hand and complete remaining circles like this only.

G: See bill my Amy has started taking care of ridz.

Bi: yes Mom I really hope he will looked after her like this only

After holy circles they again sit and amy filled her hair partition with vermilion… a pinch of it drop on her nose… she tried to remove it but amu eyed her not to.. so she didn't. Don't know but Amy was having some strange feelings .

Then he made her wear holy necklace which is a symbol of marriage in India slightly touching her neck.. amy for a moment got mesmerized with this small touches. Now they are declared husband and wife. They first took blessings from preist.. then move towards ridz's parents.. they both hugged amy and ridz one by one.. then move towards grany who blessed them and kissed their forehead. Bill and any didn't let ridz touch their feet.

Bi: You are our daughter first so no need to touch our feet.

After that all move to have dinner… very big arrangement is done for dinner as whole village is invited there. Amy and ridz were left alone for some time.

R: I also want to eat

A: hmm. I'll ask waiter to bring something to eat.

He asked waiter to arrange food for them.. who bought only one plate for them

R: you don't want to eat?

G: kids today you have to share your plates ok.. saying this she left from there

A: ok

R: I know you eat a lot so you can order more for yourself as I am also hungry.

A: ridz eat quietly. I don't want to create a scene here.

R: huh.. she started eating and noticed amy is eyeing the plate.. so she offered him a spoon

A: you have i'll eat afterwards

D: you guys didn't had your dinner. Amy ridhi is offering you with so much love have it. she said taking a chair near them.

Both amy ridz fed each other and also behave in front of grany. Soon it's time to say goodbye. They did all the rituals of marriage and now they are at gate of gupta house. Ridz is hugging her father tight.

Sh: Ridhi I have make you understand na. You are my lovely daughter don't cry… he said rubbing her tears and controlling his to bid farewell to her daughter.

Pam is crying and abhi is trying to console his mother.

R: I don't want to go dad. I want to stay by you only. she said getting all childish

Sh: darling you mother and dady are there na to look after you and also your beloved grany

R: Then why don't we live together. I will not go I m going to my room.

P: riddhi. You have to go with them. From now on you have to stay in amy's house

R: see dad. mom always wanted to part us. She doesn't want me to live here. Always scolding me.

Pam's heart cried more hearing this.. any took her in her arms

Bi: ridhi don't say like this. Your mom is your well-wishers. See you have hurt her by your words and she is crying. You are good girl. Don't behave like a bad one.

She nodded in yes and stand in front of her mother.. holding her ears..

R: sorry mom

Pam in an instant hugged her.

P: no my dear. No need for you to apologise

Duo cried for some minutes… amy too got emotional seeing her parents crying and is somewhere not liking tears in her eyes.

Sh: ok ridhi now you go with them. Tommorow abhi will be there to bring you back. As it's a after marriage ritual.

R: promise dad

Sh: Yes. Now go with amy

R: But I don't want to with Amy, I don't like him

P: riddhi he is your husband now. You should not call him by name. (As in India its not right to take your husband name)

R: ok. I don't want to go with Amy bro.

A: Broooo… he got mini heart attack hearing beo from her wife after few hours of marriage

Bi: dear he is your husband not brother. if you don't want to go with him. You can come with us.

R: ok

After hugging her mother, brother and father and still crying ridz left from there with amy's family.