Make her understand

On reaching home ridz rushed out of jeep and hugged her parents who were standing at door waiting for her.

They got tears in their eyes seeing their daughter clad in heavy suit with nuptial chain around her neck and her hair partition filled with Vermillion. But keeping their thoughts aside they welcome her in. She chatted with them.. played with her toys and then sapy joined her. Her parents feed her favorite food with their hands..then she slept in his eyes father's lap. Later when she woke up pam told her some do's and don't.. first time ridz listen to her obediently.

Later shanky and Pam sit together with ridz and thought to give her some advice for future.

Sh:Ridhi darling now you are going to stay with amy's family so you should listen to them like you listen to your father. You will never go out of the house without their permission as it will be new atmosphere for you there. You have to give everyone respect and never disobey them.

P: Ya baby do not argue with any ,bill or grany as they are older to you. You will listen to them politely even if they scold you for sometime.

R: But why they will scold me. Grany always loves me.

Sh: We know dear but still if someone scold you do no retort back. Your parents will call you daily and if you have to complain about anyone do it to us that too in private not in front of them. okay

R: okay dad. Can I now play please.

P: No ridhi first I want to talk with you in private.

R: dad

Sh: first listen to her dear then you can play

R: fine... she sit with her mother who adore her but equally worried for her.

P: Ridhi now you are daughter-in law of that house. So you should always help any and grany in household work. You should change your clothes own your own and if you want to wash your hairs ask any for help but wearing proper clothes not like you did with your mom. Okay

R: hmm

P: Also behave well with Amy and respect him. You should listen to him and do not create any fight with her.

R: but

P: ridhiii...she said in stern voice

R: okay fine I understand everything now can I play

P: go... Though pam tried to explain her few things but somewhere she know that Ridhi will take more time to understand it. If she knew that this is going to happen then she would have started teaching her few things from starting. She really hope that ridz will not embarrass them in future.

Here in malik house they see off their guests and then started their packing for city as its only 3 days left for their departure. They also take nap for an hour and after getting fresh they leave to gupta house to bring ridz back. All greeted each other in gupta house and then any and pam served the dinner. Ridz was about to sit when pam asked her to serve first

R: but I am hungry and also I don't know how to do it

P: still you have to learn it.

G: Pam why are you scolding her. come ridhi sit along with us and have food.

P: but mother

G: I agree that she is married now but if now then will you let her do all work at this age.

Pam nodded in no. Then let her live her life freely like she used to live before marriage. Later in her adulthood she has to do everything. Spare her for now. I don't know that in future she blame us for stealing her childhood. Until she reached the age of maturity I will not burden her with marriage duties. In city both amy and ridz will not follow any husband wife relation till they understand what it really is. Have I said correct any?

Any: Absolutely mother. I will keep ridz as my daughter. Pam you do not worry I am going to keep her like you used to keep her here. All smiled hearing this but it didn't get much in ridz's brain what they all speak.

Later Malik left back.. ridz again cried but not much. Next three days goes in blink as they were busy in packing and bidding bye to everyone. Ridz slept with dadi after that day. Amy cribbed inside but couldn't voice out his feelings.

But in between he took ridz to fields to talk with her and make her understand few things.

R: Are we here to play

A: No I want to talk with you something important

R: Why after marriage all are talking with me in private and something important.

A: Because it's necessary for you to understand few things. okay now listen carefully we do not have much time.

R: ok say

A: Ridz as you know now we are husband and wife but still we are small so in city we will be life friends okay. Do not ever speak in front of anyone that we are married or I am your husband . If anyone ask just say we are nice friends.

R: But we are not

A: oh God please listen you fatty

R: see again you called me that I don't want to talk with you about anything.

A: ok I am sorry please listen. We can be friends. I will not fight with you..but I will ca you fatty

R: but

A: Friends??

R: yes

A: So now listen. You will not ask anyone now even mom to help you change your clothes and not even going to change in front of anyone as it's not good for you if anyone sees you without clothes. All will think you are a bad girl.

R: but I have changed in front of you

A: Yes you have and from now on you will not. In city you will not go out alone at all. Always go with Mom,dad or me. But never alone. In school also you are going to behave and stay away from boys.. suddenly he bacame possessive for she is only his. He is feeling jealousy building in him.

R: why away from boys. Are boys in city bad

A: No not bad you can talk to them but can't play with them and cannot be alone with any boy. Also if someone tease you or trying to hurt you just come to me and tell me. I will look after them. Like this he made her understand few important things which will keep her safe in future and save her from any embarrassing moment.

She also somewhere understand his words and keep in mind to follow his words.

Like this three days goes and now it's time for them to leave their home. Elders got emotional leaving their ancestors home. They bid bye to gupta's. It's very tough for pam and shanky to see off their daughter but not getting weak in front of her they happily bid her bye and to malik's too. All settled in car and left for city.

There new home was at 3-4 hours distance from there village home. While traveling they took a break to have some refreshments. Elders feel good that Amy and ridz were behaving well with each other. They really hope that they will not repent their decision in future.

Soon they reached their destiny by evening. They just view the house properly as only bill has seen it before. It's a double storey house with a big entrance gate. Parking for four wheelers and a small garden. Then as they enter the house there are stairs on the side and a big living room with all furniture available. There is a modular kitchen on one side and all the washing area behind it and then beside it was a small prayer room and them grany's room not too big nor small. Just according to her taste. On other side there was a spacious master bedroom for any and bill.

Upstairs there are 3 bedrooms and an open area. One room is specifically for Amy with all the necessity he will require. One is guest room simple yet classy. Other one is of ridz with some toys and basic things for her. All loved the house specially ridz as a kid inside her was jumping seeing this big and we'll maintained house which she has seen in some TV dramas or movies.

R: Father this house is so big and beautiful. I really loved it specially my room through which I can see garden also. But there is no balcony in it like amy's which I like most in his room but still I love my room

B: If you want you can use amy's balcony he will surely not object. Right Amy

A: yaa... he said with half heart as he love his privacy but he somewhere understand she is his wife and one day he have to share his whole room with her.

Later they order food from outside and slept in their respective rooms tired of their journey and also to begin a whole new city life.