First day


A bright day with a bright life ahead they wish so. Next few days all are busy with their unpacking and adjusting in new environment. Though bill went for his work but also spend some family time. He took his family to city tour as it's new to them except amy who has stayed in this city for long. But still he was not allowed to roam freely.

Ridz was very excited as she see various breath taking views of city like Rose garden, big restaurants, MCDONALD'S, ice cream parlor, lake views and many more. She was really enjoying it and somewhere Amy was happy for her. It's like vacation for Malik family. After a week shanky, pam and abhi visit them. It's also necessary for them to come as they have to enroll ridz in new school. They choose the school in which amy has studied. So bill, shanky, Pam and ridz visit the school along with Amy as he want to visit his friends and teachers there.

They did all the formalities and ridz was asked to give interview to principal all alone. Though belong to village still she is bright student so she didn't hesitate and given her interview with confidence. Here bill and shanky quarrel over the fees and all expenses. As bill said he will look after it as ridz is their responsibility now but shanky insist that he wants to pay for her as she is his daughter.

Later shanky paid all the expenses and make a deal with bill that till they marry their kids again at a suitable age it's shanky who is going to pay for ridz school, college or tuition fees. And bill will give her pocket money and look after her other expenses. Finally ridz got admission and was asked to join the school after three days as she was 15 days late for her new session. All agreed.

Gupta family was compelled to stay in city for three days . They all enjoyed there. They all go for outings and side by side did preparation for ridz new school.i It's ridz who is super duper excited first she has shifted to city, second her family is also there for few days and third she is going to be in a new school soon.

Amy is free as there is 15 days time in his results to come out. He is also having his family time which he missed most due to staying in hostel. He thought that he will visit his friends who are in city once Gupta family will go back and ridz will join her school as he will be free.

Last night Gupta family left for village. Ridz was sad. Her parents again try to make her understand few things which she listens carefully. But today her mood is all happy as she is excited for her new school. She wakes up early and did her morning chores, get ready in her school dress, an off white shirt with light brown pleated skirts till knee. Short socks and black shining school shoes. Her hair is messy as she doesn't know how to tie a pony. Her hair is long which reached till her waist. But instead of worrying about comb as she ask any to do her hairs she is fudging about her tie which she didn't know how to tie.

After struggling for few minutes finally she knocked on amy's door who is sleeping like a pig in early morning. She kept knocking finally he opened the door just wearing shorts. He is bare chested. Hairs all messy and yawning loudly he ask her what it is. She eyed him and turn around.

A: what do you want?

R: shame shame poppy shame

Amy understand her behavior and immediately wear a tee. Them ask her to turn around.

R: tie this for me

A: you don't even know how to tie it.

R: No in my school back at home we use to wear salwar suit no this skirt and shirt. You know I have wear this buttons shirt first time. And also this short skirt. But mother said it's school dress and I have to wear it like this only.

Amy them noticed her dress. He actually seeing her first time in a dress like this. As she used to wear tops with long skirts or jeans and pants. He First time noticed that in shirt her breast is visible as in tops and all it appears still flat but in shirt it's visible a little. He is loosing for a kid having different kind of feeling. She never ever had this type of feeling for any of her female friend. She is really different.

Ridz bring him back from his la la Land. Amy take tie from her and started tying it around her neck. He was again feeling different with their closeness but keeping control on his emotions he controlled himself. Any comes there and noticed Amy helping ridz she was relieved.

Any: Amy you are awake.

A: yaa this fatty was banging my door so I don't have any other option.

Any: it's good she wake you up. Your father said that you have to accompany him and ridz to school as you are familiar with the school so have to show it around to ridz. So get ready you have 20minutes.

A: ok fine mom

R: mother please help me tie my hairs

A: yes she can'tdo anything on her owm. Spoiled kid. He mumbled and left

Ridz sulk but giving less importance to his words she happily left with any. Within 15 min she was completely ready had her breakfast. Hung up her bad on shoulder she was waiting for Amy near bill's car who was ready to drive. Finally Amy showed up after 5 minutes.

R: can't you walk fast. We are getting late.

A: there is still 40 minutes for school to start and it's just 15minutes drive from here.

R: so it's my first day. I have to reach early. Have to see my classroom and all other rooms.

A: you are weirdo

B: if you kids are done shall we leave?

Ridz bid bye to any and grany and left excitedly for her school. Soon they reached there. Bill bid her bye and asked Amy to show her around. He did show her few important places like her classroom, library, staff room, canteen.

She was beaming with happiness and also talked to one two girls of her class. She was immediately friendly with them. Amy noticed her this side first time as she doesn't talk to strangers easily. Finally school bell rings and Amy saying her all the best to her left from there. Girls asked her is he was her brother to which she instantly reply.

R: no no noty brother he is my hus….a close friend. I stay with them. His parents are like my parents only. We used to live in village and now his family has shifted here so they also bring me with them so that I can study in a good school.

G 1: Don'tyou miss your parents

R: I do but his parents also love me like my parents

G 2: lucky you.

Soon they left for morning assembly in school. Like this her whole day at school goes smoothly. She made two three girl friends and keeping in mind amy's advice she just say hi hello to boys. She was loved by her teachers as she answered their questions nicely. She was really enjoying her time.

Here Amy was kind of Missing her as they used to spend time in the house or roaming around. He left to meet his friends. Had a gala time with them. And then went to pick her up from school as Bill has sent his car with driver for them. Ridz filled in details of her school to him all the way home. Like this their days were passing. It has became their routine. Bill used to drop her to school. Then Amy pick her up. In evening ridz go to park with grany after doing her homework in which sometime she took amy's help. She has made few friends with whom she played and grany take small walk and chat with other ladies of her age. Later she help any with some house chores. It's was really going well with them in city.